
  • 网络Guiyang city
  1. 贵阳市地质灾害危险性评价的GIS系统

    GIS System of Geological Hazards Risk Evaluation in Guiyang City

  2. 贵阳市基础岩土工程GIS系统研究

    Research on the GIS System of Fundamental Geotechnical Engineering in Guiyang City

  3. 贵阳市建筑边坡稳性评价、预测的GIS系统

    GIS system for stability evaluation and prediction of construction slopes in Guiyang City

  4. 基于GIS应用DRASTIC模型评价贵阳市地下水污染风险

    Assessing Groundwater Contamination Risk in Guiyang City by Using DRASTIC Model based on GIS

  5. 贵阳市流动人口HIV感染状况调查及危险行为干预研究

    An intervention study of the status of HIV infection and preventing AIDS dangerous behavior in the floating population of Guiyang

  6. 3S支持下的喀斯特景观生态格局研究&以贵阳市为例

    The 3S-based Study on Ecological Patterns of Karst Landscape & A Case Study of Guiyang

  7. RS和GIS支持下的土壤系统分类制图方法研究&以贵州省贵阳市为例

    The research on the cartography of Soil Taxonomy on the basis of RS and GIS ── taking Guiyang city , Guizhou Province as Example

  8. 贵阳市新生儿TSH值分布的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Neonatal TSH Distribution in Guiyang

  9. 贵阳市300例新生儿脐血TSH筛查报告

    Report of 300 Neonatal TSH Screening in Guiyang

  10. 贵阳市西郊PM(10)污染特征及其与主要气象因素的关系探讨

    Discussions on Pollution Characteristics of PM_ ( 10 ) and the Relationships between Meteorological Factors in the Western Urban Part of Guiyang City

  11. 贵阳市PHS网络掉话问题分析及改进的研究

    GuiYang Call-Drop Analyse and Improved Research

  12. 结论贵阳市MS的流行率较高,应加强对老年人心血管防治为主的疾病控制策略。

    Conclusion The prevalence rate of MS is high in Guiyang . It is an important health strategy to prevent cardiovascular diseases among the elders in Guiyang City .

  13. 利用Monte-Carlo模式预测了山区城市(贵阳市)的SO2地面浓度分布。

    The Monte-Carlo model is used to predict the ground level concentration distribution ( GLCD ) of SO_2 in mountainous city-Guiyang city .

  14. 充分利用数据资料,并结合数学分析软件MATLAB预测到2030年期间贵阳市人口的发展趋势。

    We will use the data information fully , and unifies my undergraduate course specialized to learn mathematical analysis software MATLAB which forecasts to 2030 the period Guiyang population trend of development .

  15. 目的了解贵阳市社区老年人轻度认知功能损害(MCI)的转归。

    Objective To study the outcome of mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) in community-dwelling elderly people in Guiyang City .

  16. 研究贵阳市大气气溶胶中金属的富集程度,选用Al、Fe、Mn作参比元素,用富集因子讨论判断自然和人为的来源;

    This paper studies the enrichment degree of metals in atmospheric aerosols of Guiyang City . It chooses Al , Fe , Mn as comparable elements , with enrichment factors judge the natural and man-made sources ;

  17. 该方法计算精度高、适用于并行计算。作者给出了Stokes方程边界元求解不规则凹凸区域的区域分裂算法,并给出了将该算法用在贵阳市阿哈水库的流场计算的算例。

    Domain Decomposition Method for Stokes equations in the anomalistic knaggy domain is presented , the example of Domain Decomposition Method in the flow of the lake in GuiYang City is given .

  18. 针对水资源系统自身的不确定性、模糊性以及其他评价方法存在的问题,将人工神经网络模型中的BP网络模型用于喀斯特地区枯水资源承载力的评价中,并以贵阳市为实例进行了评价。

    Whereas the uncertainty and illegibility of water resource system , and the problems of existing methods , the paper uses BP network model , a kind of the artificial neural network model , to evaluate the low-flow resource carrying capacity in karst area .

  19. 通过MAPGIS软件做出了贵阳市地下水污染风险预测图,并对贵阳市地下水污染风险提出了防治对策,最后对地下水污染风险评价进行了总结与展望。

    By software MAPGIS , it draw up a forecast map of groundwater contamination risk in Guiyang city , puts forward some countermeasures , concludes and prospects the evaluation at last .

  20. 对贵阳市南清镇供电局35kV系统的典型线路进行了防雷性能的分析,利用规程法对整条线路的防雷性能进行了计算,确定线路的薄弱环节。

    The author analysed the lightning shielding performance of typical transmission line , and calculated that of the whole line following the guideline proposed method to locate the weak point .

  21. 以RS、GIS为技术支持,以CBERS-1影像为数据源,采用监督分类、人工目视校正的方法,对贵阳市森林立地因子进行遥感解译;

    A study of forest site type classification and site quality evaluation based on RS and GIS technology was carried out . CBERS-1 data was selected as information sources , adopting supervised classification and artificial visual interpretation methods to interpret the gene of forest site in Guiyang ;

  22. 以地理信息系统(MAPGIS软件)为基础平台,结合地下水污染风险评价专业模型(DRASTIC模型),评价了贵阳市地下水污染风险,并进行了模型验证。

    It sets the geographic information system ( Software MAPGIS ) as the basic platform , combining with the professional model ( DRASTIC model ) for evaluating groundwater contamination risk , evaluates the risk this area and tests the model .

  23. 方法:按ICD-9编码不同时期贵阳市居民病伤死因进行回顾性调查,分类比较恶性肿瘤死亡率变动。

    Methods : It was investigated of resident death from wounds and diseases during these 25 years in Guiyang and compared the variation of death rate of malignant tumor according to the ICD-9 coding classification .

  24. 对象:于贵阳市城区33个儿保责任地随机抽取12家单位为调查点,调查期间来做健康检查的l~6岁儿童,排除有严重躯体疾患及智力异常的儿童。

    PARTICIPANTS : Twelve settings were randomly selected from 33 duty units for child care in Guiyang . Children aged 1-6 years suffered from health check at survey stage , and those with severe body diseases and abnormal intelligence were excluded .

  25. 方法:按ICD9分类规则对贵阳市不同时期儿童进行死因回顾性调查,比较死亡率变动情况。

    Methods : Following ICD 9 classification rule , to investigate causes of children death at different times and to compare the changes of mortality ( MR ) of children under five in Guiyang City .

  26. 贵阳市园林植物真菌病害的初步调查

    Investigation on the fungal diseases in the landscape plants in Guiyang

  27. 贵阳市四季静风持续时间频率分析

    An analysis on the frequency of season calm duration in Guiyang

  28. 贵阳市四所综合医院院内感染调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Nosocomial Infection in Four Comprehensive Hospitals

  29. 贵阳市售蔬菜中有害元素含量分析

    The contents of some harmful elements in leafy vegetables in Guiyang

  30. 贵阳市水果生产现状及其对策

    The situation and countermeasure of fruits planting and marketing in Guiyang