
  1. 地面上看不出来的图案可能会成为航拍照片中最引人注目的东西。

    Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph

  2. 无人机搭载光电探测吊舱、合成孔径雷达、航拍CCD相机、应急通信保障吊舱、应急投送舱等设备。

    The large UAV is equipped with an electro-optical / infrared pod , a synthetic , an aerial camera , an emergency communication pod and an emergency transmit drop pod .

  3. “无人机航拍”是指无人机所拍摄的照片或视频。

    Dronestagram refers to a photo or video shot from a drone .

  4. 2016年,无人机技术进入到主流领域,现在可应用在航拍,媒体摄影,执法监督等领域。如果亚马逊等数据领域的先驱能实现其承诺,那么无人机还将用于送货上门。

    In 2016 , drone technology entered the mainstream3 and can now be used for aerial photography , media filming , law enforcement surveillance and - if the promises from pioneering digital giants like Amazon come to fruition - home deliveries .

  5. 用三次B样条小波检测航拍图像边缘

    A Cubic B-Spline Wavelet Approach to Detect Edge of Aerial Image

  6. 基于DSP的全数字航拍跟踪平台的系统设计

    Digitized tracing table control system design based on DSP for aerophotograph

  7. 基于D-S证据理论的城市航拍道路提取方法

    A Method of Roads Extraction from Aerial City Images Using D-S Theory of Evidence

  8. 对引起航拍影像几何畸变的原因进行了分析,总结常用的几何校正方法,用MATLAB语言设计并实现。

    The reasons caused by aerial images of geometric distortion are analyzed , then has designed and implemented the geometric correction method used by MATLAB language .

  9. 在特征空间中利用Gabor小波和可变形模板实现了航拍图像中目标的跟踪。

    An approach to track target of the aerial image using Gabor deformable template is presented in feature space .

  10. 达沃斯无人机事件,是近几个月来BBC第二次在航拍方面惹上麻烦。

    The Davos incident is the second time in recent months that the BBC has run into problems with aerial footage .

  11. 去年8月,BBC因为使用一架直升机航拍并播送警方对娱乐明星克利夫•理查德(CliffRichard)一处房产的突击搜查而受到严厉批评。

    In August , the corporation was heavily criticised for using a helicopter to broadcast aerial footage of a police raid on a home owned by entertainer Cliff Richard .

  12. 世行的新形象,是在2010年海地大地震后,对海地进行航拍的PiperPA-31Navajo飞机。

    The new face of the bank is the Piper PA-31 Navajo aircraft that took aerial photographs of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake .

  13. 针对航拍图像视点离散、视角变化有一定规律的特点,引入了适用于相机任意运动的模型,利用非线性LMS对模型参数进行估计。

    Due to the disperse and regular of view points and the view angle of Aerial Image , we introduce movement model which be apply for any change and use Nor-linear LMS method to estimating parameters .

  14. 谈到航拍无人机,DJI无疑是领军品牌。但是很少有公司尝试过移动陆上相机平台。

    DJI is easily the leading brand when it comes to camera drones , but few companies have even attempted a ground-based mobile camera platform .

  15. 在视频监控,高空航拍,医学图像等实际应用中,通常需要清晰的高分辨率图像来提供更多的细节信息,而单纯依靠提高硬件设备如提高摄像头CCD的采集精度,成本过高或不易实现。

    A clear high resolution image which can provide more details is needed in video surveillance , aerial photography , medical image and so on . It is difficult achieved or high cost that we improve the precision only by raising the hardware devices such as CCD camera .

  16. 航拍镜头是由附在无人机上的GoPro照相机拍摄到的,工作人员在游艇上进行操作。

    The aerial footage was captured by GoPro cameras attached to a drone that the crew operated from their yacht .

  17. 一些公司正在使用无人机进行航拍,用于商业推广,而且无人机拍摄的费用要远低于其他拍摄方式,比如说Patron的龙舌兰酒采用两种最前卫的广告技术,将无人机拍摄的素材应用于虚拟现实的竞争。

    Some companies are using drones to capture high quality aerial video for use in commercials that would have otherwise been prohibitively expensive ; some , like Tequila maker Patron , have even integrated such footage into successful virtual reality campaigns , combining two cutting edge advertising techniques .

  18. 小型无人机(MUAV),因其在军事、救援、航拍及遥感等诸多军民领域巨大的潜在应用价值,已兴起为一个热门的研究领域。

    Micro unmanned aerial vehicle ( MUAV ), has been a hot point in the area of automatic control in recent years , thanks to its potential applications in multiple areas , such as military , rescue , aerial photography , and remote sensing .

  19. 航拍视频拼图中基于梯度域的多帧图像融合方法

    A Gradient-domain Method to Blend Multiple Images for Aerial Video Mosaic

  20. 基于无人驾驶飞机航拍数据的葡萄沟葡萄种植面积调查。

    Based on Pilotless Aircraft to the investigation of grape-growing area .

  21. 一种基于光流拟和的航拍视频图像全局运动估算方法

    Global Motion Estimation by Fitting Optical Flow in Aerial Video Imagery

  22. 一种航拍图像中水上桥梁的实时识别算法

    A Real-Time Recognition Algorithm of Bridges Above Water in Aerial Images

  23. 高分辨率航拍灰度图像中的房屋主轮廓识别

    Recognition of Building 's Principal Contour in High-Resolution Aerial Image

  24. 唐银龙说:航拍一张照片可以卖到五千元。

    One aerial photo can be worth 5,000 yuan , Tang says .

  25. 某航拍相机地面测控系统的设计方案

    A Design of Ground Control System for Aviation Digital Camera

  26. 低能见度前下视航拍图像中机场跑道的自动检测

    Automatic detection of airfield runways in forward-looking aerial images with low visibility

  27. 这副地域卫星航拍图,将整个大庆市域呈现在您面前。

    And this regional satellite aerial map presents the whole Daqing municipality .

  28. 主要研究了航拍视频拼图中的全局运动估计问题。

    Global motion estimation is a critical problem in aerial video mosaicing .

  29. 基于水平集方法的航拍图像运动分割

    Aerial Image Motion Segmentation Based on Revised Level Set Method

  30. 该公司主要制作的是商用,以及航拍无人机。

    The company specializes in drones built for commercial and hobbyist photographers .