
shēng lì jūn
  • A new force;fresh troops;fresh activists
生力军 [shēng lì jūn]
  • [fresh activists]原指新投入作战的战斗力很强的队伍,比喻新投入的能起积极作用的人员

  • 青年人在各条战线上都要发挥生力军的作用

生力军[shēng lì jūn]
  1. 一列火车满载着飞驰南下给联邦军队带去生力军和给养。

    A packed train speeds on its way south , ready to replenish the Union Army with fresh troops and supplies .

  2. 大学生是未来社会主义现代化建设事业的生力军和高素质人才,是整个社会的特殊群体。

    College students who are the fresh troops and high quality talent in modernization socialist , is the special group in the whole society .

  3. 当前我国电子制造业处于高速、高位的发展态势之际,EMS(Electronicmanufactureservice)厂商就是其中的一种生力军。

    The electronic industry of China is developing by high speed and position . EMS ( electronic manufacture service ) enterprise is a strong power of this industry .

  4. 通信测试领域的一支生力军&访美国天讯(TTC)公司总裁

    A Rising Force in Telecommunications Testing Field & Interview President of American TTC Company

  5. 自此以后,这家名为阿尔文•艾利美国舞剧院(AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater)的公司已成为美国艺术界的一支生力军。

    That company , the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater , has since become a major force in American Arts .

  6. 高校青年教师是“全面工程教育(TEE)”理念在学校贯彻和落实的一支重要生力军。

    The university young teachers are an important force in the implementation of " Total Engineering Education ( TEE )" .

  7. 在我国加入WTO和外贸经营权放开后,近年来又成长起来一批中小型企业,正在成为我国经济发展的生力军。

    In our accession to the WTO and the right to operate foreign trade liberalization , a number of small and medium enterprises has to growing up in recent years , which is becoming a new force in our economic development .

  8. 我们希望越来越多的服务器能添加olap4j驱动,olap4j也能随之成为市场的生力军。

    We hope that as olap4j drivers are added for more and more servers , olap4j will become a force in the market .

  9. 青年农民是推动我国农业生产发展的生力军。

    Young farmers are the main force to promote agricultural development .

  10. 大学生是生态文明建设的生力军。

    University students are the fresh troops of ecological civilization construction .

  11. 天津市高校是天津市R&D研究的重要生力军。

    The colleges are important in the R & D of Tianjin .

  12. 在当代社会快速转型的过程中,作为现代化建设生力军的大学生却普遍出现了自我认同危机。

    At the present age , contemporary university students have self-identity crisis .

  13. 民营经济已成为经济增长的一支重要的生力军。

    Private economy is an important force in economic growth .

  14. 青年职工在企业中是重要的生力军。

    Young worker in the enterprise is an important force .

  15. 高技术企业是主导21世纪经济的生力军。

    High-tech enterprise is dominant force in 21st century economy .

  16. 独立学院作为高等教育领域的一支生力军,为中国高等教育规模扩大立下了汗马功劳。

    Independent College has been a vital force in Chinese higher education .

  17. 生物农药&21世纪农药的生力军

    Biological Pesticide & New Force of Pesticide In 21st Century

  18. 而成长型中小企业是数量巨大的中小企业中的优秀群体和生力军,因此以成长型中小企业来研究组织愿景对中小企业的成长更具代表性。

    Growing SMEs are outstanding and excellent group of SMEs .

  19. 研究生是知识创新的生力军。

    The graduate student is the fresh combatants of the knowledge innovation .

  20. 微波输电,现代化建设的生力军

    Power Transmission by Microwave ─ a Propulsion for Modernization Construction

  21. 一句话,档案馆是先进文化建设的生力军。

    The archives is a fresh force to construct the advanced culture .

  22. 同时,联想正在成为消费电脑领域的一只生力军。

    Lenovo is also becoming a force in the consumer PC segment .

  23. 大学生社团是高校校园文化建设的生力军

    College student organization is the new force for construction of university campus culture

  24. 因为足球后备人才是我国足球运动未来的生力军,是提高我国足球运动水平和实力的实践者。

    Because they are the new force to the future of Chinese football .

  25. 用好山西科技人才生力军

    Make Good Use of the New Force of Sci-tech Talents of Shanxi Province

  26. 中小企业是我国技术创新的生力军。

    SMEs are the main force of the technological innovation in our country .

  27. 【中英文摘要】造价工程师是我国造价工程管理工作的生力军。

    The cost engineer is the fresh combatant of Chinese project cost management .

  28. 中学生作为网民中的生力军,自然会受到网络语言的影响。

    Middle school students as the main force are naturally influenced by network language .

  29. 民营经济是全面建设小康社会的重要生力军

    Private Economy : An Important New Force in the Overall Construction of Well-off Society

  30. 在中国现代教育的诞生期,儿童文学曾是一支改变中国教育性质的生力军。

    During the birth of chinese modern education .