
  • 网络social beauty
  1. 试论语文课文中社会美的审美教育

    On the Aesthetic Education of the Social Beauty in the Chinese Texts

  2. 美的领域有社会美、自然美、艺术美等。

    The scope of beauty contains social beauty , natural beauty and art beauty .

  3. 简论社会美的基础与综合要素

    The Base and Comprehensive Elements of Society Beauty

  4. 社会美是人们既熟悉又陌生的美学问题。

    Society beauty is an aesthetic problem .

  5. 历史美主要包括自然美、社会美、科学美和艺术类。

    History beauty mainly includes natural beauty , social beauty , scientific beauty and art beauty .

  6. 人之文是社会美和艺术美的总称。

    " Wen of Man " is the general designation of the social beauty and artistic beauty .

  7. 方志的美学归属应为社会美与自然美的统一;

    The aesthetic ownship of local records should be the integration of social beauty and natural beauty .

  8. 具体地说,就是探讨维吾尔族神话时代人们的自然美思想,以及他们社会美意识的萌芽;

    In other words the ideas of natural beauty and the consciousness of social beauty belongs to Uyghur mythological epochs ;

  9. 护理在满足人对生命的人体美、社会美、精神美的追求时,便获得了审美价值。

    Nursing obtains aesthetic value when it is satisfied with the pursuit for the beautification of body , society and soul .

  10. 文学的自然美、社会美和人生美等,都离不开表现方面的形式美。

    The beauty of nature , society and life embodied in literature can 't lose contact with that of form of expression .

  11. 气之审美视域&中国古典美学范畴研究论中国古代美学中的社会美与人格美

    That appreciation of the beauty of " gas " realizes ; On the Social Ethics and Human Dignity Expressed in China 's Ancient Aesthetics

  12. 语文科中的美的形态:自然美、社会美、艺术美;

    In the Chinese language course , the beauty 's states refer to beauty of nature , beauty of society and beauty of art .

  13. 科技论文美包含有自然美、科学美、艺术美、编辑美和社会美。

    The beauty of scientific and technological articles consists of natural beauty , scientific beauty , artistic beauty , editorial beauty , and social beauty .

  14. 体育与自然美、社会美、艺术美有着相辅相依的关系,是密切而不可分割的。

    PE and natural beauty , social beauty and artistic beauty exist side by side and play a part together , and they are interwoven .

  15. 社会美是美的本质的直接展现,是理解所有自然美的基础是“自然的人化”。

    Social beauty straightforwardly demonstrates the essence of beauty ; it is " natural humanization " and the basis for the cognition of natural beauty .

  16. 该文试图通过分析课文中社会美的内涵和形式,探索社会美的审美教育,更好地完成社会美的审美教育目的。

    The present article intends to make an analysis of the form and connotation of the social beauty , probing into its aesthetic education and thus attaining its educational purpose .

  17. 自然美从作为社会美、人格美的陪衬和背景的附属地位中解放出来,以一种崛然而起的姿态走向独立,成为人们广泛、自觉的审美对象。

    In Shi Shuo Xin Yu Time , natural beauty is liberated from the subsidiary status of social and personal beauty to become self-conscious aesthetic object with a kind of independent airs .

  18. 科学理性美的特征不同于自然美、社会美和艺术美,它是美的一种高级形式,其内涵在于“内在性”、“理智性”和“逻辑性”。

    The characteristic of the scientific theoretic beautyis different from the nature beauty , the social beauty and the art beauty , which is a high-level form of beauty with inherence , intellectuality and logicality .

  19. 老庄从自然主义的美学立场出发,对自然美、艺术美、社会美和人格美进行了深入的阐释,在对美的追求中自然而然的渗透和体现着善的目的。

    Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi explain natural beauty , artistic beauty , social and personal beauty from the position of naturalistic aesthetic , penetrate and reflect the good purpose in the quest for beauty .

  20. 现行中学各学科教材中,无论是人文学科还是自然学科,都蕴含了大量美的因素:社会美、科学美、自然美、艺术美等。

    But current teaching materials in both humane subjects and natural subjects are full of factors of beauty : the beauty of society , the beauty of science , the beauty of nature , the beauty of art etc.

  21. 对护士进行审美教育,应坚持理论与实践相统一,内在美与外在美相统一,自然美、社会美和艺术美相统一,形式与效果相统一。

    Some unities should be insisted when doing nurse taste education , including uniting theory with practice , uniting internal beauty with external beauty , uniting natural beauty with social beauty and art beauty , uniting format with effect .

  22. 审美教育的重点应针对青少年的特点从具体可感的形象入手进行审美活动,通过自然美、社会美和艺术美的实例,激发学生审美兴趣,提高学生审美能力。

    It should focus on the youths ' characters , and it should begin with concrete things to arouse the learners ' aethetic interests and to improve their aethetic abilities through examples of beauty of nature , society and art .

  23. 在传统农业的发展过程中,对农业景观美的认识主要集中表现为自然美和社会美,而农业景观审美活动常常被忽视。

    During the process of the development of traditional agriculture , the recognition of beauty to agricultural landscape is mainly demonstrated by natural beauty and social beauty . However , the movement of the aesthetics of agricultural landscape is usually neglected .

  24. 历史教育中美育包含历史社会美、历史自然美、历史艺术美、历史教学美等;美育的形态有壮美形态的美育、优美形态的美育、悲剧形态的美育、喜剧形态的美育。

    History of aesthetic education in aesthetic education , aesthetic education , including the social nature of art aesthetic education ; aesthetic form a magnificent form aesthetic , beautiful shape aesthetic , aesthetic , comedy tragedy form form of aesthetic education .

  25. 从以人为本的角度,我们认为人是社会美的重要基础。在此基础上,实施社会美的各种因素,使社会美从过去的空中楼阁落实到建设和谐社会的进程中,具有重要的现实意义。

    From the perspective of human-center , we think human is the important base of society beauty , from this on , carrying out the elements of society beauty and thus realizing it in the construction of harmonious society is realistically significant .

  26. 本文从体育与人体美,体育与心灵美,体育与社会美,体育与艺术美等角度探讨了体育与美学的关系,以及美学理论对体育运动的指导作用。

    This article inquired into the relationship between physical education and aesthetics from the physical education with the beauty of human body . spirit , society , art and so on . It also inquired into the leading function of aesthetics theory with the physical sports .

  27. 就其人文美说,包括艺术美和社会美,主要通过寺观、祠墓、别墅、园林、摩崖石刻、碑碣题记以及地方习俗、传说故事来体现。

    As to the humane beauty , they convey a certain kind of art and social aesthetics , which reflects essentially by means of temples , tombs , cottages , parks , gardens , peak carving , tombstone inscription , local customs and legends and so on .

  28. 先民们观察天文地理,揭示出美的规律,概括为错杂成文的审美观念,并用来描述丰富多彩的社会美以及反映社会美和自然美的艺术美。

    The ancient people , through careful observation of the things in the world , discovered the law of beauty and generalized as the aesthetic concept " interlacing makes Wen ", with which they portrayed the colorful social beauty and reflected the artistic beauty of the social and natural beauty .

  29. 而且中学生正处在世界观、价值观形成的关键阶段,学习鉴赏古诗词,领略其中的自然美、社会美和人情美,有助于学生形成健康的人生态度,树立崇高的理想信念。

    And high school students is a critical stage in outlook , values , learning appreciation of ancient poetry , enjoy the natural beauty of the one of the society beauty and human beauty , to help students form a healthy attitude towards life , establish lofty ideals and beliefs .

  30. 照科学办,我们就能实现诗人的宏伟幻想??社会的美。

    It is through science that it will realize that august vision of the poets , the socially beautiful .