
biān cháng
  • Side length;length of a side
边长[biān cháng]
  1. 沿海岸边长着椰子树。

    The beach was fringed by coconut palms .

  2. 最常见的立方体卫星是一个(边长)10厘米的方块,它是那么的小,小到容易被误认为是书桌上的镇纸。

    The most common CubeSat is a 10cm cube , so small that a single CubeSat could easily be mistaken for a paperweight on your desk .

  3. 得到福建省高精度的GPS测站大地坐标、边长及其位移矢量,其精度达到17×10-8。

    Thus we get geodetic coordinates , length of side and the displacement vector for Fujian the GPS stations .

  4. 本次实验就是有针对性地选择不同边长、不同的网形进行GPS偏心观测、偏心归算。

    This experiment is aimed at choosing different length , different net form to carry on GPS bias survey and returning calculation .

  5. 利用Kim的经验公式,计算矩形野的等效方边长;

    Secondly , the equivalent square fields of rectangular fields are calculated according to the formula established by kim .

  6. 利用得到的概率公式,研究了矩形区域(边长为a,b)内裂隙的穿越概率与归一化距离b/a之间的关系。

    For a rectangular area with boundary lengths of a and b , the probability formula is further used to examine the relationship between the outcropping probability and the normalized distance , b / a.

  7. 讨论了正方形空气的边长及旋转角度对正方形空气平板二维光子晶体Q值及谐振频率的影响。

    Then the influence of square air holes ' side length and rotation angle to Q factor and resonant frequency of two dimensional photonic crystal slab was discussed .

  8. 使用GPC接地软件计算了各种接地体不同布置时地网外地面电位的变化,阐述了将不同布置情况的接地网等效为一以地网最大边长为直径的圆盘电极的理论。

    By using GPC grogram , the paper calculates the variety of grounding potential with different placements of grounding rods .

  9. 还证明了等边凸六边形当任一对角线长不小于边长时,μn的最大值为12+63。

    We also show that in the case of a equilateral convex 6-gon , when none of the diagonals is shorter than the lengths of edges , the greatest value of μ 6 is 12 + 63 .

  10. 勾股定理(PythagoreanTheorem)告诉我们边长为3、4和5的三角形是直角三角形,因此可以使用边长3、4和5来简单地测试。

    The Pythagorean Theorem tells us that a3-4-5 triangle is a right triangle , so we can simply test for sides of3,4 , and5 .

  11. 在GPS面积测试中,动态移动测量的精度与静态定位测量的精度相当,边长及面积的误差均小于5%,测量精度较高,能满足精细农业测量的要求。

    In area measuring , moving way and static way had the same accuracy , and the error of distance and area was less than 5 % , so the GPS accuracy could meet the need ofPA .

  12. 利用贝加尔湖地区GPS监测网测站坐标,根据边长尽量相等的原则,形成了11个Delaunay三角形,计算了各三角形的形状因子,结果表明有9个三角形的形状因子大于0.1。

    We form 11 Delaunay triangles using the coordinates of GPS stations in Baikal Lake region in the light of side length being equal as far as possible for each triangle .

  13. 在作者提出的GPS单历元阻尼LAMBDA算法的基础上,结合固定边长条件,给出了一种GPS姿态定位的新方法。

    A damped LAMBDA algorithm is used for single epoch GPS positioning combining the condition that baseline length on vessel is fixed , a new method for attitude determination with GPS is put forward .

  14. 本文用通道耦合计算方法对H4体系的正方形结构及能量进行计算和研究,得到了以正方形边长R为变量的能量曲线。

    In the present paper , the square structure of H4 and its energy curve have been studied and calculated by the CHANNEL-COUPLING METHOD , and based on the studying and calculation , the potential energy curve of it was obtained .

  15. 本文研究了用EDM(电子测距)边长的精度估算方法;用等权代替法估算界址点最弱点的点位中误差;

    This paper discusses the estimating method of side length surveying with EDM ( electronic distance measuring ), applying the method of equal-weight substitution to estimate mean square error of the weakest boundary point .

  16. 本文产生的仿真模型是可控的,可控参数包括:立方体基体区域边长、椭球形颗粒数目、椭球形颗粒形状尺寸参数(半轴a、b、c)以及椭球形颗粒两个空间取向角度。

    Simulation models used by this paper were controllable , some controllable parameters included : edge length of the cube matrix region , the number of ellipsoidal particles , ellipsoidal particles size parameters ( semiaxis a , b , c ) and two spatial orientation angles of ellipsoidal particles .

  17. 本文通过Excel2000在红外边长改正、断面里程计算中的实际应用,解决了测量工作中的实际问题,并由此提出将Excel应用于测量的可能性和可操作性。

    Through the actual application of Excel 2000 in the infrared distance correction and cross section mileage computing , some actual problems in surveying are resolved , the feasibility and maneuverability which Excel is used in surveying is proposed .

  18. 根据实验数据,分析了在不同层次QTM格网中其面积和边长的变异性分布特征。

    Then the distortion distribution characters in areas and edges of grids are analyzed in detail based on experimental data .

  19. 位于加利福尼亚的洛杉矶一家名为BigMamaAndPapa's披萨店可以制作这种世界最大的披萨,不过是边长为1.37米(约6.4英尺)的正方形状。

    The largest pizza commercially available is 1 m 37 cm ( 4 ft 6 in ) by 1 m 37 cm ( 4 ft 6 in ) and is sold at the Big Mama 's and Papa 's Pizzeria in Los Angeles , California .

  20. 本文通过采用激光诱导荧关技术(LIF),对按正方形排列、边长间距比为4的顺排的四个圆柱的层流绕流进行了流动可视化研究;

    The investigations of the cross flow around four cylinders arranged in an in-line square configuration with spacing ratio of 4 were conducted at low Reynolds number using laser-induced-fluorescence ( LIF ) visualization in this paper .

  21. 根据工程勘测的需要,应用大地测量学及GPS网平差理论,结合实例,探讨运用边长尺度比来有效消除GPS网平差中高斯投影及高程归化变形的计算方法。

    According to the demand of engineering surveying , With the theory of geodesy and the method of gps network adjust , This paper discusses how to minimize the scale error of gauss projection and datum plane reduction by changing the side scale when we adjust the engineering gps network .

  22. 二维潮流数学模型采用ADI法,由整体数学模型和局部数学模型两部分组成,网格边长分别为200m和50m。

    The 2-dimensional tidal current mathematical model introduced ADI scheme . It is made of the whole mathematical model and the local mathematical model , of which the grid edge length is respectively 200 m and 50 m.

  23. 本文通过对一道IMO竞赛题的探索和研究,发现了此竞赛题可转化为三角形三边长的三角不等式,从而提出了一些新颖的不等式。

    A careful study of an IMO contest problem reveals that the problem can be transformed into a trigonometrical inequality which consists of the sides of a triangle and therefrom a few new inequalities are suggested .

  24. 结果表明,对800~3000km的GPS基线,利用精密星历计算,边长及其经纬度分量重复测量精度可达10-8~10-9;

    The results show that for baselines of 800 ~ 3000 km the repeatability of baseline lengths and their latitude and longitude components is 10 - 8 ~ 10 - 9 as calculated with precise ephemerides ;

  25. 随着机车运用速度的提高及蛇行运动的加剧,东风4D型机车边长为180mm的正方形抗蛇行减振器座频繁出现裂损,严重影响了机车的运行安全。

    With the increasing of locomotive speed and the hunting movement , the square anti-hunting damper holders appears cracks frequently , and in result the locomotive safty operation was influenced seriously .

  26. 对我国城市EDM导线边长的归算过程和投影变形规律进行了分析。介绍了进行归化计算时选择投影带和投影面的一种新方法。

    In this paper , the distortion of EDM traverse length is illustrated in the course of reduction , and the new method how to select the projection zone and the projection sur-face are given when city EDM traverse lines are reducted in our country .

  27. 结果CR中用遮光器遮挡IP板边缘10~15mm宽度或用0.2mm厚、边长22mm的正方形铜片遮挡IP板中心位置,都能明显改善铝梯灰阶的显示。

    Results The display of grey scale of 24 steps aluminum ladder was improved if shading 10 ~ 15 mm margin of the IP by collimator or shading the central by a square cuprum plate with 22 mm length and 0.2 mm thickness .

  28. 利用EL-5100S计算器,根据制图工作所需图幅元素精度,进行坐标正反算,边长计算,图幅面积计算,子午线收敛角及邻带坐标的计算。

    Using the EL-5100S calculator , the coordinate positive and negative calculations can be made according to the precision requirements of the map elements . It can also compute such the map elements as side length , map area , meridional convergent angle and adjacent zone coordinate .

  29. 在弯曲工况下,当角板边长≥38mm,位移减小系数都在10%以上。

    Under bending loads , when bracket joint side length 38 mm ; the displacement relief coefficient drops by more than 10 % .

  30. 在雷达散射截面(RCS)计算中,首先需要将物体的表面进行三角剖分,称为前置处理,三角片单元的边长通常为0.1个波长(一般1个波长取3cm)。

    While computing radar cross section ( RCS ), surfaces of objects were primarily triangulated , which was called prepositive disposal . The length of the edge of the triangle was generally 0.1 wavelength ( in general one wavelength is 3 ? cm ) .