
  • 网络consumer decision-making process;AIDAS
  1. 消费者购买决策过程是营销学和消费者购买行为学中核心的研究内容,是消费者购买行为的集中体现。

    Consumer decision-making process is the core content of marketing and consumer behavior .

  2. 未来的结果。饭店消费者购买决策过程可用名义型决策、有限型决策、扩展型决策来描述。

    Hotel consumers ' purchasing decision-making process can be described as nominal type , finite type , and extended type .

  3. 传统口碑在消费者购买决策过程中所起的重要作用已经得到广泛证实。

    Traditional word-of-mouth ( WOM ) has proven to play a major role in consumer buying decisions by influencing consumer choice .

  4. 接下来,论文通过讨论基于4Ps的营销策略对消费者首次购买决策过程的影响,提出研究假设并构建实证模型。

    Third , by discussing the marketing mix 's influence on first time purchase decision-making process , the paper proposes hypothesises and then builds empirical model .

  5. 购物决策风格如何影响消费者的购买决策过程?

    How consumer decision-making style largely influence consumer decision-making process ?

  6. 品牌敏感是指消费者在购买决策过程中注重品牌。

    Brand sensitivity means consumers pay more attention to the brand when they make purchase decisions .

  7. 因此,本文的研究目的旨在分析不同购物决策风格集群的消费者在购买决策过程中存在的差异及差异的基本特征。

    The purpose of this article is to analysis the difference and its characteristic of different communities in consumer decision-making process .

  8. 作为品牌理论研究的新领域,品牌敏感度指的是消费者在购买决策过程中重视品牌的程度。

    As a new field of brand theoretical research , Brand sensitivity refers to the buying decision making process of consumers attaches importance to the extent of the brand .

  9. 消费行为分析根据实地调查的结果,对消费者的购买决策过程、品牌性能偏好及冰箱未来消费趋势做出判断与预测。

    Consumer behavior analysis according to result of on-site inspection , purchase decision-making process in consumer , brand performance have a partiality for and refrigerator consume trend judges and predict future .

  10. 并验证与完善感知风险理论在新的消费模式下的理论应用,全面理解消费者购买行为的决策过程,进一步补充和完善电子商务模式的研究。

    And to verify and improve perceived risk theory in the new consumption mode , understanding consumer purchase behavior in the decision making process comprehensively , supplement and perfect the research about electronic commerce mode .

  11. 本研究的创新点:1.本文采用实证研究的方法,选取有过网上购物经历的消费者作为研究对象,对消费者购买决策过程中信息搜寻这一阶段进行尝试研究。

    In this study , we use empirical research method , select online shoppers as the object of research and try to study the information search behavior of decision-making in purchasing . 2 .

  12. 三是结合消费者购买行为理论,并通过对网络旅游消费者的消费行为进行研究,构建了网络旅游消费者的购买决策过程模型,分析了购买决策各阶段旅游消费者对旅游网站服务的需求。

    Thirdly , I established the model of the process of tourists ' purchasing decision-making and analyzed the requirement of tourists in the different steps of purchasing decision-making by combining the purchasing behavior theory of customers and tourists ' behavior on website .