
huǒ jiàn dàn
  • rocket projectile;rocket shell
  1. 首先研究建立了制导火箭弹的飞行动力学模型,接着选择了适合火箭弹制导的GPS和INS组合方案,并组合导航效果进行了仿真分析。

    First studied establishes has guided the rocket projectile the aeronautical dynamics model , then chose has suited GPS and the INS combination plan which the rocket projectile guided , and the combined navigation effect has carried on the simulation analysis .

  2. 研究表明,GPS/SINS复合制导能大幅度提高远程火箭弹的射击精度,应用经典控制理论设计的控制系统能很好的完成控制任务,控制系统各项指标良好。

    The research indicated , GPS / The SINS combined guidance can large scale enhance the long-distance rocket projectile the precision of fire , can very good complete the control task using the classics control theoretical design control system , control system each target is good .

  3. B样条函数的火箭弹图像边缘检测算法

    An edges detecting scheme for rocket based on B - spline function

  4. 本文研究一种基于B样条函数提取火箭弹图像边缘的检测算法。

    In this paper , a method of detecting rocket image edges based on B spline function is presented .

  5. 无后座力武器设计允许精确递送一枚120毫米高爆(HE)或高爆反坦克(HEAT)火箭弹并具有可以忽略的后座力。

    The recoilless weapon design permits accurate delivery of a120mm high-explosive ( HE ) or high-explosive anti-tank ( HEAT ) projectile with negligible recoil .

  6. 基于HLA的脉冲修正火箭弹仿真平台设计

    Design of Impulse Correction Rocket Simulation Platform Based on HLA

  7. 火箭弹发射器设计方案评判的改进AHP法

    An Improved Analytical Hierarchy Process Algorithm for the Evaluation of Rocket Launcher Design Schemes

  8. 基于Bayes的火箭弹高、低温环境试验方法

    High and Low Temperature Environment Test Method of Rockets Based on Bayes

  9. 为了发射TV制导火箭弹,就需要研制发控装置,进行发射前的准备、状态检测和发射程序管理等工作。

    In order to launch TV-guided rockets , it is necessary to develop the launch-control device , which is in turns to make pre-launch preparations , detect the state and conduct the launch process .

  10. 采用CFD方法对一类火箭弹姿态控制发动机扩散段流场进行了数值模拟,并对几种典型流场进行了分析。

    CFD method is used to simulate the flow field in divergent section of an attitude contorl motor , then several typical flow fields are analyzed .

  11. 给出了用定向管的振动数据估算火箭弹初始扰动的方法,并与采用动力学仿真软件ADAMS的仿真结果进行了对比。

    Estimation of initial disturbances of the rockets with vibrations of the directional tubes are given . The results of estimation are compared with the simulation results applying the dynamics simulation software ADAMS .

  12. 通过MATLAB工具软件,对控制系统的俯仰、偏航与滚转三个通道进行了数学建模,优化了PID控制参数。最后,对控制电路板进行了功能测试,对制导火箭弹控制系统进行了系统联调。

    By MATLAB software , make mathematical modeling for the pitch , yow and roll three channels , to optimize the PID control parameters . Finally , test the functional of control circuit board , and debug the guided rocket control system .

  13. 8区警察总长默罕默德(AktarMohammad)说,着地的火箭弹没有爆炸。

    Aktar Mohammad , the police chief of district eight , said the rocket landed without exploding .

  14. Crocker先生坚称,反叛分子们能够偷偷地将火箭弹运进这座城市,而后向美国大使馆开火,并不是“新年攻势”。

    That insurgents could sneak rocket-propelled grenades into the city and then fire them at the American embassy was not , Mr Crocker insisted , the Tet offensive .

  15. 基于层次分析法的原理构建了面向火箭弹发射器设计方案评判的不完全层次模型,依据该模型的特点,引入了模糊隶属函数理论,提出一种AHP改进算法。

    Based on the principle of analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ), an incomplete hierarchy model for the evaluation of design schems of rocket launchers is built up . According to the characters of this model and applying the theory of fuzzy membership functions , an improved algorithm is proposed .

  16. 通过卫星图像以及其他关于俄罗斯装备的照片,该报告还记录了俄罗斯坦克、SA-22防空系统、格拉德型(Grad)火箭弹发射器和武装侦察车的活动。

    By using satellite imagery and separate photographs of Russian equipment , the report also documents the movement of Russian tanks , SA-22 air-defense systems , Grad rocket launchers and armored reconnaissance vehicles .

  17. 萨耶撒达(AbdulGhafaSayedzada),喀布尔罪案调查部负责人确认了攻击,但否认了其他警察的报告,后者称发现有更多准备中的火箭弹袭击。

    Sayed Abdul Ghafa Sayedzada , the head of Kabul 's criminal investigations department , confirmed the attack but denied reports from other police that more rockets prepared for launch were found .

  18. 以火箭弹/发射装置系统为研究对象,分析了火箭弹初始扰动的影响因素,采用Newton-Euler方法建立了半约束期火箭弹的运动微分方程。

    Within the range of a rocket / launcher system , the influencing factors on the initial disturbances of rockets are analyzed . Differential equations of motion for the rocket during the semi-constraint period are constructed using the Newton-Euler method .

  19. 我的梦想是向埃及、约旦,甚至叙利亚出售电力,电厂经理摩西·科恩(MosheCohen)在带领一名访客参观时表示,道路上还有加沙地带发射来的火箭弹留下的弹坑。

    My dream is to sell electricity to Egypt , Jordan and even Syria , said Moshe Cohen , the plant manager , as he showed a visitor the site , including a hole in the street left by a rocket from Gaza .

  20. 叙利亚也有约4000枚火箭弹,像美国的机尾炮,可不用运载工具随身携带,挂在肩上使用,“单人便携式空防系统”,或manpads。

    Syria also has about 4000 rockets , which , like American stingers , can be carried around without vehicles and hoisted onto a shoulder for use : " man-portable air-defence systems " , or MANPADS .

  21. 固体火箭发动机的点火过程是一个短暂而且复杂的非定常过程,本文针对阶梯装药固体火箭发动机在M21野战火箭弹上的成熟应用,对其发动机的点火过程进行了分析研究。

    Solid rocket motor ignition process is a unsteady process of short and complex , this paper charge for ladder-shaped solid rocket motors which was maturely applied on the M21 rocket weapon , and its ignition process was analyzed .

  22. 利用LSG-8015型雷电浪涌发生器与平行板传输线配合模拟雷电电磁脉冲辐射场,对整装状态下水平放置的某型火箭弹进行了辐照试验。

    The experiment of lighting radiation effect on rocket is done by using LSG-8015 lighting surge generator which establishes lightning electromagnetic pulse radiation field . The induced voltage of rocket electric ignition system at different discharge voltage level is compared .

  23. 面向对象关系数据库在火箭弹新型包装设计中的应用

    Object-Oriented Relational Database Application in Rocket Shell New Type Packaging Design

  24. 燃气压力保险机构在火箭弹引信中的应用

    The Application of Gas-pressure Safety Mechanism to the Rocket Bomb Fuze

  25. 弧形尾翼对火箭弹性能的影响

    An Influence of arc tail on The Properties of The Rocket

  26. 克服火箭弹自身缺陷对散布影响的一种新方法

    A new method about reducing dispersion of rocket by its self-defect

  27. 姿态稳定火箭弹射程散布的仿真研究

    The simulation study of the range dispersion of attitude stabilized rocket

  28. 准是附近掉了个火箭弹。

    A rocket bomb must have dropped quite near at hand .

  29. 所以,世界各国都非常致力于火箭弹的精确制导化研究。

    So countries over world are committed to precision-guided rocket research .

  30. 多管火箭弹弹道参数卡尔曼滤波估计方法

    Kalman Filtrating and Estimating Method of Ballistic Parameters of Multiple-Tubed Rocket