
  • mutual benefit;mutually beneficial;reciprocity;patronage
  1. 本着诚信、质优、互惠互利的原则,公司将不断扩展与国内外更多生产、配套、经销企业的携手合作和共同发展!

    In good faith , high quality , mutual benefit , the company will continue to expand with more domestic production , support , distribution , enterprise cooperation and common development hand in hand !

  2. 我们的宗旨是质量保证,价格低廉,服务周到,互惠互利。

    Our aim is to ensure quality , low prices , courteous service , and mutual benefit .

  3. MG长桥工厂也许是个互惠互利项目的典范。

    The MG plant may be an example of a mutually beneficial project .

  4. 在我国加入WTO之后,国内钢铁企业与经销商之间如何实现互惠互利,并建立起长期稳定的营销关系。

    The paper is mainly on how to establish the long term and stable market relations between the steelmaking enterprises and sellers after China 's entry into WTO .

  5. 1987年北美自由贸易协定(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)通过的时候,美国和加拿大(以及墨西哥)开启了一段互惠互利的融合进程,现在这种融合需要加强。

    When the North American Free Trade Agreement passed in 1987 , the U.S. and Canada ( along with Mexico ) began a mutually beneficial process of integration that now needs strengthening .

  6. 本文通过对X效率理论的原理进行叙述,结合东风日产合资的背景材料分析,得出合资的原因主要是双方能互惠互利。

    Through the introduction of the theory of X efficiency and analysis of the background material of joint , this paper makes conclusion that the reason for the joint of DFM and Nissan is they can benefit mutually .

  7. 不合作的节点漠视相互协作,服务共享,互惠互利的P2P技术理念,其不合作行为表现出自私、消极、恶意等特征。

    The uncooperative nodes disregard the concept of " mutual cooperation , service shared , mutual benefit " that is advocated in P2P systems . Their bad behavior embodied such features as selfish , negative , malice .

  8. 在我们两国之间进行着繁荣和互惠互利的贸易。

    A fertile and needful trade flowed between our two countries .

  9. 我们愿本着“互惠互利、共同双赢”的原则,与各界商人共创辉煌。

    We wish to create resplendent future with more businessmen together !

  10. 期望与您建立互惠互利的关系。

    We look forward to a mutually rewarding relationship with you .

  11. 寻求能让你和身边的人都能互惠互利的机会。

    Seek opportunities for mutual gain with the people in your life .

  12. 希看在我们之间能够创建互惠互利的贸易关系。

    Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us .

  13. 我们是互惠互利的合作关系

    This is meant to be a mutually beneficial arrangement .

  14. 希望能和你有个互惠互利的合作。

    We hope to cooperate with you for mutual benefits .

  15. 选择有互惠互利潜力的项目。

    Select projects where there 's potential for mutual benefit .

  16. 此外,双方可以协力工作,互惠互利。

    If need is , we can work together for our mutual benefit .

  17. 在商务活动中,交易双方通过合作互惠互利取得尽可能大的利益。

    Business transaction partners obtain the greatest possible benefits by mutually beneficial cooperation .

  18. 这是一种相互依存和互惠互利的新型战略伙伴关系。

    This is a new strategic partnership for double win and mutual benefits .

  19. 互惠互利建立在两国加强沟通的基础上。

    Reciprocity needs more communications from both countries .

  20. 中国也奉行互惠互利的外交政策。

    China too has a push-me pull-you diplomacy .

  21. 希望与海内外客商真诚合作,互惠互利。

    The hope cooperates with outside businessman in the world sincerity , mutual benefit .

  22. 合作应当以寻求互惠互利的双赢结果和共同发展为目标。

    Cooperation should aim at pursuit of mutual beneficial win-win results and common development .

  23. 期待与您在互惠互利和良好的合作的业务做。

    Looking forward to doing business with you in a mutual benefits and good cooperation .

  24. 并为英国的科学机构和企业寻找互惠互利的商业机遇。

    We work to identify mutually beneficial commercial opportunities for UK science organisations and companies .

  25. 我们目标就是与客户建立长期的互惠互利的战略合作伙伴关系。

    Our goal is to establish long-term and mutually beneficial strategic partnership with our customers .

  26. 最好的关系是双方能够互惠互利的。

    The best connections are mutually beneficial .

  27. 互惠互利是中外资银行合作发展的根本原因。

    Reciprocity is the root reason for the cooperative development of Chinese and foreign banks .

  28. 我们希望以互相尊重、互惠互利的原则行事。

    We wish to act according to the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit .

  29. 麦克兰德和维多利亚的市长坎迪多·凯姆一起协作互惠互利。

    McClelland and Victoria 's mayor , Candido Guiam , see mutual benefits in working together .

  30. 中国向非洲国家原则的基础上互惠互利,共同发展。

    The Chinese principle toward African countries has been based on mutual benefit and common development .