
  • 网络social coordination;social harmony;social co-ordination
  1. 他假设普遍的价值观涉及到人的三种不同类型的需要:生物的需要,社会协调的需要,群体相关的福利和生存需要。

    He hypothesised that universal values would relate to three different types of human need : biological needs , social co-ordination needs , and needs related to the welfare and survival of groups .

  2. 长湖湿地保护与社会协调发展的思考

    Consideration on Development of Protection and Social Coordination in Chang Lake Wetland

  3. 自然保护区生态经济社会协调发展的SD模型研究&以贵州草海自然保护区为例

    The SD Model Study on the coordinated development of ecology , economy and society in natural reserves

  4. 最后以实例说明本文给定的问题求解递阶控制策略在陕西省科技经济社会协调发展宏观决策支持系统(SXSES-DSS)原型系统中的应用实现。

    An intelligent control tactics of problem solving process ( PMSH-C ) is put forward , which has been used in implementing the Decision Support System of Macroscopic Coordinative Development of Society , Economy , Science and Technology in Shanxi Province ( SXSES-DSS )

  5. 澳门经济社会协调发展研究

    Study on the harmonious development between economy and society of Macao

  6. 法治整合下的经济社会协调发展

    The Harmonious Development of the Economic Society with Government by Law

  7. 电力与社会协调持续发展评估

    Evaluation on Sustainable Development of Electric Power Assort with Society

  8. 关于上海交通与经济、社会协调发展的若干思考

    Considerations About the Development of Communication in Coordination with Economy and Society

  9. 韶关市人口与经济社会协调发展问题初探

    Exploration on Coordinated Development of Population with Economy and Society

  10. 社会协调进步是人的全面发展的必要条件。

    Social coordination and progress are necessary conditions of people 's all-round development .

  11. 试论科学技术在经济社会协调发展中的作用

    On the Effect of Scientific Technology in Coordinated Growth of the Economic Society

  12. 西部民族地区人口、资源、环境与社会协调发展

    Harmonious Development of Population , Resources , Environment and Society in the West

  13. 加强功能性公共体系建设促进农村社会协调发展

    Strengthening Functional Public System , Promoting the Coordinated Development of the Rural Community

  14. 建设工业强县与实现旬阳经济社会协调发展

    The Industrialization and Coordination in Economy Development in Xunyang

  15. 男女平等:社会协调与发展

    Sexual equality : the social harmony and development

  16. 我国经济增长与社会协调发展中的结构性调整

    The Structural Adjustment in the Process of the Economic Growth and Social Coordination Development

  17. 日本的危机管理和社会协调

    The Crisis Management and Social Coordination in Japan

  18. 构建和谐社会协调地产发展

    To Establish a Harmoniously Developed Society To Coordinate the Development of the Real Estate Sector

  19. 最后一部分是强化政府公共服务职能,实现经济社会协调发展。

    Last , to strengthen government public service function , realize economical society coordinate development .

  20. 发挥体育的社会协调功能,为全面建设小康社会提供和谐的社会环境。

    With their social-coordination function , they can create a harmonious environment for the construction .

  21. 高等教育与经济社会协调发展是教育基本规律的体现。

    Higher education and a harmonious development of social economy constitute a basic law in education .

  22. 矿业城市生态可持续状况是对其产业结构与环境友好型社会协调程度的反映。

    Sustainable development situation of a mining city reflects the coordination of its industrial structure and environment-friendly society .

  23. 简论社会协调发展

    On Coordinating Social Development

  24. 统筹经济社会协调发展是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键。

    The key to building a socialist harmonious society is to orchestrate the coordinate development of economy and society .

  25. 建设社会主义新农村,是实现城市和农村经济社会协调发展的根本途径。

    It is a basic way to achieve the harmonize development in economy and society of rural area and city .

  26. 我们必须站在经济社会协调发展的高度维护中国的金融安全和社会稳定。

    We must stand in the height of safeguarding the financial security and social stability developing coordinately our social and economy .

  27. 加强和谐文化建设,对促进青海省经济社会协调发展必将产生巨大的驱动力。

    Reinforce harmonious culture construction will necessarily bring great impetus for prodding coordinative development in economy and society of Qinghai province .

  28. 提高自主创新能力是转变我国经济发展方式,促进经济社会协调发展的根本途径。

    Enhancing the capacity for independent innovation in China is the fundamental way to promote the coordinated development of economy and society .

  29. 由此营造出的一种健康文明的消费模式,对于经济与社会协调发展具有重要的意义。

    It is therefore important to the harmonious development of economic and society by producing a healthier and more civilized consumption pattern .

  30. 因此,我国应建立起环境民事公益诉讼,以促进环境、经济、社会协调发展。

    Thus , we should establish the legal system of civil action for environment public interest to speed environment and economy society harmonious development .