
mì mǎ
  • password;code;cipher;secret code;cryptogram;cypher;steganogram
密码 [mì mǎ]
  • [cipher;cryptogram;secret code] 主要限定于个别人理解(如一则电文)的符号系统

  • 密码电报

  • 密码式打字机

密码[mì mǎ]
  1. 所有重要计划均以密码送往警方。

    All important plans were sent to the police in cipher .

  2. 用分组密码IDEA构造的哈希函数

    The Hash Function Based on the Block Cipher - IDEA Cryptosystem

  3. 这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock .

  4. 进入系统请键入用户名称和密码。

    Enter a username and password to get into the system .

  5. 这个密码是我的电话号码的逆序排列。

    The secret number is my phone number in reverse .

  6. 这个密码可调出硬盘上的所有文档。

    The password permits access to all files on the hard disk .

  7. 登录需要密码。

    You need a password to log on .

  8. 把你的密码数字输入机器。

    Tap your code number into the machine .

  9. 我不记得密码锁的数码组合了。

    I can 't remember the combination .

  10. 那是用密码写的。

    It 's written in code .

  11. 用键盘输入密码。

    Key your password .

  12. 除非知道密码,否则谁也用不了那台计算机。

    No-one could use the computer unless they had a password .

  13. 恐怕他们会破译盟军的密码。

    It was feared they could break the Allies ' codes .

  14. 我还是无法破译该密码。

    I 'm still no closer to deciphering the code .

  15. 因为没人知道密码,所以任何人都不可能进得去。

    It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password

  16. 布赖恩键入了他的个人密码。

    Brian keyed in his personal code .

  17. 抄本上全是密码,这种做法是所有军队的惯例。

    The transcript is full of codewords , which is standard practice in any army .

  18. 科学家们找到了破解决定各种身体特征的遗传密码的密钥。

    Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature .

  19. 他套出了她的现金卡密码,然后用她的卡从自动提款机中取走了500英镑。

    He used her cash card , and the PIN number he had extracted from her , to take £ 500 from cashpoints .

  20. 这个间谍用密码发送情报。

    The spy sent his message in code .

  21. 它还带有特定的核苷酸序列即反密码子。

    It also carries a specific nucleotide sequence , the anticodon .

  22. 遗传密码在上一代确实很少有人知道。

    A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown .

  23. 我们不知怎么偶然发现了这个密码。

    By some strange chance we discovered the code .

  24. 我们已破译了敌人的密码。

    We have deciphered the enemy 's code .

  25. 为了进入,你必须打入特殊的通行密码。

    In order to log in you have to type in a special password .

  26. 兹阿尔斯基表示,对于苹果公司来说,一种相对简单的补救方式就是,未来推出的iPhone版本做些改变,手机在接受苹果依照联邦调查局的意愿改动的操作系统前,用户要输入密码来确认。

    One relatively simple fix , Mr. Zdziarski said , would be for Apple to modify future versions of the iPhone to require a user to enter a passcode before the phone will accept the sort of modified operating system that the F.B.I. wants Apple to create .

  27. Target和Neiman受到的黑客攻击也改变了成本计算:尽管零售商不愿按凯捷咨询公司估计的那样花费67.5亿美元让所有注册机兼容芯片密码,但他们现在面临的潜在责任要大得多。

    The Target and Neiman hacks have also changed the cost calculation : although retailers have been reluctant to spend the $ 6.75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible , the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater .

  28. (此前,塔吉特推行芯片密码卡的努力并未取得进展。)

    ( An earlier effort by Target to move to chip and PIN never gained progress . )

  29. 所以向芯片密码的转移可能取决于消费者。

    That 's why it may be up to consumers to move the needle on chip and PIN .

  30. 一些大银行,如富国银行,现在提供将磁条卡转换为芯片密码卡的服务。

    Some big banks , like Wells Fargo , are now offering to convert your magstripe card to a chip-and-PIN model .