
shè huì yā lì
  • social pressure
  1. 弗吉尼亚理工学院(virginiatech)和其他几个机构在冬季撰写、最终发表在《皇家学会》(royalsociety)刊物上的一项研究,试图探索人们在社会压力下如何思考。

    A study done by Virginia Tech and a few other institutions , written up over the winter in a publication of the Royal Society , tried to replicate how people think under social pressure .

  2. 但是他承认这将需要很大的社会压力。

    But he conceded that this would require significant social pressure .

  3. 总统预计这可以从某一方面缓解自己所承受的国际社会压力。

    The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him .

  4. 由德国大学生组织实施的一项研究表明,都市人的大脑与农村居民相比,要更容易受到压力的影响,尤其是社会压力的影响。

    A study of German college students suggests that urbanite brains are more susceptible to stress , particularly social stress , than those of country dwellers .

  5. 参与研究的81位直男试验者中,一半参加了Trier社会压力测试。

    The study examined 81 heterosexual men , about half of whom underwent the Trier Social Stress Test .

  6. 那时正值印度举国庆祝圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)诞辰的前夕,选择这时间点似乎是为减少印度民众批评政府向西方社会压力低头的可能性。

    the eve of the national celebration of Mahatma Gandhi 's birthday - apparently an effort to limit domestic criticism that India is bowing to Western pressure .

  7. 其次,各国需要应对重要的社会压力。

    Next , there are important social strains to be managed .

  8. 我想可能是巨大的社会压力。

    I think it must be the tremendous stress of society .

  9. 社会压力的缓解和释放时需要各种社会支持系统给予帮助的。

    Relief of social pressure needs the assistance of social support system .

  10. 社会压力迫使他要设法向上爬。

    He is compelled by social pressures to seek advancement .

  11. 年轻的中国男性社会压力最大。

    Young Chinese men feel the social pressure the most .

  12. 她屈服于社会压力戒烟了。

    She gave in to social pressure and quit smoking .

  13. 而由此伴随而来的社会压力也是残酷的。

    And the social pressures that go along with that are relentless .

  14. 心理社会压力迅速地下降,这个结果也是可以解释的,

    and the psycho-social stress has dropped significantly , which is explicable ,

  15. 有巨大的社会压力要求提拔女性。

    There is huge social pressure to promote women .

  16. 社会压力动机与结构型和教师支配型活动正相关。行为动机与结构型活动正相关。

    Social pressure motivation has positive correlation with structural activities and teacher-dominated activities .

  17. 现在社会压力那么大,哪碗饭也不好吃。

    There are now great pressures , no one has an easy job .

  18. 法律的制定通常是社会压力和社会问题的结果。

    Laws are ordinarily enacted as the result of social pressures and problems .

  19. 通过合法手段或者社会压力来禁止。

    Prohibit esp. by legal means or social pressure .

  20. 基督教传统和社会压力的综合作用促进了这种“什一税”的传播。

    Christian tradition and social pressures combined to make the " tithe " spread .

  21. 同化的社会压力非常大。

    The social pressures to assimilate are strong .

  22. 很多年轻人现在不仅面临家庭压力,还面临着社会压力。

    Many teenagers not only have to face family pressure but also society pressure .

  23. 别屈服于社会压力。

    Do not succumb to social pressures .

  24. 懒惰是防碍我们实现目标的第二罪犯,社会压力可以击败它。

    Laziness , the second culprit , is beat by a bit of public pressure .

  25. 我想他会有跟你一样的社会压力。

    So I 'm guessing he 's feeling some of the same social pressures you did .

  26. 学员先前的教育经历、社会压力和雇主的态度等各种因素都各自发挥着作用。

    Students ' previous educational experiences , social pressures and attitudes of employers all play their part .

  27. 切尔扬表示,产生这种现象的原因来自社会压力,而不是这些受访者缺乏自控能力。

    The root of the problem is social pressures , not a lack self-control , Cheryan says .

  28. 成绩通过学校社会压力和增加负面自我认知对考试焦虑起间接作用。

    Scores indirectly affected the test anxiety through the pressure from society and school and enhancing self-negative cognition .

  29. 文章首先就老龄化带来的经济、社会压力,以及老年人发展问题进行了剖析;

    This thesis , firstly , analyzes economic and social pressure , owing to the development of aging ;

  30. 解释自己承受社会压力的那一套说辞,却显得很有说服力。

    His explanation of the pressures he faces in a modern Chinese society is , however , persuasive .