
  • 网络population history;Demographic History
  1. 先秦人口史研究中若干理论和方法问题的思考

    Thinking about Questions of Some Theories and Methods on Population History of Pre-Qin 's Research

  2. “原额人丁”的性质是清代人口史研究中的一个比较重要的问题。

    The nature of " original Ding " is a important issue on the study of Qing population history .

  3. 西方人口史研究新进展述评

    A Narrative Commentary of the New Progress in the Study of Historical Demography in the West

  4. 目前,有关灾荒史和人口史的研究已相当多,本文侧重于从灾荒与人口相互关联和互动的角度,探讨灾荒与人口变迁之间的关系。

    I have studied the relationship between famine and population vicissitudes from famine and population 's reciprocal effect .

  5. 通商口岸体系的形成与中国近代城市体系的变动&基于人口史的考察

    Formation of the Treaty Port Network and Changes of Modern Chinese City System : Based on the Survey of the Population History

  6. 先秦人口史的研究目前主要存在以下突出的问题:对有关史料缺乏细致的甄别和深入的分析,缺乏牢靠的研究基础;

    There are some prominent problems in research about population history of Pre-Qin at present , such as lacking in meticulous investigation and examination and deep analysis on some historical material , short of firm research basis ;

  7. 因而,东北移民问题,历来是人口史、社会史领域一个值得注意的重大问题。

    Thus , the migration in the northeast traditionally is a noticeable and big problem in the field of population and society history . The research on the migration in the northeast has been started in the early 20th century .

  8. 澳门人口发展史的启迪

    Enlightenment by the History of the Population Development of Macau

  9. 浅议中国人口经济史

    On Economic History of the Chinese Population

  10. 但到了2008年左右,城市人口有史以来首次超过了农村人口。

    But by about 2008 , for the first time ever , most humans lived in cities .

  11. 近二十年来明清西南人口迁移史研究概述

    The Survey of the Recent Twenty-Year Research on the History of Southwestern Populations Migration in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  12. 这是世界人口发展史上的里程碑事件,为世界人口事业的发展指明了方向。

    The ICPD is a milestone in the history of population and development , pointing out the direction of our endeavor .

  13. 这是一段不应忘记的历史,也是20世纪人口迁移史上一个不可忽略的课题。

    This is a period of history that should not be forgotten , and is a subject that can 't be neglected in population migration history of the 20th century as well .

  14. 2015年,中国劳动年龄人口遭遇现代史上最大跌幅。

    China 's working-age population saw its largest decline in modern China 's history in 2015 .

  15. 但仍有原因需要顾虑:消费者调查显示预期收入下降的人口比例有史最高,批发价格图表显示除能源类产品,其他产品价格下降远超供给价格。

    Still , there are reasons to fret . Consumer surveys suggest the share of people who expect their incomes to decline is the highest on record . Wholesale-price figures suggest that prices other than energy are falling further down the supply chain .

  16. 伦敦的人口迁入是伦敦人口史和城市史的重要内容之一。

    London migration is one of the important content in the history of London Population and city .