
  • 网络Isamu Noguchi;Noguchi
  1. 战后,山口淑子出现在好莱坞电影中,并与艺术家野口勇(IsamuNoguchi)有过一段短暂的婚姻。

    After the war , she appeared in Hollywood movies and had a short marriage to artist Isamu Noguchi .

  2. 空间的雕塑&艺术家野口勇的景观设计作品解读

    Sculpturing of space : the landscape design of artist Isamu Noguchi

  3. 雕塑·空间·园林&雕塑家野口勇的空间景观艺术创作

    Sculpture Space Garden & The Landscape Art of Sculptor Isamu Noguchi

  4. 这个独特的喷泉由野口勇设计和构思。

    Isamu Noguchi was the designer and mastermind behind this unique fountain .

  5. 矛盾与探索:野口勇的创作道路

    Contradiction and Seeking : Career of Isamu Noguchi

  6. 此前她与日裔美国雕塑家野口勇的婚姻以离婚告终。

    A previous marriage , to the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi , ended in divorce .

  7. 野口勇是20世纪上半叶少数几个尝试将雕塑与园林结合起来的学者之一。

    Isamu Noguchi was one of the few people who tried to combine sculpture with garden in the first half of the 20th century .

  8. 她与野口勇的婚姻存续了五年,最后以离婚告终,之后她嫁给了一名日本外交官并离开了人们的视野,直到1969年她以脱口秀节目主持人的身份复出。

    After her five-year marriage to Mr. Noguchi ended in divorce , she married a Japanese diplomat and stayed out of the spotlight until she resurfaced as a talk show host in 1969 .