
  • 网络jingchuan county
  1. 但是从泾川县所取得的旅游业绩看,却不甚理想。

    But the tourism performance of Jingchuan county is not ideal .

  2. 泾川县刺槐薪炭林生长状况分析

    Analysis of growth of firewood forest of black locust in Jingchuan County

  3. 本文对泾川县三元杂交肉牛的营养状况进行调查,发现日粮营水平不能满足肉牛生长发育的需要。

    Nutritional status of tri breed crossbred beef cattle in Jingchuan County was investigated .

  4. 甘肃省泾川县三元杂交肉牛生长发育的研究报告

    Growth and Development of Tri - breed Crossbred Progeny in Jingchuan County of Province Gansu

  5. 采用综合地力指数法将泾川县耕地地力化分为5个等级。

    By dint of integrated fertility index fertility , the arable land of Jingchuan was divided into five levels .

  6. 陇东的泾川县及合水县癌症死亡率相对较低。

    The death rate of cancer of Jingchuan and Heshui County in eastern part of Gansu Province is comparatively lower .

  7. 2006年泾川县的旅游收入为1583.6万元,接待旅游人数42.9万人次,两指标分别居甘肃省的20位和第17位。

    The tourism income of Jingchuan county in 2006 was 15.836 million Yuan ; tourist numbers of reception achieved 42.9 million . These two indicators respectively ranked the 20th and 17th in Gansu Province .

  8. 适宜于泾川县退耕还林(草)植被恢复的优化模式我国草本地被植物种类及园林应用研究

    Optimum Vegetation Recovery Model of Conversion of Farmland to Forest ( Grassland ) Cost-effective Mode Suitable for Jingchuan of Gansu Province Study on Species and Landscape Application of Herbaceous Ground Cover Plants in China