
rén mín rì bào shè
  • People's Daily
  1. 他在人民日报社任职。

    He is on the People 's Daily .

  2. 从人民日报社的新大楼到明星大腕纸醉金迷的婚礼,到新款的金色iPhone,一切都可以被形容为土豪。

    It 's being used to describe everything from the new People 's Daily building , to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling , and the new gold-coloured iPhone .

  3. 明天下午《人民日报》社有一位记者来做时事报告。

    Tomorrow afternoon there will be a talk on current affairs by a reporter from the people 's daily .

  4. 同日,人民日报、新华社等多家中央媒体亦发表重要评论文章,纪念辛亥革命100周年。

    On the same day , the people 's daily , Xinhua news agency and other than the central media also published important review articles , to commemorate the100 anniversary of the revolution of1911 .