
bái lián jiào
  • White Lotus Society;White Lotus society,a secret sect prevailed in the Qing Dynasty
白莲教 [bái lián jiào]
  • [White Lotus society,a secret sect prevailed in the Qing Dynasty] 中国民间宗教之一,源于南宋佛教的一个支系,崇奉弥勒佛,元明清三代在民间流行,农民起义军常借百莲教名义号召群众组织斗争

白莲教[bái lián jiào]
  1. 古代小说中的民间宗教及其认识价值&以白莲教、八卦教为主要考察对象

    The Popular Religions in the Vernacular Novels and Their Cognitive Values : Mainly Based on the Examples of White Lotus Society and Eight Diagrams Sect

  2. 我的儿子成天和白莲教的人厮混在一起。

    My son allied himself with the people of the White lotus .

  3. 清政府下令严惩白莲教教徒,被株连陷害者不可胜数。

    The Qing Government ordered to punish Bailianjiao followers severely and those who were involved in it and killed were innumerable .

  4. 1795年,一部分农民起义反对抗清朝政府的统治,这次传统上的农民起义史称“白莲教”。

    In 1795 , a group of peasants rose against the Qing government . This traditional peasant uprising was called " White Lotus . "

  5. 所谓东北会党即为明清以来活跃在东北地区的胡匪、马贼以及部分由白莲教衍化、派生而来的黄天教、金丹教等下层群众秘密集合体。

    Northeast Clan includes the secret public organizations of Huangtian society , Jindan society derived from Bailian society and the bandit of northeastern China and cavalry men .

  6. 本文以白莲教、八卦教为主要对象,对中国古代小说与民间宗教的关系做了初步考察,兼论民间宗教传播过程中的某些特征,以期引起学术界对这一领域的关注。

    This text makes a preliminary study on the relation between the vernacular Chinese novels and the popular religions and on the certain traits of their propagation .

  7. 正统宗教向民间秘密宗教衍变的原因和路径&以元代白莲教信仰嬗变为例的分析

    On the Reasons and Roads for an Orthodox Religion to Change into a Folk Secret Religion & Analysis of the Changing Process of Bailian Religion in Yuan Dynasty

  8. 中国的白莲教相信人们如果行善就会得到回报,脱离轮回的苦海,通往西方极乐世界居住。

    The Lotus Sect of Chinese Buddhism believes that people can be rewarded for virtuous acts by leaving the cycle of reincarnation and going to dwell in the Western Heaven .