
shè huì zé rèn gǎn
  • Social Responsibility;sense of social responsibility;social conscience;Society responsibility
  1. 五是社会责任感缺失。

    The five is the lack of sense of social responsibility .

  2. 高职生社会责任感培养新思考

    Reflections on the Cultivation of Vocational Students ' Sense of Social Responsibility

  3. 这也能给孩子上很好的一课,让他们拥有好奇心和社会责任感。

    It ’ s also a great lesson to teach kids about curiosity and social responsibility .

  4. 今天大部分的MBA学生,都非常在意是否为一个有社会责任感的公司工作。

    Most of today 's MBA students care a great deal about working for a company that is considered socially responsible .

  5. 然而,WASP精英有其尊严和令人钦佩的社会责任感。

    Yet the WASP elite had dignity and an impressive sense of social responsibility .

  6. 一段老派保守党政府执政的平静时期,将重建英国人的信心;瘦身后的政府将推动企业蓬勃发展,促成埃德蒙伯克(EdmundBurke)那一小群具有社会责任感公民的重现。

    A period of quiet , old-fashioned Tory government will rebuild confidence ; a smaller state will see enterprise flourish and encourage the re-appearance of Edmund Burke 's little platoons of socially responsible citizens .

  7. 文章从教学内容、方法、个案方面阐述了在遗传与优生教学中渗透STS教育实践,目的是提高学生的科学素养、创新精神和社会责任感。

    This paper sets forth STS education in teaching genetics and orthogenics based on teaching contents , methods and cases . The purpose for it is to improve students ' scientific quality , innovative spirit and the sense of social responsibility .

  8. 可你自己呢?你有多少社会责任感?

    But you yourself , what social commitments are you making ?

  9. 用模糊评价法评价大学生社会责任感及对策

    Fuzzy evaluation and relevant improvement of university students ' social responsibility

  10. 我的父母都有强烈的社会责任感。

    My mother and father each had an acute social conscience .

  11. 高职学生的社会责任感及其培养

    Social Responsibility of Students in Vocational College and Its Training

  12. 加强化工企业的社会责任感

    Sense of social responsibility of chemical enterprises to be strengthened

  13. 以感恩教育为核心内容培养大学生的社会责任感

    Developing College Students ' Social Responsibility Based on Thanksgiving Education

  14. 浅谈当代大学生社会责任感及其培养

    On Cultivating Contemporary College Students ′ Sense of Social Responsibility

  15. 由包装材料对食品安全的影响看现代食品企业的社会责任感

    Effect of Package Material on Food Safety Based on Corporate Social Responsibility

  16. 大学生社会责任感培养的理性思考

    Reasonable Thinking of The College Students ' Social Responsibility Sense

  17. 当代大学生社会责任感弱化探析

    An Analysis of the Weakening of University Students ' Awareness of Social Responsibilities

  18. 这些有教养的人满怀着社会责任感。

    These cultivated individuals have been imbued with a sense of social purpose .

  19. 如何培养大学生的社会责任感

    How to Cultivate the Social Responsibility of College Students

  20. 型行为者可能有缺乏社会责任感倾向;

    The person with " A " type behaviors lacks the social responsibility .

  21. 罗兰是一个有社会责任感的企业公民。

    Roland is a corporate citizen with social responsibility .

  22. 网络环境下培养当代大学生社会责任感的研究

    On cultivating university students ' sense of social responsibilities in the web environment

  23. 第四章针对问题提出培养大学生社会责任感的途径。

    The fourth chapter for students ' social responsibility approach to the issues raised .

  24. 学生社会责任感的建构与培养

    Sense of Social Responsibility : Construction and Development

  25. 试论大学生社会责任感淡化的成因及其强化

    On the Cause and Strengthening Avenue of Undergraduates ' Fading-away Sense of Social Responsibility

  26. 注意保持多样化及社会责任感。

    Commit to diversity and social responsibility .

  27. 这些经验会体现你的社会责任感,并成为你人生的亮点。

    The experience and the fact you uphold social responsibility will shine brightly for you .

  28. 对于培养年轻人社会责任感,我们做得是否够了?

    Are we doing enough to instil a sense of social responsibility in young people ?

  29. 就连消费者的抵制和具有社会责任感的投资基金也无法抗拒低价的诱惑。

    Not even consumer boycotts and socially-responsible investment funds trump the lure of a bargain .

  30. 强烈的抗暴意识和反抗精神;深厚的忧患意识和社会责任感。

    They possess strong consciousness of revolting enormity , Deep suffering consciousness and social responsibility .