
  • 网络production cycle;Cycle Time;LEAD TIME;Production Lead Time;leadtime
  1. 这导致有很多在制品(workinprogress),也有很长的生产周期(leadtime)。

    This results in a lot of work in progress and a lot of lead time .

  2. 产品生产周期缩短的实证分析

    Empirical analysis of shortening the lead time

  3. 应用CAM技术制造汽车主模型,生产周期短、模型精度高。

    Using CAM technique in making automobile master model will shorten the production period and increase the precision of model .

  4. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师表示,由于生产周期短以及客户基础多样,微芯一直是一个“非常不错的行业晴雨表”。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse said Microchip is historically an " extremely good industry barometer " for its short lead-times and diversified client base .

  5. 中小企业由于资金和生产周期限制,不适合实施大型ERP系统。

    Owing to the finance and limitation of the production cycle , it is not suitable for the small and medium enterprises to use the big ERP system .

  6. 快速成型技术与网络技术的结合必将是时代发展的趋势,结合网络技术可加快RP技术的发展和推广,使快速成型技术服务于企业,缩短企业生产周期。

    The combination of RP and Web technology will promote the development and spreading in RP technology and shorten manufacturing period .

  7. 可以先利用SAPBO的前端展示工具提供多维数据查询和分析操作得到各工厂的加工情况、产品生产周期、库存消耗量等信息,并将这些指标及维度制作成相应的多维分析报表。

    Firstly , the front-end SAP BO display tool can be used to provide multi-dimension data query and analysis to obtain the production status and material consumption information .

  8. 对沥青路面机械化施工过程建立了面向对象的Petri网仿真模型,利用Petri网关联矩阵分析法研究了基于资源生产周期的资源瓶颈识别方法。

    The object-oriented Petri nets model for asphalt pavement mechanization construction is built . With Petri nets incidence matrix analysis method , resource bottle-neck ( identification ) based on resource circle time is studied .

  9. 但CAD技术的引入,模架是重要基础,其实现标准化既可缩短生产周期,组织专业化生产,促进商品化,又利于模具CAD的实现。

    But the application of CAD is on base of the mould frame , and the standardization can shortened the production cycle , organize specialization production , promote the commercial , and also can put the mould CAD into reality .

  10. 利用PDM技术,可以缩短企业内的设计生产周期,改善企业经营管理,以适应市场的迅速变化,获得更大的经济效益。

    PDM technology can shorten the design and production cycle within the enterprise to improve business management , in order to adapt to rapidly changing market , to obtain greater economic benefits .

  11. 我们可以构建一个完善的SaaS,工厂工程公司可以利用它改进生产周期,以及为商品采购、销售和财务交易提供保障。

    You can build a mature SaaS that a plant engineering company could use to improve manufacturing cycle times and secure merchandise purchase , sales , and accounting transactions .

  12. 比如,通过SaaS提供的工具可以为决策者提供原料处理时间、生产周期时间和设备更换时间的理想指标。

    For example , tools provided through SaaS could equip decision makers with knowledge on what metric goals should be achieved for material handling time , cycle time , and changeover time .

  13. 此外,由于某些生产周期较长的行业(如航空业)仍在继续招聘,她对该校今年6月即将毕业的190名MBA学生最终将找到工作充满希望。

    Moreover , because some sectors – those with a long cycle of production , such as aeronautics – are still recruiting , she is hopeful that all 190 MBAs due to graduate in June will eventually find employment .

  14. CBT加工粘度小,加热温度低,尺寸稳定性好,生产周期短,可以为企业减少能耗,降低成本。

    CBT has the processing characteristics of low melt viscosity , low heating temperature and short production cycle , which are good for industry to reduce energy consumption and costs .

  15. 该方法可将添加剂中的水分脱除至0.1%以下,脱水时间从原工艺的2~3天,缩短至2h左右,缩短了润滑油添加剂生产周期,同时还降低了生产能耗。

    Water in additive was effectively removed to below 0.1 % by this improved process in about 2h instead of 2-3 days with the original process . The production cycle was much shorter and energy consumption reduced .

  16. 通过用HPLC对氢化可的松发酵液不同提取次数所得产物进行分析,对不同杂质含量的提取物用不同的方法进行分离纯化,所得氢化可的松成品的含量提高1.0%,收率提高6.0%,生产周期缩短20%。

    The product which comes from hydrocortisone ferment liquid , was analyzed by HPLC . Product was separated by different purification methods , content of hydrocortisone was increased by 1.0 % , yield increased by 6.0 % , and the period of production was reduced 20 % .

  17. 为了能有效地解决转子复杂、精密零件的加工问题,本文研究了工业汽轮机转子NC代码自动生成方法,以此来减少工业汽轮机转子数控编程所花时间,提高数控编程效率,缩短生产周期。

    In order to effectively solve the processing problem of complex and precision rotor , this paper researches automatically generated NC programming of industrial steam turbine rotor . It can reduce the time spent to NC programming , improve the efficiency of NC programming and shorten the production cycle .

  18. 结果表明,PVDF超滤膜可以有效去除水中浊度、细菌、胶体和有机颗粒,同时还具有较高耐污能力的特点,可以保持较长的生产周期。

    The result shows that the ultra filtration function film of PVDF can effectively get rid of turbid degree , bacterium , colloidal and organic particle in water and it can also prevent pollution effectively to keep longer production cycle .

  19. 试验结果表明,锻造LF6材料自身所含有的金属元素、机械加工和生产周期过长是阳极化封闭后零件表面产生深灰色的主要原因。

    Tests results show that the main reasons of the abnormal colour are the metal elements of the alloy and the long period of processing .

  20. 主管人员不仅可以利用SaaS在按需付费的订阅环境中访问数据,他们还可以借助它在财务、工厂工程、生产周期、供应管理和人力资源计划方面做出关键决策。

    SaaS is not only useful for executives to access data in the pay-on-demand subscription environment . Executives can make critical decisions in finance , plant engineering , manufacturing cycle times , supply management , and human resources capital planning .

  21. 首先建立RMS的各生产周期成本模型、重构成本模型与全生产周期成本模型,再构建各生产周期的组态有向图,利用双向扫视算法求得RMs在各生产周期的成本K-优组态。

    The cost model for every production period of RMS , the reconfiguration cost model and the lifetime cost model of RMS were constructed . RMS configuration structure and reconfiguration ways between RMS configurations and calculating the reconfiguration cost are given .

  22. 高级管理层、开发人员和质量经理在线开会,讨论如何构建一个成熟的软件即服务(SaaS),供设备工程使用以改进生产周期并保证商品购买、销售和会计事务。

    Executives , developers , and quality managers meet online on building a mature Software as a Service ( SaaS ) that plant engineering could use to improve manufacturing cycle times and secure merchandise purchase , sales , and accounting transactions .

  23. 采用石蜡作稀释剂,用增塑熔纺的方法制备高强高模聚乙烯纤维(UHMWPE),弥补了传统凝胶纺存在的生产周期长、生产效率低的不足。

    The melt-spinning method has been used to produce high strength high modulus PE ( UHMWPE ) fibres ( paraffin wax as diluent ) . This method remedies the defects of long production period and low efficiency of the gel-spinning method .

  24. 将作业成本法(Activity-basedCosting,简称ABC)原则扩展到企业业务流程中去,提出一种改进的企业业务流程,缩短产品生产周期,控制企业成本,提高制造企业的竞争力。

    The principle of activity-based costing was brought into the field of business process , and an improved business process was put forward so as to shorten the producing time of products , control the enterprise cost and boost the competitive ability of manufacturing enterprise .

  25. FMS(柔性制造系统)具有设备利用率高、生产周期短、生产成本低、适应生产变化能力强等特点,适用于中小批量、多品种产品的加工。

    FMS ( Flexible Manufacturing System ) has the advantages of high facility availability , short producting cycle , low manufacturing cost , strong adaptive capacity to producting variation , etc , which makes it suit many varieties , middle or small batch production .

  26. 针对可重构制造系统(RMS)的组态设计问题,以现有的制造资源为基础,分析了RMS中机床设备与加工成本的组成要素,构建了RMS的生产周期成本模型。

    To solve configuration design problems , on the basis of the current manufacturing resource , the elements that comprise cost of machine tools and operation cost were analyzed , and production period cost model of reconfigurable manufacturing systems ( RMS ) was constructed .

  27. 结果显示改进的DBR调度方法能有效克服了原有DBR方法的缺点,提高了系统的效率,降低在制品库存,缩短生产周期,从而证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。

    The results show that the improved DBR scheduling method can effectively overcome the weakness of original DBR , which is proven to be feasible and effective to increase the efficiency of system , lower WIP and shorten the production cycle .

  28. 接着又用MPI/COOL对汽车门板和洗衣机的下平衡环冷却系统进行了优化分析,使得平衡环的冷却效率提高了21.4%,汽车门板的生产周期比其它同类产品少20s。

    Then the automobile door panel and the balance ring cooling system of the washing machine is applied with optimize analysis by MPI / COOL . The cooling effect of balance ring is improved by 21.4 % , and the production cycle is less than others by 20s .

  29. 由于采用了液体菌种的栽培模式,从制种到采收的整个过程共需要50~60d,比二级种为固体菌种的常规方法缩短26~31d,大大地缩短了生产周期,提高了经济效益。

    The entire process from producing first-class isolate to harvesting only needs 50 ~ 60 d by adopting the liquid cultivating technique , which is 26 ~ 31 d shorter than that of conventional second-class solid isolate .

  30. 在该工艺11h的生产周期内,熔炼炉烟气二氧化硫浓度在0.1%-12%波动,因此无法用传统的硫酸装置生产硫酸。

    The sulphur dioxide concentration in the furnace off-gases in this process varies from 0 . 1 % to 12 % in a cycle time of 11 hrs . Treatment of this gas to produce sulphuric acid is not feasible in a conventional sulphuric acid plant .