
  • 网络university college;UCL;Collegiate School
  1. 他在加的夫大学学院成立了新闻学研究中心。

    He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff

  2. 伦敦大学学院的认知神经学家萨拉-杰恩·布莱克莫尔在去年发表了一篇评论中写道:“在教育领域冒险是一项至关重要的技能,它能够促进发展和创新。”

    " Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity , " wrote Sarah-Jayne Blakemore , a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London , in a review published last year .

  3. 这是丹娜法伯癌症研究所(Dana-FarberCancerInstitute)、哈佛医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的研究人员,以及来自英国弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(FrancisCrickInstitute)及伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的同事们正在进行的研究。

    That 's what researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School , along with UK colleagues from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London , are working on .

  4. 奥弗·拉哈夫教授�伦敦大学学院

    Professor Ofer Lahav , University College London

  5. 这项研究是由伦敦大学学院、赫尔辛基大学和约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的研究人员开展的。

    It was carried out by researchers from University College London , the University of Helsinki and Johns Hopkins University .

  6. 伦敦大学学院的研究发现,与工作日入院的患者相比,周末入院接受治疗的患者更不容易康复。

    Research from UCL shows that people who are admitted to hospitals at the weekend fair less well than those who arrive during the week .

  7. 来自伦敦大学学院的研究人员担心,由于杀虫剂和土地利用的变化,飞蛾数量仍在急剧下降。

    The researchers from University College London are concerned because moth numbers are still in serious decline due to pesticides5 and changes in land use .

  8. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究人员调查了近6500名平均年龄为65.8岁的老年人。

    University College London researchers looked at nearly 6,500 older adults , with an average age of 65.8 for the study .

  9. 都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)的总体进步最大,排名攀升21位至第48名。

    Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin showed the best overall progress , moving up 21 places to 48 .

  10. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)是英国最富盛名的机构之一。作为其更加国际化的国际策略的一部分,它已经将外国学生的比例提高至三分之一左右。

    University College London , one of the UK 's most prestigious institutions , has increased its proportion of foreign students to about one third as part of an international strategy intended to make the university more global .

  11. 据CNN报道,这项分析由伦敦大学学院遗传学研究所的弗朗索瓦·巴卢领导的一个研究小组根据对全世界7600多名患者的调查汇编而成。

    According to CNN , the analysis was compiled by a team led by Francois Balloux of the University College London Genetics Institute and based on surveys of more than 7600 patients around the world .

  12. 由香港理工大学学院图书馆主任制谈起

    On " Faculty Librarian " of Bao Yugang Library in Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  13. 大学学院制组织模式:多视角考察

    Research on the Connotation of the College System & Organization Mode from Three Visual Angles

  14. 来自伦敦大学学院的巴特利特建筑学院的瑞秋·阿姆斯特朗想我们解释了这种“原始细胞”科技。

    Rachel Armstrong , from UCL 's Bartlett School of Architecture , explained the " protocell " technology .

  15. 现在,他正在伦敦大学学院的计算机系进行三维身体扫描器的样品测试。

    At his computing department at University College , London , he is experimenting with a prototype of a3D body scanner .

  16. 来自伦敦大学学院的研究科学家们一天中六次收集了男人和女人口中的唾液。

    Research scientists from University College London collected saliva from the mouths of the men and women six times on a single day .

  17. 构建适应大学学院制体制的教学管理新机制,对于深化大学教学管理体制改革至关重要。

    Building the new mechanism for teaching administration adaptable to the college system is of critical importance to deepening the reform of teaching administration .

  18. 来自伦敦大学学院的罗格沃顿教授认为,那些被描绘成同时长着胳膊及羽翼的天使,从生理学角度来看,根本不可能飞得起来。

    Prof Roger Wotton , from University College London , found that flight would be impossible for angels portrayed with arms and bird-like feathered wings .

  19. 研究的合作者、伦敦大学学院英国癌症研究院健康行为研究中心主任简·沃尔德教授表示:在全世界范围内,不健康的生活方式都是导致患慢性疾病致死的一个主要原因。

    Study co-author Professor Jane Wardle , director of Cancer Research UK 's Health Behaviour Research Centre at UCL , said : ' Unhealthy lifestyles are a leading cause of death from chronic disease worldwide .

  20. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  21. 他曾是剑桥大学皇家学院的院长。

    He has been the master of king 's college , cambridge .

  22. 1952年,桑德拉•戴•奥康纳以全班第三的好成绩在斯坦福大学法学院(StanfordLawSchool)毕业,可由于她是女性,没有律师事务所愿意雇她。

    When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School , in 1952 , she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman .

  23. 这也正是为什么伦敦大学金史密斯学院的新任院长(WardenofGoldsmiths)——他们对负责人的称呼,决定采取这一举措。弗朗西斯·科纳教授表示,宣布气候紧急状态不能只是一片空话。

    Prof Frances Corner says declaring a climate emergency cannot be empty words .

  24. 我将担任上海大学电影学院院长。

    I will serve as president of Shanghai Film Academy . It 's a university .

  25. 武汉大学计算机学院助理教授赵小刚表示,鸿蒙创造出了“超级终端”,使多设备互联更加简化、高效。

    Zhao called HarmonyOS a " mega-terminal " that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity .

  26. 深圳大学开放学院MIS局部网

    The Local Area Network of MIS for the Open Institute of Shenzhen University

  27. 斯坦福大学商学院(StanfordUniversityGraduateSchoolofBusiness)行为实验室负责人尼可拉斯•霍尔表示,引用历史事实是有效的方式。

    Citing the past is an effective way to do that , says Nicholas Hall , manager of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business behavioral lab.

  28. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)的商业心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示,一名优秀的主持人还应善于化解冲突。

    Cary Cooper , professor of business psychology at Lancaster University School of management , says a good chair will also be adept at conflict resolution .

  29. 摩西曾是BBC(英国广播公司)的编务总监,自2013年10月起任剑桥大学塞尔文学院院长一职。

    Mr Mosey , former editorial director of the BBC , became master of Selwyn College in October .

  30. 正因为此,纽约大学牙科学院(NewYorkUniversity'sCollegeofDentistry)与护理学院携手在学校的免费牙科诊所为病人检查其他的健康问题。

    That 's what inspired New York University 's College of Dentistry to team up with its College of Nursing to check patients at the university 's free dental clinic for other health-related issues .