
  • 网络Volcanic dust;volcanic ash/dust
  1. 煤系地层中砂岩火山尘填隙物的成岩作用特征&以鄂尔多斯盆地天然气储层为例

    The formation and evolution of volcanic dust fillings of sandstone in coal measures strata of Ordos Basin

  2. 研究表明,该类砂岩的原杂基主要由同沉积期初步水化作用的火山尘构成;

    Studies show that the original fillings of sandstone are mainly superficially hydrolyzed volcanic dust , which is a superfine mixture of aluminosilicate and silicate .

  3. 对于火山尘凝灰岩这样一种具有广泛开发前景的非金属矿种,应用构造控矿这一方法去找寻,有可能产生好的效果。

    As to non - metallic minerals of structure ore - control and the ore - prospecting direction of new volcanic ash tuff deposits .

  4. 在埋藏过程中,砂岩火山尘填隙物的水岩反应受到煤系地层水介质性质及其活动性影响,主要发生脱水收缩作用、溶解作用、蚀变作用、碳酸盐交代作用和重结晶作用;

    The tuff fillings of sandstone are susceptible to the property and activity of the formation water , and have mainly experienced synaeresis , dissolution , alteration , carbonate metasomatism and recrystallization in a burial environment .

  5. 在晚石炭世&早二叠世,鄂尔多斯盆地泥炭沼泽环境下发育的富含火山尘填隙物砂岩是煤成气的主要储集层。

    During the period of Late Carboniferous and Early Permian , the sandstone with abundant volcanic dust fillings was mainly deposited in a peat marsh environment , which constituted a favorable reservoir of coal-formed gas in Ordos Basin .