
  • 网络social realism;social realists;socialist realism
  1. 这样的画面标志着“殖民主义的终结与社会现实主义的开始”,陈馆长说。

    Such images marked " the end of colonialism and the beginnings of social realism , " said Mr. Tan , the gallery 's director .

  2. 他摈弃了以学院式训练为基础的社会现实主义,迷恋于与其日常生活相协调的充满超现实主义气息的场景。

    Distant from a social realism rooted in the Chinese academic training , Zhou Wenzhong dedicates himself to scenes crammed with surrealistic nature compatible with his new daily life .

  3. 他建立一个世俗的南非荷神话是呼应了深刻的社会现实主义。

    He builds an Afrikaner mythology of mundanity that echoes a realism of social profundity .

  4. 就在肖斯塔科维奇捕抓到苏维埃文化界悲剧的一面时,赫伦尼可夫却坚定地表达了他的乐观主义和社会现实主义明确性。

    Just as Shostakovich captured the tragic side of Soviet culture , so Mr Khrennikov unswervingly expressed its optimism and social-realist clarity .

  5. 陈逸飞曾接受苏联画派的教育,当时社会现实主义的主导题材限制了艺术家的创作突破。

    Chen received the Russian style of artistic education heavily dominated by social realism in subject matter , which had restrained many Chinese artists from making artistic breakthroughs at that time .

  6. 这篇随笔让沃尔夫跻身于社会和现实主义阵营,他则在此文中批评美国小说界早已愚蠢地背弃了现实主义传统。

    That essay planted Wolfe 's flag on the social and realist turf he believed the novel had long since foolishly abandoned .

  7. 这些分析让我们能比较全面的了解凯瑟的创作倾向:追求美好精神传统的理想主义倾向和关注社会的现实主义倾向。

    By doing so , we may know the creative tendency of Willa Cather , she sought for the good tradition of the spiritual beauty , she concerned for social reality .

  8. 试论社会剖析派现实主义形成的历史原因及其艺术表现特征

    On the Historical Causes for the Rise of the Realistic Social Anatomist School and their Artistic Features

  9. 《海狼》则是进入资本主义垄断阶段的美国社会生活的现实主义写照,它关注的是按自然法则进行生存竞争的人们之间的争斗,以及这种争斗的最终精神出路。

    The Sea-Wolf , depicting an increasingly monopolistic American society , highlights the fierce conflict among people who fight for existence and their spiritual salvation .

  10. 由他开创的散文体喜剧史诗,不仅继承和革新了此前的欧洲传奇文学,亦开启了英国文学关注社会问题的现实主义传统。

    The comic epic in prose he initiated inherited and renovated the traditional European romances on one hand , and started the realistic tradition in British literature which shows great concern with social life on the other hand .

  11. 穿透社会真实的心理现实主义之剑&浅谈茨威格中短篇小说的心理现实主义典型塑造

    A Sword of Psychological Realism Penetrating through Social Rea lity & a discussion on the typical shaping of psychological realism in Stefan Zweig 's short stories and nouvelles

  12. 本文立足于社会现实,以马克思主义政治学原理为指导思想,来探讨公共政策执行中的公民参与问题。

    The thesis based on the social political reality , used the Marxism political principle as the guiding ideology , explored the public participation in the public policy implementation .

  13. 西方资本主义政治上的霸权、经济上的垄断,产生了没落的、反人道的艺术,这种艺术进入新时代必将让位于符合社会进步利益的现实主义艺术。

    The Capitalism in the West , characterized by hegemony in politics and monopoly in economy , gave birth to declining and anti-humanism arts which are destined to give way to advanced realistic arts in the new era .

  14. 现代性扩张的后果是把人类带入了一个风险社会,而走出风险社会的乌托邦现实主义导向性策略是消除贫困、恢复环境、反对专权以及减少社会生活中的武力与暴力。

    Utopian realistic strategy of getting rid of the risky society is to eliminate poverty , restore the environment , oppose autocracy and reduce armed force and violence of the social life .