
  • 网络internet access
  1. 虚拟保险箱(VirtualVault)为核心业务功能和数据提供了安全的互联网访问途径。

    Virtual Vault provides secure Internet access to core business functions and data .

  2. 虽然理论上可以将API使用在非Windows平台,但同样意味着没有可靠的互联网访问,将无法正常运行在设备上。

    While this would theoretically make it possible to use the API on non-Windows platforms , it also means it will not work on devices without reliable Internet access .

  3. 随着Web技术的逐渐成熟以及快速发展,越来越多的用户可以通过互联网访问自己想要的信息。

    With the rapid development and maturity of Web technology , more and more users can access the information they want through the Internet .

  4. Net技术和B/S结构的网络模式实现了应用程序的开发,使各类用户能够在不安装该软件的情况下,随时随地通过互联网访问系统。

    Net as develop environment and B / S net architecture , so all kinds of the users can access the system anytime and anywhere .

  5. 该系统是一套基于互联网访问、操作,包含多种终端设备的BPM系统。

    This system is the BPM designed to be accessed and operated by the Internet . It contains multiple types of end-point devices .

  6. 本文借助中国互联网络信息中心负责管理的国家域名系统资源,采用了若干CN节点的DNS服务器日志数据,对互联网访问模式进行了分析。

    These data was provided by the China Internet Network Information Center , which is responsible for the management of national domain name resources .

  7. 一个用户在使用ISP提供的互联网访问服务时,在ISP的日志中留下了该用户访问所有网站的记录。

    When a user in the use of Internet access services provided by the ISP , the ISP logs leaving a record of the user access to all sites .

  8. 它是一项反对供应商(比如康卡斯特Comcast)为控制传输数据优先级,不平等对待互联网访问的运动。

    It is a movement against internet providers like Comcast , who want to charge more data to visit certain websites .

  9. 因此,DNS日志记载了用户访问域名的情况,蕴藏了丰富的互联网访问信息,是研究互联网访问模式的一个新的途径。

    Therefore , DNS log recorded the domain names which are queried by users and contained a lot of information . It is a new way to analyze the Internet access pattern with the DNS log .

  10. MOOC是“大规模开放式在线课程”的英文首字母缩写,意指可以在全球各地通过互联网访问的课程。

    MOOCS an acronym for massive open online courses are courses that can be accessed globally over the Internet .

  11. 安装好的EurekaJ管理器(本地安装或可通过互联网访问的远程安装)

    An installation of EurekaJ Manager ( either locally on your LAN , or remotely , accessed over the internet )

  12. 利用FTP文件传输协议,使用Serv-U软件构建FTP服务器,使客户端用户能够通过互联网访问FTP服务器,进行信息资源的共享和传输。

    Using FTP ( File Transfer Protocol ), a FTP server can be built by the software of Serv-U. The user of client_side then can visit the FTP server to upload or download the files .

  13. 通过对互联网访问控制设备AR2000的过滤性能的分析测试,研究其对网络效率和流量的影响。

    By the analysis and test of the filter performance of the internet access control Equitment AR2000 , we research how it influence the efficiency and flux of the network .

  14. 面向用户互联网访问日志的异常点击分析

    Abnormal click analysis in Web User Access Logs

  15. 这一状况直到1990年代晚期有线电视公司开始推销宽带互联网访问时才得到改善。

    This changed in the late1990s when cable television companies began marketing broadband Internet access .

  16. 政府部门的政务电子化,企业的事务、商务和信息管理电子化,以及跨组织的服务流程、事务流程、信息流通和共享,带来了在互联网访问控制技术上的越来越大的挑战。

    The governmental affairs , business and information management for enterprise are tended to be electronical .

  17. 本研究最终实现了一个虚拟实验系统,经过实际测试,用户随时可通过互联网访问该系统,进行相关实验操作。

    After the actual test , users can access the system and experimental operations via the Internet .

  18. 流基础架构可在企业环境中本地构建,也可以通过互联网访问。

    The streaming infrastructure can be set up locally in a corporate environment or it can be accessed over the internet .

  19. 通过互联网访问这个文档要远远快于在某组织某部门中寻找到那张纸制的时间表单。

    Accessing this document through a Website is much faster than finding the actual paper timesheet in the departments of the organization .

  20. 从防火墙选项卡,您可以配置路由器,拒绝或允许从互联网访问特定内部用户。

    From the Firewall Tab , you can configure the Router to deny or allow specific internal users from accessing the Internet .

  21. 我曾经见识过所罗门群岛的村庄通过无线数据连接到另一个岛来进行互联网访问。

    I 've seen remote villages in the Solomon Islands with a packet radio link to another island for their internet access .

  22. 云计算的关键特征是按需获取自助式服务、广阔的互联网访问、资源池、快速伸缩和可度量的服务。

    The essential characteristics for Cloud Computing are on-demand self-service , broad network access , resource pooling , rapid elasticity , and measured Service .

  23. 这个配置提供根据从可信网络还是从不可信互联网访问分配不同的权限和访问级别的能力。

    This configuration provides the ability to assign different permissions and access levels based on access from the trusted network and the untrusted Internet .

  24. 本文以某运营商的互联网访问日志数据为基础,通过对其进行分析挖掘,从中得到用户的兴趣特征。

    In this paper , an operator of internet access log data , analyze them by digging derive the features of interest of the user .

  25. 云计算是指可以随时随地、按需、便捷地利用互联网访问共享资源池的一种计算模式。

    Cloud computing is a computing model that can access the shared resource pool through Internet conveniently on the demand of users anywhere , anytime .

  26. 该系统安装在服务器上后,用户可以方便快捷地通过互联网访问该系统,充分实现信息的共享。

    The system installed in the server , the user can quickly through the Internet access to the system , fully realize the sharing of information .

  27. 随着网络技术和大规模数据库技术的不断发展,今天人们已经可以通过互联网访问包含数以百万计的音乐的在线乐库。

    With the rapid and continuous develop of network and large database technology , today people could access online music database containing millions of music piece .

  28. 由于云计算能够在不安装任何软件的情况下通过互联网访问任何计算机上的个人信息,从而使其成为当今业务活动中一个不可或缺的因素。

    With its ability to access personal files from any computer via internet without any installation has made cloud computing a vital factor in today 's business activities .

  29. 这就是为什么这所学校在2012年决定引进一种技术,能将学习程序与笔记本电脑,软件和互联网访问完整结合。

    That 's why in 2012 the school decided to introduce a technology blended learning program complete with laptops , software , and Internet access . It 's apparently made a difference .

  30. 网格技术为人们提供了一个全面共享网络资源的计算环境,网格计算门户是用户通过互联网访问网格资源、执行网格计算的入口,因此是网格计算环境的重要组成部分。

    The grid technology can bring us a powerful computational environment with global resources sharing . As an important part of Grid Computational Environment , Grid Portal is implemented as a Web portal for users accessing grid resources and performing grid computing through the Internet .