
huǒ xīnɡ rén
  • Martian
火星人 [huǒ xīng rén]
  • (1) [martian]

  • (2) 火星上的假想栖居者

  • (3) 由于上火星峰、下火星峰或火星谷突出发达而常被相手家认为有好侵犯或能抵抗并有时是性情暴躁等性格特点的人

  1. DavidH“说道,“火星人拜访地球”旅游手册这个练习backlog特别受欢迎。

    " David H " says that the exercise backlog for the " Martian visiting Earth " tourist brochure is particularly popular .

  2. 我从来不觉得该为我火星人的一面感到抱歉。

    I never feel like I have to apologize for my Martian side .

  3. 奥森·韦尔斯使得许多美国人相信他们正遭到火星人的入侵。

    Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians .

  4. 失败之后,作为报复,她向小博宣布,要与ET生养一个地球人与火星人的混血。

    Her plan doesn 't work , however , so to get revenge , Xin Xin declares that she 'll have a mixed Earthling-Martian baby with ET.

  5. 火星人重视力量、力、率和成就。

    Martians value power , competency , efficiency , and achievement .

  6. 火星人与人谈论问题就是邀请对方给予建议。

    Talking about a problem on Mars is an invitation for advice .

  7. 火星人重视力量、能力、效率和成就。

    Martians power , competency , efficiency , and achievement .

  8. 火星人没有能力抵御我们空气中的细菌。

    The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere .

  9. 红色火星人从巨大的飞船里掉了出来。

    Red Martians were falling from the side of the huge ship .

  10. 为什么?多少火星人把头发染成了棕色?

    Why ? How many Martians dye their hair brown ?

  11. 一些人似乎竟然已经看见了火星人。

    Some people it seemed had actually seen the Martians !

  12. 火星人对他们的降落点做过精确的计算。

    The Martians had caicuiated their descent with amazing perfection .

  13. 我已经看到了绿色火星人是怎么对待其他动物的了。

    I had already seen how the green Martians treated other animals .

  14. 你妈妈看我好像我是会说话的火星人。

    Your mother looked like I was talking martian .

  15. 火星人好像在使用死亡射线枪。

    It seemed the Martians were using death-ray guns .

  16. 火星人来访地球的可能性微乎其微。

    The chances of a visit by Martians to the earth are remote .

  17. 然后他们慢慢知道有一群火星人

    So they came to realize that there were these packs of Martians ,

  18. 如果我们在那里成家,我们的孩子就是火星人了。

    If we had a family there , our kids would be Martians .

  19. 我们确实开始管自己叫火星人。

    And we did actually start calling ourselves Martians .

  20. 科学幻想作品里才有真的火星人。

    Martians are real only in science fiction .

  21. 他认为每一个人都是火星人,以为贩卖冰淇淋的人是密探。

    He thinks everyone is a Martian and ice cream vendors are secret agents .

  22. 危险在这种美丽荒凉中等待着你,也许还有火星人。

    Danger awaits you on this the desolate beauty , and perhaps Martians too .

  23. 这就是火星人眼中我们的样子。

    There 's how the Martians see us .

  24. 假如你是火星人来到这个星球你看到

    If you were a Martian coming to this planet , and you saw someone

  25. 他们对这种感情从未知晓。附入爱河的火星人很快发明了太空旅行,飞往金星。

    They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus .

  26. 这些火星人十分专心,又能受金星人的美丽与文化鼓舞。

    These Martians were very devoted and were inspired by the Venusian beauty and culture .

  27. 大多数时尚的火星人在此刻有一整柜子各种各样漂亮的耳机。

    Most trendy Marslings at this point have a whole closet full of nice headphones .

  28. 如果火星人到地球,他们不会说,可爱的孩子

    If Martians came down they wouldn 't say ," Oh , cute baby . "

  29. 六个想要成为火星人的人正在进行一个实验项目,在地球上过着上的生活。

    Six wannabe Martians are taking life on for a test drive here on Earth .

  30. 火星人也没他这么怪诞。

    Who look less weird than him .