
shè huì wǎnɡ luò
  • social network
  1. 基于社会网络分析方法的Web资源挖掘研究

    Research on Web Mining Based on Social Network Analysis Methods

  2. 设计并实现了一种基于社会网络分析的P2P僵尸网络反制策略。

    P2P botnet control strategy based on social network analysis was designed .

  3. JoeSoap属于各种社会网络。

    Joe Soap belongs to a wide variety of social networks .

  4. 社交网络,即SocialNetworkingService,是基于互联网旨在帮助人们建立社会网络的服务平台。

    Social network that is Social Networking Service is designed to help people build social networks based on Internet social network service platform .

  5. 研究发现,adhoc网络中节点的移动规律具有社会网络的属性。

    In Ad hoc networks , nodes movements are characterized by the properties of social networks .

  6. 动态分析基于连续时间Markov链构建了个体驱动下的社会网络演化模型。

    This analysis constructs the evolving model of social network , based on Continuous-time Markov Chain .

  7. 考虑到社会网络非比寻常的成功,例如:Facebook、LinkedIn和Twitter。

    Consider the phenomenal success of social-networking platforms such as Facebook , LinkedIn , and Twitter .

  8. 在bug评论的基础上构建的社会网络分析,生成开发者优先级。

    By conducting social network analysis in comments of bug reports , developer prioritization is generated to rank developers .

  9. 如果不讨论社会网络,就无法讨论Web2.0在商业领域的意义。

    One cannot discuss the implications of Web2.0 in the business world without talking about social networking .

  10. 信任模型借鉴社会网络的信任机制,能够在P2P网络中建立起信任关系,解决网络中的信任问题。

    Trust management , which imitates the trust mechanism in human society , is able to establish trust relationships between peers , and solve some trust issues .

  11. 因为越来越多的用户希望只用一个用户身份访问多个站点(包括blog、wiki和其他社会网络活动),所以OpenID这样的提供者会越来越普及。

    Providers such as OpenID have become very common as more users want a single user profile across multiple sites for blogs , wikis , and other social networking activities .

  12. 三是从社会网络关系和战略决策角度剖析和实证分析企业社会资本、战略惯性因素对企业绩效的作用和关系,以及对企业ERP系统采纳决策影响。

    Thirdly , from social network relation and strategic decision Angle to analysis and empirical analysis the social capital of enterprise , strategic inertia factors on enterprise performance roles and relationships , as well as the influence to the enterprise ERP system adopted decision .

  13. 随机图是社会网络分析的重要工具,在Newman等对传统随机图模型的研究基础上,研究了具有群集性的随机图这一与现实社会网络更为接近的随机图模型中的波及效应。

    Random graph is one of the most important tools in social network analysis . Following Newman 's work on traditional random graph , clustering random graph is analyzed , which is a version more close to the reality than other random graph models .

  14. nternet的不断完善和发展推动了电子商务的应用和发展,电子商务又加速了人类社会网络化的进程。

    The continuous perfecting and development of Internet forced the application and development of Electronic Commerce ( EC ), meanwhile , EC accelerated society 's process of network state .

  15. 社会网络的构建与企业竞争力

    The Construction of Social Network and the Ability of Corporation Competition

  16. 浙江传统产业集群成长的社会网络机制

    The Social Network Mechanism of Traditional Industry Clustering in Zhejiang Province

  17. 演化社会网络是动态更新的社会网络。

    Evolution Social Network is a social network with dynamically updating .

  18. 产业集群组织间关系密集性的社会网络分析

    Social Network Analysis on Denseness of Inter-organizational Networks in Industrial Clusters

  19. 文化资本、文化多样性与社会网络资本

    Cultural Capital , Cultural Diversity , and Social Network Capital

  20. 随着社会网络化的普及与深化;

    Internet application is disseminated ed deepened in modern society .

  21. 企业家社会网络资本的作用分析

    A Foundational Analysis on the Entrepreneurs ' Social Network Capital

  22. 团队内部社会网络特征影响团队创造力过程的实证研究

    Study on the Impact of Group Internal Social Network on Group Creativity

  23. 战略联盟的信任机制:基于社会网络的视角论社会整合机制

    Trust Mechanism Analysis in Strategic Alliance : Based on Social Network Theory

  24. 第四章为模糊社会网络的中心度分析。

    Chapter four is centrality analysis of fuzzy social network .

  25. 社会网络视野下的传销&透析一个传销网的生产过程

    Pyramid Selling from the Perspective of the Social Network & A Case Analysis

  26. 开发和管理与社会网络相关的业务规划

    Develop and manage business plans related to social networking

  27. 中国乡城流动人口社会网络复杂性特征分析

    Complexity of Rural-Urban Migrants ' Social Networks in China

  28. 基于社会网络的餐饮企业商务模式实证研究

    Empirical Research on Restaurant Business Model Based on the Theory of Social Network

  29. 基于社会网络分析的产业集群建模及实证检验

    A Quantitative Model and Demonstration of Industrial Cluster Based on Social Network Analysis

  30. 白领应该有一个广泛的社会网络连接和情感支持。

    White collars should have a wide social network for connections and emotional support .