
bái zhǎn jī
  • chicken poached in fragrant soup stock, served cold
白斩鸡 [bái zhǎn jī]
  • [a chicken dish] 白切鸡,鸡肉白水煮熟蘸佐料食用的一种菜肴

  1. 这道菜不过就是白斩鸡配米饭。

    The dish is nothing more than poached chicken served over rice .

  2. 白嫩嫩的白斩鸡,点缀上两棵香菜,看着就流口水。

    My mouth is watering looking at the sliced cold chicken with twovanillas .

  3. 我特别爱吃白斩鸡。

    I like eating boiled chicken very much .

  4. 白斩鸡呀将童子鸡煮到肉很嫩的时候,剁碎后蘸酱吃。

    Spring chickens are boiled till tender , then chopped up and served with a dipping sauce 。