
  • 网络Ancient Greek comedy
  1. 他说你显然比较喜欢希腊喜剧,而非希腊悲剧。

    He said you obviously prefer Greek comedies to Greek tragedies .

  2. 古希腊是西方喜剧的发源地,而阿提卡又是古希腊喜剧文化最为繁荣的地区。

    The comedy originates in ancient Greece , and the Attica is the most prosperous region of comedy culture in ancient Greece .

  3. 中国戏曲作为传统艺术文化的精华,不仅在时间上源远流长,更是中华民族文化和精神的写照,更是与希腊悲剧、喜剧;印度梵剧一起被称作世界上三种古老戏剧文化。

    Chinese Opera has a long history and its the essence of our traditional arts and culture , not only portrayal of Chinese culture and spirit but also the World , Chinese Opera with the Greek tragedy .