
hù huì gòng shēng
  • mutualism;mutualistic symbiosis;reciprocal symbiosis
互惠共生[hù huì gòng shēng]
  1. 这种地下的互惠共生现象是因为一种菌根介入其中的。

    that this belowground mutualistic symbiosis called a mycorrhiza was involved .

  2. 但它却是构成园林景观整体形象的有机组分。自然、市、类融为有机整体,形成互惠共生结构。

    The nature , city , mankind become an organic whole , forming the structure of mutualistic symbiosis .

  3. 本文讨论了一个两种群Lotka-Volterra互惠共生系统和它的离散模拟。

    In this paper , a two-species Lotka-Volterra mutual system and its discrete analogue is considered .

  4. 外生菌根(Ectomycorrhiza,ECM)是由土壤真菌与植物根系形成的互惠共生体。

    Ectomycorrhizas ( ECM ) are symbiont formed between soil fungi and plant roots .

  5. 五株真菌产纤维素酶具有较好的热稳定性和pH稳定性。4.霉菌混合发酵对提高秸秆蛋白含量的贡献不大;霉菌与酵母混合培养由于二者的互惠共生关系使秸秆蛋白含量有较大提高。

    Cellulase produced by five fungus have better thermal stability and pH stability.4.Molds co-fermentation cannot raise protein content of wheat straw greatly . Mixed culture of mold and yeast can increase the protein content greatly because of the relationship of reciprocal symbiosis .

  6. 现在我有点困惑,因为那本书上用了那个定义解释互惠共生(mutualism),你能解释一下这两个词的区别吗?

    Now , I am kind of confused about it , because the book used that definition to describe mutualism . Could you explain the difference ?

  7. 大戟内生菌E5以上特点,体现了其与宿主之间的互惠共生关系。

    These characters of endophytic fungus E5 showed a good correlation with its host , and this correlation was mutualism .

  8. 丛枝菌根(AM)是丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系相互作用的互惠共生体,能改良土壤结构,增强植物抗性。

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza ( AM ), the symbiont of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ( AMF ) and host plant root , has been proved to be able to improve soil structure and enhance the plant resistance to environmental stress .

  9. 森林生态系统中昆虫与真菌的互惠共生

    The Mutualism of Insect and Fungi in the Forest Ecosystem

  10. 我觉得这是互惠共生案例中最有趣的之一,

    I think this is one of the most interesting cases of mutualism ,

  11. 离散互惠共生模型的持久性

    Persistence of a discrete mutu a lism model

  12. 互惠共生系统解的存在性和唯一性

    Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for Coexist System

  13. 兰科菌根真菌生活在兰科植物根内的特殊环境中,与宿主协同演化,形成了互惠共生关系。

    The orchid mycorrhizal fungi live in the special niche within the orchid roots .

  14. 兼性的互惠共生的微分方程模型的全局稳定性

    Global Stability for Difference Equations Modelling Facultative Mutualism

  15. 在植物与微生物的共生体中,最广泛的互惠共生体就是丛枝菌根。

    Arbuscular mycorrhizae are the most widespread mutualistic symbionts among the symbionts between plants and microbes .

  16. 榕树传粉现象被广泛地作为研究协同进化特别是互惠共生的重要模式之一。

    The fig pollination is widely regarded as one of the models for studying the coevolved mutualism .

  17. 蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠共生关系

    Mutualism Between Ants and Myrmecochores

  18. 企业与农户共生行为模式包括偏利共生、非对称性互惠共生和对称性互惠共生三种。

    The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism , dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism .

  19. 共生关系是一种广义的术语,而互惠共生是一个狭义的或者更具体的共生类型。

    Symbiosis , general term ; mutualism , a narrower or more specific kind of symbiosis . Okay .

  20. 霉菌与酵母混合培养由于二者的互惠共生关系使秸秆蛋白含量有较大提高。

    Mixed culture of mold and yeast can increase the protein content greatly because of the relationship of reciprocal symbiosis .

  21. 本文主要介绍了生态系统的组织理论:食物链动态理论和互惠共生一控制论。这两种理论代表了进化生态学家与系统生态学家两大学派。

    This paper introduced the theories of ecosystem organizations the development of foodchain dynamics and main points of mutualism-cybernetics theories .

  22. 有时候是挺混乱的,比如把共生关系用作互惠共生的同义词。

    And it can get confusing . Um , for example , when symbiosis is used as a synonym for mutualism .

  23. 菌根是真菌与植物根系所建立的互惠共生体,其中以丛枝菌根在自然界中分布最广。

    As one of mutual symbiosis formed between plants and Glomales fungi , arbuscular mycorrhiza has the widest distribution in the nature .

  24. 人类不得不寻求建立一种人与自然互惠共生、协调发展的新文明&生态文明;

    Mankind must set up a new civilization-ecological civilization that human being live together with nature for both benefits and coordinate development .

  25. 而互惠共生也是一种共生关系,一种具体类型的共生关系,在这种关系中两种生物在某种程度上都有所受益。

    Mutualism then is a kind of symbiosis , um , a specific type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit somehow .

  26. 我从介绍一个互惠共生的案例开始吧,这个案例与在南非和澳大利亚发现的一种蝴蝶有关。

    I 'll start off by describing a case of mutualism that involves a certain butterfly species found in South Africa and Australia .

  27. 本研究首次报道了松材线虫与其携带的某些假单胞属的细菌菌株之间的互惠共生关系。

    The study first reported that mutualistic symbiotic relationship existed between pine wood nematode and its carrying bacteria which belonged to genus , Pseudomonas .

  28. 本研究中的10个假单胞菌株与无菌松材线虫能彼此促进繁殖,可看作两者间存在互惠共生关系。

    Results indicated that 10 Pseudomonas strains promoted the propagation of ABX and vice versa , revealing a mutualistic symbiotic relationship between the two organisms .

  29. 菌根是植物根系与土壤真菌形成的互惠共生体,对提高植物抗逆能力十分重要。

    As a mutual symbiosis formed between plants and soil mycorrhiza fungi , Mycorrhiza plays a key role in protecting host plants against environmental stress .

  30. 根据对结果的分析与对比,发现互惠共生模式是供应链联盟中最稳定的模式。

    Based on the results of the analysis and comparison , found that mutualism is the most stable model in supply chain alliance symbiotic mode .