
  • 网络human ecosystem;human ecology system;human ecological system
  1. 人类生态系统结构和行为特征初探

    Structure and Behavioral Characteristics of Human Ecosystem

  2. 非线性原理即熵定律分析人类生态系统中能量流动;

    Analysing the energy flow in human ecosystem with unlineal principle ( entropy law ) .

  3. 医学地理学模型与区域人类生态系统模型的探讨

    The models of medical geography and territorial anthropo - ecosystem

  4. 人类生态系统的研究

    The Study of Human Eco system

  5. 这里我指的是那些长期与人共处,并适应了人类生态系统的动物,

    they 're surviving . And I 'm talking specifically about synanthropic species , which have adapted specifically for human ecologies ,

  6. 它强调人类生态系统内部与外部环境之间的和谐,系统结构和功能之间的有机结合。

    It emphasizes the human ecosystem between the internal and external environment of harmony , between the system structure and function combination .

  7. 边缘效应存在于自然界和人类生态系统,边缘效应的有效发挥与利用,对于系统的协调稳定发展有着重要的作用。

    Edge effect is common principle in natural and human systems which plays important role in the sustainable development of the system .

  8. 而这些又多与人体内这些脏器的关联性相对应。这提示:若把局部地区人和环境看作一个人类生态系统,则也符合泛系重演律。

    It demonstrates that , if one thinks of human beings and their regional environment as a single ecosystem , then the law of system similarities may apply .

  9. 从深层意义上来说,景观设计是人类生态系统的设计,因此,城市景观设计应以城市生态建设的可持续发展为立足点。

    From the view of deep significance , sight design is human zoological system design . Therefore , city sight design should take city zoological construction as the stand of sustainable development .

  10. 各种空间、圈层和系统,都有一定的自然组织层次,彼此不是孤立的,而是共同组成最高层次的人类总体生态系统(Totalhumanecosystem)简称THE。

    Various spaces , spheres and sys - tems are in hierarchical level , and depend on each other in organizing a total human ecosystem ( THE ) & the highest level of ecosystem .

  11. 多环芳香烃(PAHs)在环境中的污染可导致严重的健康问题,因而PAHs对人类和生态系统的影响引起了各界的广泛关注。

    Contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in the environment is a serious public health problem and the impact of PAHs on human beings and ecosystems has attracted increasing public and academic concern .

  12. 生态系统服务功能是指人类从生态系统中获得的效益。

    Ecological service functions namely benefits that human gained from the ecosystem .

  13. 气候变化对人类自然生态系统和社会系统产生了重要影响。

    Climate change has profound ramifications on human natural ecological and social system .

  14. 人类和生态系统的福址应该超越纯粹经济的考虑,因为经济依赖生态系统。

    Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems .

  15. 近年来,随着全球性生态环境问题的加剧,人类对生态系统的服务功能认识更加深刻。

    Lately , with the intensification of eco-environment problem , ecosystem service functions are more deeply known .

  16. 为此人类对生态系统干预应限制在生态承载力限度内。

    Therefore , intervention of human to ecological system should be limited in the limitation of ecological carrying capacity .

  17. 在气候变化背景下,人类和生态系统的水平衡及碳平衡已成为首要环境问题。

    Against the background of climate change , water and carbon balance between human-being system and ecosystem has become the primary environmental problem .

  18. 区域生态安全格局不存在一个固定标准,人类对生态系统服务功能需求的不断变化是生态系统管理的根本原因。

    The RPES has not a fixed standard , but the varied human requirement to ecosystem services is the root reason for implementing the ecosystem management .

  19. 它作为人工的再创造环境,是整个人类生态环境系统中的有机组成部分,既是物化的环境,又是人文的环境。

    As artificial environment , environmental art is crucial component of the whole environment system . It is not only the materialized environment but also the humanism environment .

  20. 我们必须把我们的重点从经济发展和物质主义转移到生活质量的可持续发展和社会、人类和生态系统的修复上来!

    We have to shift our emphasisfrom economic efficiency and materialismtowards a sustainable quality of lifeand to healing of our society of our people and our ecological systems .

  21. 他们说,只要人类对生态系统的认识还是一知半解的,那就不存在对栖息地的安全缩小;因此也就谈不上什么保险策略了。

    They say there is no safe diminution of habitat as long as human understanding of ecology is as sketchy as it is a fallback strategy is unthinkable .

  22. 计算机科学和定量分析的进步、生态学理论的发展以及新技术的应用增加了人类预测生态系统变化的能力。

    The progress in computer science , quantitative analysis and ecological theory , together with the application of new high technology , will increase our ability to forecast ecosystem change .

  23. 认为可持续发展是以人为本包括自然和社会要素的复杂巨系统问题,生态资源与环境灾害是人类与生态系统关系的正、反两态。

    The eco-environmental sustainability is a huge complex system , an anthropocentric system , in which the eco-environmental resources and disasters are the positive and negative states of the relationship between human being and ecosystem .

  24. 全球变暖已经明显地破坏和干扰了人类与生态系统之间业已建立的相互适应关系,长此以往,将导致地球气候系统发生深刻的变化,并造成一定的灾害问题。

    Global warming has evidently damaged and interfered with the relationship created by human and ecological system , which will result to the profound changes for the climate system of the earth in the long term .

  25. 尽管能值分析定量评价了自然环境资源对人类生态经济系统的贡献,克服了传统能量与经济分析方法的诸多缺憾,但在理论方法上仍存在不足之处。

    Although emergy analysis can assess the contributions of natural environmental resources to human ecological-economic systems , and can overcome many shortcomings of traditional energy analysis and economic analysis , there are also shortcomings in emergy analysis .

  26. 报告宣布,温室气体的继续排放将导致进一步变暖,将让气候系统所有组成部分发生持久性的变化,增加给人类和生态系统制造严重、普遍和不可逆转的影响的可能性。

    Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system , increasing the likelihood of severe , pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems , the report declared .

  27. 生态建设以社会-经济-自然人类复合生态系统理论为依据,以区域或行业为单元,或以解决生态环境问题或以生态恢复为宗旨而进行的。

    The ecological construction was an activity that took the theory of social economic natural compound eco system as the basis , the regional area or industry as the unit , or solving ecological issues or ecological restoration as the tenet .

  28. 由于人类是生态系统中的一个物种,从古至今生态系统状况的变化都影响着人类的发展走向,因此生态分析是理解人类实践历史的一个不可或缺的重要手段。

    Because the humanity is one species in the ecosystem , the change of the ecosystem condition has influenced the humanity development trend in all ages , therefore the ecological analysis is one important means to understand the history of the humanity practices .

  29. 在吸纳深生态学思想合理内核的基础上,深刻论证了人类与生态系统中动物及环境的道德关系,并阐明了人与动物的道德身份、主体地位平等的本质差别;

    Absorbing the reasonable nucleus of deep ecology , the ethical connections of humans with animals and environment in the ecosystem are discussed profoundly , with the essential differences between human beings and animal in ethical identity and equality of main body status revealed .

  30. 基于PSR模型从人类干扰、生态系统的结构和功能、社会经济等方面选取相应的指标,评价健康状况明确了五个健康等级的意义。

    Based on model from human interference , the ecological system of structure and function , social and economic aspects of select the corresponding indicators , the evaluation of health specifically five healthy level .