
  • 网络Lingtai County
  1. 通过对甘肃灵台县和上海市奉贤县水产养殖场患病鳖病原菌的分离、培养、鉴定,两地菌株均为嗜水气单胞菌。

    Diseased Trionyx sinensis from Lingtai county of Gansu province and Fengxian county of Shanghai city were isolated , incubated and identified that the bacteria from the two places were Aeromonas hydrophila .

  2. 空间尺度上,2008、2009年4-9月份,湿润和极湿润主要分布在三个区域:庄浪和华亭县的交接区域;平凉崇信县及灵台县部分区域;陇东东部部分区域。

    On the spatial scale , moist and very moist mainly distributed in three regions , it is Zhuanglang and Huating handover region , part of Pingliang Chongxin and Lingtai , Longdong eastern part of the region .