
huǒ liè niǎo
  • flamingo
火烈鸟[huǒ liè niǎo]
  1. 我们在一家名为“火烈鸟”的酒吧相遇。

    We met at a bar called the Flamingo .

  2. 这是那个地区唯一一种火烈鸟,很容易凭粉红色的羽毛辨认出来。

    This is the only species of flamingo in the region , easily recognized by its pink plumage .

  3. 今年到目前为止,水位已经太高了,火烈鸟无法筑巢。

    So far this year , water levels have been too high for the flamingos to nest .

  4. 然而,火烈鸟实际上是唯一生活在这整片死亡之地中的物种。

    Flamingos , however , are the only species that actually makes life in the midst of all that death .

  5. 每三四年一次,当条件适宜的时候,湖面上到处都是粉红色的火烈鸟,此时它们会停止飞行进行繁殖。

    Once every three or four years , when conditions are right , the lake is covered with the pink birds as they stop flight to breed .

  6. “火烈鸟的腿上已经进化出非常坚韧粗糙的皮肤,这样它们就可以耐受盐水,”莱斯特大学的教授大卫·哈珀说道。

    " Flamingos have evolved very leathery skin on their legs so they can tolerate the salt water , " says David Harper , a professor at the University of Leicester .

  7. 纳特龙湖的景观奇异而又致命——而它是世界上近75%的火烈鸟的出生地,这一事实令其更加怪异。

    The lake 's landscape is bizarre and deadly - and made even more so by the fact that it 's the place where nearly 75percent of the world 's flamingos are born .

  8. 研究人员在西班牙南部的一个鸟类保护区对大型火烈鸟进行研究

    The research started researchers studied greater flamingos and in a bird sanctuary in southern Spain .

  9. 维也纳Schoenbrunn动物园的两只火烈鸟正在室外觅食。

    Two flamingos search for food in the outdoor enclosure at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna

  10. 将这些DIY派对萌宠南瓜加入到你的南瓜收藏中吧。做上一只斑马、大象、甚至一只火烈鸟,会让派对嗨上整晚哦!

    Bring the party to your pumpkins with these DIY party animal pumpkins 。 Create a zebra , elephant , and even a flamingo for darling pumpkins that will keep the party going all night long !

  11. 鸟类和哺乳类受到的影响最严重,气候变化也是去年肯尼亚中部Nakuru湖附近火烈鸟突然大量死亡的原因。

    Birds and mammals have been the worst affected , with climate change blamed for the sudden mass death of flamingos around Lake Nakuru in central Kenya last year .

  12. 你甚至有可能在大沼泽地国家公园看到火烈鸟。

    It is even possible to see flamingos in the Everglades .

  13. 小火烈鸟拥有修长的颈部和粉色腿。

    The species has long pink legs and a long neck .

  14. 塞浦路斯的拉纳卡市一个盐湖中的火烈鸟。

    Flamingos stand in a salt lake in Larnaca , Cyprus .

  15. 罗马人曾捕杀火烈鸟,只为吃它们的舌头

    The Romans used to kill flamingos just to eat their tongues .

  16. 我现在感觉更像只鸽子而不是火烈鸟

    I felt more like a pigeon than a flamingo .

  17. 在这里,火烈鸟和狒狒在博戈尼亚湖和谐相处。

    The flamingos and baboons here at Lake Bogoria live in harmony .

  18. 你可能见到过动物园里的火烈鸟就是这么睡的。

    You may have seen a flamingo sleeping this way at the zoo .

  19. 狒狒并不是食肉动物,但是火烈鸟对他们来说是不寻常的。

    Baboons aren 't meat eaters , but this is something unusual for baboons .

  20. 我也是火烈鸟健身俱乐部的一员。

    I belong to the one on flamingo .

  21. 该湖是在东非仅有的一处小火烈鸟成功的繁殖地。

    It is the only site in East Africa where Lesser Flamingos successfully nest .

  22. 粉红色火烈鸟每只可以卖到3000欧元。

    Pink flamingoes fetch up to ? 3,000 .

  23. 在家里,我就像一只被困在鸽笼里的火烈鸟。

    In my family , I am a flamingo in the flock of pigeons .

  24. 从旅馆驾车前往那栖息着许多火烈鸟的湖边是件很惬意的事。

    The lake with its massed flamingos is a comfortable drive away from the hotel .

  25. 格拉翰霍尔自然保护区内的火烈鸟。

    Flamingos at Graham Hall Nature Sanctuary .

  26. 然而,其他的火烈鸟好像并没注意到,于是这一小群火烈鸟又飞回到湖面上。

    But none of the others seem to notice , so the tiny group returns .

  27. 火烈鸟曾经在这里生长繁衍。

    Flamingos used to thrive here .

  28. 我想做一个火烈鸟,却做成了一个“四不像”。

    I wanted to make a flamingo , but I could not do it very well .

  29. 目前为止,还没有人目击或者记录到狒狒对火烈鸟大规模的袭击。

    Until now , such an orchestrated attack on flamingos has rarely been witnessed or recorded .

  30. 成为火烈鸟以后!

    and turn into a flamingo !