
xiāo chú qí yì
  • disambiguate
  1. 使用完全限定的名称可能会消除歧义。

    It may be possible to disambiguate by using fully qualified names .

  2. 你能给这句话消除歧义吗。

    Can you disambiguate this statement ?

  3. 最后,指出了将规则评分机制应用于Chart算法实现的句法分析系统在消除歧义和提高效率方面的优势,和今后进一步要研究的工作。

    Finally , we pointed out the advantage in dispelling ambiguously and raising the efficiency of improved Chart algorithm for syntax analysis .

  4. 要获取一个使用这种类型的消除歧义技术的简单搜索引擎示例,请参见DAMSEL(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    For an example of a simple search engine that uses this type of disambiguation , see DAMSEL ( see Resources for the link ) .

  5. 消除歧义是英汉翻译系统中要着重考虑的问题。

    Disambiguation is key problem in English - Chinese machine translation .

  6. 论文提出利用物体表面微分几何学特性的方法,这种方法通过两组数据的对比消除歧义。

    We developed a method for using the differential-geometrical property of the object surface .

  7. 标准行文准确,含义清晰,易于达成共识以便消除歧义。

    Standard style , meaning is clear , accurate consensus to eliminate to ambiguity .

  8. 会话修补能消除歧义改正错误从而有效推进会话进程。

    Conversational repair can clear up misunderstanding and correct mistakes thus facilitate the conversation .

  9. 这些示例组成的集合即为消除歧义后的正示例集合。

    These chosen instances would be the elimination of ambiguity for positive sample set .

  10. 因为语境在歧义现象中具有作用截然相反的两种功能,既能消除歧义,又能产生歧义。

    Because context has two different functions : it can both eliminate and produce ambiguity .

  11. 所构造的有向图可以作为机械分词、消除歧义以及进一步分析句子的基础。

    The digraph generated can be used in automatic segmentation , ambiguity diminishing and sentence analyzing .

  12. 已有的文献中真正涉及消除歧义的研究并不多。

    Comparatively speaking , however , there are not many papers on how to eliminate ambiguity .

  13. 因为双关语是有歧义的,在理解过程中消除歧义并建立关联是很必要的。

    Since puns are ambiguous , the elimination of ambiguity and establishment of contexts are necessary .

  14. 它在英语口语交际中起到消除歧义、帮助理解等作用。

    In verbal communication , language redundancy can eliminate ambiguity and help understanding the sentence meaning .

  15. 分别是:消除歧义策略、指称指派策略、语义充实策略、隐含推导策略。

    They respectively are disambiguation strategy , reference assignment strategy , enrichment strategy and implicative identification strategy .

  16. 对于文本,消除歧义很重要,原因有几个,可能包括

    With respect to text , disambiguation is important for a number of reasons . A few reasons might be

  17. 语境对意义的理解有积极的作用,它能帮助消除歧义、理解话语的隐含意义、修辞意义以及具有文化含义的语言。

    The context helps to eliminate ambiguity , infer implied meaning , sense rhetorical effect and understand words with cultural colors .

  18. 然而,可能不必对整个文本消除歧义:一个完全具有代表性的摘要就足够了。

    However , it might not be necessary to disambiguate an entire text : a thoroughly representative abstract might be sufficient .

  19. 可以通过句式转换、词语换位、添加词语、改换词语和具体语境等方法来消除歧义。

    We can use the ways of sentence-type changing , words permutation , words adding , words changing and concrete context to disambiguate .

  20. 要消除歧义,最明显的方法就是提供一个直接明了的句子,该句子包含其他一些特定细节来说明上下文。

    The most obvious way to remove doubt is to provide an up-front , explicit statement including additional specific details to make the context clear .

  21. 表情符号也有这样的功能——例如,在文字中加一个吻或者一个眨眼睛的表情能消除歧义,区分出一句话到底是轻佻的讥讽还是就只是平实的意思。

    Emoji serve this function too - for instance , adding a kissy or winking face can disambiguate whether a statement is flirtatiously teasing or just plain mean .

  22. 当软件听到一连串单词时,会从数据库中搜索与之相匹配的语句。所以当软件遇到一个发音模糊的单词时,可根据其前后其他单词来消除歧义。

    An unclear word can be disambiguated by the words around it , as the software tries to match a string of words to a string in its database .

  23. 本文以若干实例从词汇和句法两大因素入手,对英语中歧义句产生的原因及如何消除歧义句作了比较详细的阐述。

    This article mainly expounds with examples the reasons causing lexical and syntactic ambiguities , and on this basis , puts forward some methods of eliminating ambiguous sentences in English .

  24. 通过语境分析,阐述了语境在英汉翻译中具有确定词语义值和消除歧义句的重要作用。

    In terms of contextual analysis , it is stated that context plays a significant role in deciding the definite meaning of words and removing the ambiguous sentence in English-Chinese translation .

  25. 一般来说,歧义句会造成理解困难,但在英语写作中也可积极应用,并可通过词序的调整来消除歧义现象

    Normally , structural ambiguity gives rise to comprehension problems , but it can also be put to positive use , and ambiguity may be eliminated through structural re-ordering . End-of-Period Adjustment

  26. 针对中文分词技术,介绍了一种改进的正向最大匹配切分算法,以及为消除歧义引入的校正策略,并在此基础上结合统计方法处理未登录词。

    For Chinese word segmentation , the paper presents an improved MM segmentation algorithm , the revise strategy for disambiguation , and the statistic method for unknown words recognition based on the previous methods .

  27. 借用转换生成语法理论和语义成分分析理论定义歧义,进而分析了语言交际中产生歧义的各种因素,并就如何消除歧义提出了作者的观点。

    The present paper , borrowing ideas from transformational generative grammar and componential analysis , gives a tentative definition of ambiguity , analyzes the various factors causing ambiguity , and proposes ideas concerning disambiguation .

  28. 这种分析的主要范围包括消除歧义和指称分配、读者预见假设、重复、文本长度、具体媒体的语境暗示和暗含取消等。

    Areas that can be targeted by such analysis include disambiguation and referential assignment , readers ' anticipatory hypotheses , repetition , length of text , media-specific contextual implications , and cancellation of implicature .

  29. 文章把歧义分成蓄意歧义和无意歧义,结合交际教学实践分析举例,并提出了避免、消除歧义的方法,以帮助学生扫除交际中的障碍。

    This paper divides ambiguity into intentional ambiguity and unintentional ambiguity , gives examples combined with communication teaching and forwards methods to avoid and eliminate ambiguity so as to help students clear obstacles to communication .

  30. 从语音、词汇、语法三方面分析了汉语句法中歧义现象形成的原因,讨论了消除歧义的途径。

    In this thesis , the reason of ambiguity in Chinese syntax has been explored in terms of sound , words and grammer , and the ways of solving ambiguity phenomenon has been pointed out .