- 名massacre;holocaust;genocide;carnage;blood bath;wholesale slaughter

The massacre was a crime against humanity .
He survived the massacre by feigning death .
Nobody survived the massacre .
The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust .
If we forget the massacre , the massacre will happen again !
The Revolutionary Tribunal went to work , and a steady slaughtering began .
A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre .
Ahmadinejad is denying the holocaust because he 's as brutal as Hitler was .
Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her . MishaDefonseca
EICHMANN BEFORE JERUSALEM : The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer .
Well , Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust .
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has asked people not to play Pokemon Go on their phones during their visit .
On August 19 , the group tweeted : ' Follow @ HWLeaks for all the latest Hollywood carnage . ' '
To illustrate a later episode of religious conflict , heintroduces the reader to a Holocaust survivor , a childhood acquaintance of Anne Frank .
Nixon 's " Saturday night massacre " in which he fired Archibald Cox , the special prosecutor , is the only precedent .
massacre The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffalos of the plains , killing several million in a short time .
On Feb. 14 , 1929 , seven rivals of gangster Al Capone were gunned down in a Chicago garage in the St. Valentine 's Day Massacre .
In later years , he rediscovered his Jewish heritage , and in 1991 he produced and starred in " Never Forget , " a television movie based on the story of a Holocaust survivor who sued a neo-Nazi organization of Holocaust deniers .
At the city 's only gay bar , a dingy venue called Tattle Tails , a vigil was held on Sunday night for the victims of the Pulse massacre .
The film follows the interrogation of Roger " Verbal " Kint , a small-time con man who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Portof Los Angeles .
The other two shots feature Daryl and T-Dog in badass mode , suggesting that the premiere 's walker massacre isn 't over yet .
Khaled Mashal , Hamas 's leader in exile , condemned Israel 's offensive as a holocaust .
The trainer describes her as ' small and helpless for an elephant ' on the animal 's Facebook page , after her parents were killed for their tusks during a 20 year slaughter which ended with the ban on ivory import in 1989 .
The Genocide Prevention Research Initiative , known as Aegis , brings together academics from around the globe to research the causes of genocide and suggest prevention strategies for future intervention by governments and organisations .
Bouhlel meticulously prepared the massacre , renting the truck on July 4 and repeatedly checking the seafront the day of the slaughter , according to French prosecutor Fran ç ois Molins .
This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made , and beneath the chancellery 's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide .
like the inhabitants of the Fiji islands , they had strangled their parents and friends -- a practical pessimism that might even have generated a gruesome ethic of genocide [ V ö lkermord . ] motivated by pity , and which incidentally is , and was ,
Imre Kertesz , a Hungarian-born Jewish writer and Holocaust concentration camp survivor who also won a literature Nobel , said : " We did not deal with the same subjects but we were friends and we had mutual respect . "
A court hearing is scheduled today in the shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in D. C , a federal judge will hear how the suspect James von Brunn is recovering , the son of the reputed white supremacist says , he wishes his father would have died in Wednesday shooting instead .
In an interview at Cannes , Mr. Nemes told The Times that he wanted to move beyond the traditional conventions of Holocaust films , and in particular what he sees as the overly sentimental vision of Steven Spielberg 's " Schindler 's List . " " Son of Saul " will be released in the United States on Friday .