
  • 网络Free farmer;free peasant;Kolmer
  1. 只要事物的发展允许这种处置财产的方式持续下去,这种社会状况对于大多数自由农民来说也许并不坏。

    So long as the process of events permitted this disposition of property to last , the state of society was , for the majority of the free cultivators , probably not an undesirable one ;

  2. 工商家有很大的自由向农民宣传并推荐杀虫剂。

    Businesses have considerable freedom to advertise and recommend pesticides to the farmer .

  3. 他们之所以需要逃离,部分是因为许多巴黎人曾经是没有人身自由的农民。

    They need to escape partly because so many of them are ex-peasants living in captivity .

  4. 在封建等级底层的是农奴&和奴隶差不多的没有自由的农民。

    At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villains or serfs , unfree peasants who were little better than slaves .

  5. 介于罗马隶农和新的农奴之间的是自由的法兰克农民。

    Between the Roman colon-us and the new bondsman had stood the free Frankish peasant .

  6. 也可以说,在中国,迁徙自由权主要是农民争取身份平等,获得平等保护的问题。

    In China , it is mostly about the problem of equality .

  7. 农村宅基地是否可以自由流转,关乎农民的切身利益。我国相关法律禁止农村宅基地流转。

    According to the provisions of law , rural residence land usufruct is forbidden to transfer in China .