
háng xiàng
  • course;azimuth;heading direction;desired track;course of a ship or plane
航向 [háng xiàng]
  • [course of a ship or plane;heading direction] 飞机或船舶的航行方向,通常用航线和基准线在水平面中组成的角度来表示,该角度从基准线按顺时针方向转动来计量

航向[háng xiàng]
  1. 仿真结果表明,本文讨论的这种Kalman滤波器能保证航向精度,具有实际应用意义。

    The simulation result shows that this Kalman filter can ensure the required azimuth precision .

  2. 为了保证着陆引导的精度,建立了Kalman滤波器估计系统位置和航向偏角。

    What 's more , the state equation and measurement equation for Kalman filters are constructed to estimate system position and azimuth angle .

  3. 他用无线电通知飞行员改变航向。

    He radioed the pilot to change course .

  4. 我们的船改变了航向。

    Our ship changed course .

  5. 潮水小的时候强风可以让船只改变航向。

    Strong winds can turn boats when the tide is weak .

  6. 舵手独自一人就能变换航向。

    The helmsman could tack the boat singlehanded .

  7. 由于存在某种程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了。

    The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability .

  8. 尽管遇上了暴风雨,轮船还是没有改变航向。

    The ship held to its course in spite of the storm .

  9. 船改变航向。

    The ship went about .

  10. 几架飞机原本正直冲着彼此飞去,直到交通指挥员改变了它们的航向才避免了惨剧的发生。

    The planes were flying directly towards each other until the traffic controller changed their flight paths and avoided a terrible accident . '

  11. 直升机航向姿态系统BIT降虚警技术研究

    Research on False Alarm Reducing Technology in the BIT of Helicopter Heading Attitude System

  12. 船舶航向非线性迭代滑模变结构PID控制

    Nonlinear iterative sliding mode-PID control and its application to ship autopilot

  13. 用GPS标校平台罗经方位安装误差与航向精度测量

    Using GPS to Correct Platform Compass Azimuth Installation Error and Measure Course Accuracy

  14. 一种可扩展的短基线GPS航向测量系统

    A Short-line Extended Heading Determination System based on GPS

  15. GPS姿态系统是利用GPS载波相位测量来确定载体的航向和姿态角。

    The GPS carrier phase measurements are used to determine the attitude of a vehicle .

  16. 常规控制和模糊PID控制在全垫升气垫船航向控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Control in Air Cushion Vehicle

  17. 基于角锥棱镜和面阵CCD的动态基座航向角校准

    Course angle calibration of dynamic base with retro-reflector and CCD

  18. 基于GA和H∞混合优化的船舶航向控制器设计新方法

    GA and H_ ∞ Based Mixed Optimization Approach for Ship Course Keeping Controller Design

  19. DSP航向信标/下滑模拟器

    DSP course beacon / down-slide simulator

  20. 第5章重点介绍了双吊舱式船舶电力推进航向PID控制器的设计。

    Chapter five introduces how to design the PID controller of the Twin-pod electric ship propulsion .

  21. GPS罗盘是一种基于载波相位测姿原理的航向测量装置。

    GPS compass is a heading indicator based on the theory of attitude determination using carrier phase measurement .

  22. Kalman滤波技术在磁航向和捷联惯性组合系统初始对准中的应用

    Application of Kalman Filtering to Alignment of Magnetic Heading and Strapdown inertial integrated System

  23. 一种新的机载条带式SAR沿航向运动补偿方法

    A Novel Method for Along - Track Motion Compensation of the Airborne Strip - Map SAR

  24. 基于MEMS器件的姿态航向参考系统设计及应用

    Design and implementation of AHRS based-on MEMS units

  25. 设计了GPS时间同步系统,利用该系统分析研究了串口与网线通信的实时性与可靠性,并在某真航向测量系统中得到了应用。

    Time synchronization system is designed to make some research on real-time and reliability capability of data sampling as well .

  26. 但常规PID控制不能在线整定参数,对于非线性、时变的船舶航向控制系统不能很好地控制,达不到预期的控制效果。

    But traditional PID control can not reach the prospective goal , because PID can not adjust parameter online .

  27. 提出了利用五次B样条分段拟合GNSS航迹计算航向的改进方法。

    An improving azimuth computing method by using quintic B-spline fitting GNSS track function is proposed .

  28. 利用非线性PID控制器在线整定参数的功能和具有良好鲁棒性的特点,应用于船舶航向控制。

    We can take advantage of parameter adjustment function and good robustness of nonlinear PID control unit for ship heading control .

  29. 在两种控制算法中,对舵角进行积分的船舶航向模糊PID自动舵超调较小,效果更为理想。

    Furthermore , the fuzzy-PID autopilot , with integral item of rudder angle , shows smaller overshoot , and better performance .

  30. AGV航向跟踪预测优化自适应PI控制器

    Predictive Optimal Self-adaptive PI Controller for AGV Heading Track