
  • 网络The Dazu Rock Carvings;Dazu Stone Carvings;Dazu Stone Sculptures
  1. [qh]在重庆的大足石刻和中原河南省的龙门石窟,保护工作者均在使用云冈石窟首创的湿度监控设备。

    At the Dazu rock carvings in Chongqing and the Longmen Grottoes in Henan Province , in central China , preservationists are using moisture-monitoring devices that were invented at Yungang . [ qh ]

  2. 大足石刻与美国

    The United States and Dazu Rock Carvings

  3. 大足石刻是佛教工艺极高的雕刻品。

    Dazu Stone Carvings are superb works of Buddhist religious art .

  4. 隧洞排水法治理大足石刻渗水病害

    Treating seepage water disease of Dazu stone carvings by tunnel drainage method

  5. 大足石刻;假日旅游;可持续发展;

    Dazu Rock Carvings ; holiday tourism ; sustainable development ;

  6. 也因为这一点,1999年12月1日,大足石刻进入《世界遗产名录》,开始在世界的舞台上大放异彩。

    In 1999 , the Dazu Carvings are added to the list of World Heritage .

  7. 大足石刻《牧牛图》艺术的美与宗教义理的结合

    The Combination of Artistic Beauty and Religious Implication in the Stone Carving Entitled Cattle Herding

  8. 大足石刻是世界闻名的。

    The Dazu stone carving is world-famous .

  9. 大足石刻砂岩的岩石学特征

    Lithological characters of carved sandstone in Dazu

  10. 风景名胜区范围界定方法初探&以重庆市大足石刻风景区为例

    Discussion on the Boundary Definition Method in Scenic Spots & taking the Dazu Lithoglyph for Example

  11. 人类文明的瑰宝&大足石刻思想文化内涵透视

    Gems of Human Civilization Perspectivity of the Connotation of the Ideology and Culture of Dazu Rock Carvings

  12. 重庆大足石刻千手观音造像区地下水渗流机制分析

    Groundwater seepage mechanism in the area of the Thousand Armed Guan Yin at Dazu stone carvings , Chongqing

  13. 大足石刻砂岩是上侏罗系蓬莱镇组下部地层,具有典型长石砂岩的成分特征和溶蚀胶结结构。

    The carved sandstone of Dazu county in Sichuan is a stratum under the Pen-laizhen group of late Jurassic .

  14. 尽管佛像占多数,大足石刻也有道教和儒教人物,这在中国石窟艺术中十分罕见。

    Though Buddhist statues dominate , Taoist and Confucian figures can also be seen which is rather rare in Chinese grotto art .

  15. 大足石刻千手观音造像高7.7米、宽12.5米,开凿于南宋年间(1127-1279)。

    The statue , 7.7 meters high and 12.5 meters wide , was carved during the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1127-1279 ) .

  16. 在敦煌、云岗、龙门三大石窟艺术之后,9~13世纪的大足石刻显示了外来的佛教石窟遣像艺术在中国发展的最后成果:完全中国化,并成为中国日常生活的艺术载体。

    The Dazu Carvings , dating from the 9th to the 13th century , represent the last period of the developments in the foreign Buddhism grotto art .

  17. 从大足石刻整个艺术风格来看,它在中国雕塑发展史上具有重要的地位,是晚期石窟造像艺术的代表。

    Dazu Rock Carvings has an important position in the history of the development of Chinese sculpture , and it is the representative of advanced grotto art in China .

  18. 帐篷的各角用镇石压着。大足石刻与龙门、敦煌和云冈石刻齐名。

    The corners of the tent were weighted down . Dazu Stone ( Sculptures ) Carving is as famous as the Buddhist Carvings at Longmen , Dunhuang and Yungang .

  19. 本文具体从孝道、善与恶、修行这典型的三方面对大足石刻尽善尽美的伦理世俗化审美精神进行了深入探讨。

    This article from the " filial piety "," good and evil "," practice " the typical three aspects , analysis and discuss deeply on the secular ethics of DaZu stone carvings of aesthetic spirit .

  20. 本文筛选出石质文物表面封护材料、加固材料和粘接材料的主要性能指标,.建立它们的评价方法,提出其合理的评价标准,最后将评价方法和评价标准应用于重庆大足石刻模拟试块。

    The article screened out the main property indexes of surface protection materials , reinforcing materials and bonding material , and the evaluation method of them was founded . The reasonable evaluation standard was given at the same time .

  21. 本文针对风景区范围界定的复杂性、多样性和特殊性,试图通过重庆市大足石刻风景名胜区总体规划中对风景名胜区的范围界定的探索来寻求解决该问题的基本方法。

    In allusion to the complexity , diversity , and particularity of the boundary definition in scenic spots , this paper tries to find the basic method to solve the boundary definition problems in the general planning of Dazu lithoglyph scenic spot .

  22. 1999年被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列为《世界遗产名录》的大足石刻,规模宏大,艺术精湛,内容丰富,与敦煌莫高窟、云冈石窟、龙门石窟并驾齐驱。

    Dazu grottoes , which was listed into < world heritage > by United Nations educational , scientific and Cultural Organization in1999 boasts same with reputation with Mogao Grottoes in dunhuang , Yungang Grottoes and Longmen Grottoes for its great scale , skillful technology and rich content .

  23. 从大足宝顶石刻牧牛道场谈大学生心性培育牛蹄豆、智利牧豆的培育技术及抗旱性研究

    Discussion on Cultivating the University Students Nature based on Herding Cattle in the Rock Carvings on Mount Baoding ; The Cultivation Techniques and Drought-tolerance Research on Pithecellobium Dulce and Prosopis Chilensis