
  • 网络negative mood;negative emotion;negative affect
  1. 结果接触组消极情绪状况中的紧张、愤怒、疲劳得分,均显著高于对照组(P0.05);积极情绪状态得分,显著低于对照组(P0.01);

    Results The scores of negative mood state of the operators in the exposed group had no significant difference compared with those in the control group , while the scores of positive mood state ( powerful ) were significantly lower than those in the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 但我认为,这种消极情绪有些言过其实。

    But I believe this negative mood is overstated .

  3. 不要让消极情绪毁掉你的动力。

    Don 't let negativity ruin your motivation .

  4. SSRI倾向于钝化消极情绪,而非激发积极情绪。

    S.S.R.I.s tend to blunt negative feelings more than they boost positive ones .

  5. 因此,Nota和Coles相信对于因为消极情绪而处于混乱状态的人,充足的睡眠不失为一种有益的方法。

    Nota and Coles therefore believe that it might benefit people who are at risk of developing a disorder characterized by such intrusive thoughts to focus on getting enough sleep .

  6. 中国海员的消极情绪因子与SCL90各因子呈显著正相关,积极情绪因子与SCL90的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、敌对等因子呈显著负相关。

    The negative emotion factors of the Chinese seafarers appear quite related to every SCL-90 factor , while the active emotion factors appear quite opposite to the SCL-90 factors ;

  7. 而参与者脸上的表情也被用于研究以了解积极和消极情绪。

    The participants faces are studied for positive or negative feelings .

  8. 如何克服体育教学中学生的消极情绪

    How to Overcome the Students ' Passiveness in the PE Teaching

  9. 可能我所有短期的消极情绪都没有说到点上。

    Perhaps all my short-term gloom is missing the point .

  10. 浅谈体育教学中消极情绪与对策

    A Brief Talk about Low Spirits in PE Teaching and Its Countermeasures

  11. 孩子们的消极情绪往往通过不好的行为表现出来。

    Children 's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behavior .

  12. 以致无法处理消极情绪

    that we 're unable to process negative emotions anymore .

  13. 提示护理管理者要加强护士人文素质的培养,克服消极情绪,要着眼于护理专业的长远发展,利用各种渠道宣传护理学科,正确面对各种变化,促进护理专业的发展。

    Cope with various changes and promote the development of nursing profession .

  14. 该模式适用于积极情绪和消极情绪。

    This pattern applied to both positive and negative emotions .

  15. 这就节省了我的时间并且缓解了我的消极情绪。

    This has saved me time and reduced negative energy .

  16. 问题16.演讲者说了关于消极情绪的什么?

    Question 16 . What does the speaker say about negative emotions ?

  17. 呼气的时候,把所有的消极情绪都释放出去。

    As you exhale , release all that negativity with your breath .

  18. 从能量的角度来说,消极情绪可能产生自多个源头。

    From an energetic standpoint , negative emotions can originate from several sources .

  19. 以消极情绪开始新的一天是很糟糕的!

    Thats a terrible way to start the day !

  20. 抑郁是中学生的一种常见消极情绪。

    Depression is a common kind of negative emotions among middle school students .

  21. 整体消极情绪高于积极情绪,消极情绪随着年级的升高有上升趋势。

    Active high arousal emotions have increasing trend with the increase of grade .

  22. 大学生英语学习消极情绪及其调适&强化自我效能感的有效途径

    The Enhancement of Self-efficacy as the Elimination of Negative Feelings in College English Learning

  23. 文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用

    The roles of culture and gender in the relationship between positive and negative emotion

  24. 自卑、厌恶等消极情绪是影响学习的重要因素。

    Such passive affects as inferiority , disgust are major factors that affect learning .

  25. 高心理弹性个体更多地感受到积极情绪,更少感受到消极情绪;低心理弹性个体则相反。

    Individuals with high resilience feel more positive emotions and less negative emotion felt .

  26. 我想保持这种消极情绪吗?

    Do I want to keep this negativity ?

  27. 坐着的时候,让自己完全沉浸在那种消极情绪之中。

    While you 're sitting there , completely immerse yourself in the negative emotion .

  28. 你经历消极情绪时你的心在经受什麽?

    What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity ?

  29. 努力归因在心理弹性和消极情绪变化之间起着完全中介作用。

    Attribution of effort play an intermediary role between resilience and vary of negative emotions .

  30. 幼儿的表情调节知识与情绪表达的人际支持、工具支持的结果期望存在显著正相关,即幼儿掩饰消极情绪是因为预期情绪表达不会得到他人理解和帮助;

    Children masked emotion when they expected not to receive interpersonal support or instrumental assistance .