
  • 网络dramatic plot;plot of play
  1. 按照展示空间的设计步骤,从主题确定与前期策划,故事框架与展厅布局,戏剧情节与空间形态,角色塑造与展示陈列,体验复合与媒体技术,五个方面进行了深入的分析。

    According to the steps of display space designing , the method has been analyzed deeply from five aspects , such as theme determination and pre-plan , story framework and exhibition layout , dramatic plot and space form , role shaping and displaying , experience composition and media technology .

  2. 中西戏剧情节论之比较

    COMPARE A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Dramatic Theories of Plot

  3. 但随着戏剧情节的推进,很多观众会问:谁是真正的恶人?

    But as the drama unfolds , many in the audience will ask : who were the true villains ?

  4. 这一基本的戏剧情节影响了整个末日天启思想,从法国部落货物崇拜的基本理论到不明飞行物教派的信仰。

    This basic drama shapes all apocalyptic thought , from the tenets of tribal cargo cults to the beliefs of UFO sects .

  5. 对节目作一些简单的评述,但不要有任何的暗示,使孩子们通过联想,为自己对戏剧情节和武器的着迷而感到愧疚。

    Make simple critique of a show without implying that her fascination with the drama and the weapons makes her guilty by association .

  6. 中国古典戏剧情节艺术的孤独高峰&从欧洲传统戏剧情节理论看《西厢记》

    The Unique Summit of the Plot-Arrangement Art in the Classic Chinese Dramas : Xi xiang ji Viewed according to Plot Theories of the European Traditional Dramas ;

  7. 还有评论家指出:“这部电影最多只能算是一个‘可敬的’的失败者,它有着气势磅礴的壮观画面,但却缺少对于一部电影来说至关重要的元素&戏剧情节与感情投入。”

    Daily Variety called the film ," at best an honorable failure , an intelligent and ambitious picture that crucially lacks dramatic flair and emotional involvement . "

  8. 普契尼以其感人肺腑的戏剧情节和优美、清新、结构缜密的音乐成为了继威尔第之后最具有影响力的歌剧作曲家。

    Puccini became the second most influential operatic composer subsequent to Verdi due to his profoundly moving operatic plot as well as the beautifully fresh , structurally careful music .

  9. 中西戏剧情节论之比较第三章为情节论,探讨的是毛姆小说的情节特征,也分为三个小节。

    Chapter Three is " the discussion of plot ", it explores the features of the plot in Maugham ' novels . This part is also divided into three sections .

  10. 并通过对歌剧重要的咏叹调、重唱、合唱以及戏剧情节音乐的分析来观察这部歌剧的音乐风格。

    Secondly , Go into to the music body , Opera is important by the pair Aria , Chorus and drama circumstance analysis The story of a play to this opera assurance having globality .

  11. 《哈姆雷特》戏剧情节的发展包含两条线索,主要线索是哈姆雷特的复仇过程,次要线索是哈姆雷特与奥菲利娅的爱情历程。

    In this play the plot develops according to two clues , of which the process of Hamlet 's revenge is the major one while the development of love between Hamlet and Ophelia is subordinate .

  12. 作家正在酝酿戏剧的情节。

    The writer is working up the plot of a drama .

  13. 戏剧的情节非常复杂。

    The plot of this drama is very complicated .

  14. 现代戏剧的情节模式

    Plot Mode of Modern Theatre

  15. 本文试从契诃夫戏剧的情节、进程、动作、语言几个方面去分析静止戏剧理论在契诃夫戏剧中的具体运用。

    This article attempts to analyse the concrete application of " Still Drama " theory in Chekhov 's play .

  16. 内容上,初期的编译戏剧作品情节与中国传统戏剧相似,但也有作品保持原著的风格。

    In content , the initial compilation dramatic plot is similar to traditional Chinese drama , but also there are works maintain the original style .

  17. 当然了,在《仲夏夜之梦》中,戏剧的情节发生在一个夏天的晚上,

    well .. in A Midsummer Night 's Dream , of course the action in that play takes place on a single summer 's night ,

  18. 宇宙给于这种程度有关爱情的帮助对你来说已经好几年都没有了,所以享受这个月的戏剧化情节吧!

    You 've not had this level of cosmic help in ages for matters of love , so enjoy all the heavenly episodes that are due to come your way this month .

  19. 本文概括了莎士比亚戏剧的故事情节。

    The text provides summaries of the plots of shakespeare 's plays .

  20. 戏剧化的情节,将加深损伤的记忆。

    Dramatic plot will deepen the memories hurt .

  21. 戏剧中的情节、人物和主题

    Plot , Character and Theme in Theatre

  22. 戈登:我们三个人住在一起,怎么那么象情景戏剧里的情节啊?

    Gordon : The three of us living together ? That sounds like a sitcom .

  23. 首先,对于戏剧语言、情节冲突和人物形象等进行鉴赏式阅读。

    Firstly , appreciating reading is used for the drama language , plot conflicts and characters .

  24. 这里面没有真正的,你会在传统剧院戏剧里的情节发展。

    There 's no real plot development here like you 'd find in the traditional theatrical performance .

  25. 托马斯·哈代是英国最杰出的乡土小说家。其小说《还乡》笔触细腻生动,具有深刻的思想内容,以及戏剧化的情节结构,是作者深刻思想内容与创作艺术的结晶。

    Thomas Hardy is an outstanding British regional novelist , and The Return of the Native is one of his major novels , which has profound ideological contents and dramatic plot .

  26. 然而在8部《速度与激情》里,故事情节已走向疯狂,更别提戏剧化的情节转折和无厘头的人物变化了。

    But even in the eight Fast and the Furious films , the action is rarely less than insane , not to mention the operatic twists and turns of the character dynamics .

  27. 这是因为他戏剧中感人肺腑的情节和栩栩如生的人物形象。

    This is so because his plays have good plots and life-like characters .

  28. 仅有戏剧的故事和情节,不足以使我们为之深深感动。

    The story and action of the play alone will not carry us far .

  29. 另外,在我们之间的关系的演进过程中,不断变化的背景至关重要,就像在戏剧里布景对情节具有重要性一样。

    And just as in a play where the scenery is crucial to the plot that is the changing backdrop against which our relationship unfolds .

  30. 沃尔特·里卡莱利,土生都灵人,至今仍住在那里,曾学过艺术和戏剧,论文是情节剧的历史。

    Walter Riccarelli , a native of Turin where he still lives , studied art and theatre and wrote his dissertation on the history of melodrama .