
  • 网络Boundary Layer Theory;boundary-layer theory;theory of boundary layer
  1. 本文应用流体力学边界层理论,对涡轮流量计涡轮叶片受到的流体粘性阻力矩作了较详尽的理论分析,得到了粘性阻力矩的计算公式。

    In this paper , the frictional torques exerted on blades of turbine flowmeters are studied and described in some detail by means of boundary layer theory . A formula for calculating frictional torgues is obtained .

  2. 然后,根据流体边界层理论和分离点附近剪应力的变化规律,提出了采用均值变化量判断分离点位置的算法,并将其写入DSP中,最终完成了软硬件调试。

    Meanwhile , based on the boundary layer theory and the change of surface shear stress distribution , a signal processing algorithm is proposed to determine the location of separation .

  3. 轴对称回转体的CFD分析及厚边界层理论计算

    CFD Analysis and Thick Boundary Layer Theoretical Calculation on Axisymmetric Revolution body

  4. 研究了基于三相边界层理论设计的中温质子传导膜H2S燃料电池的阳极与阴极催化剂。

    This paper investigates the anode and cathode catalysts for an intermediate-temperature proton-conducting membrane H_2S fuel cell based on the requirements of three-phase boundary theory .

  5. 将利用Stokes边界层理论计算得到边界上的阻尼与内阻尼之和作为晃动的等效阻尼,通过两个算例比较计算结果接近实验结果。

    Boundary layer damping based on the Stokes theory is also integrated into the equivalent damping . Two examples are given and compared with the theoretic and experimental data .

  6. 用停滞边界层理论分析了低压MOCVD外延GaN的生长模型。

    It analyzes the growth model of GaN film grown by low pressure metal organic vapor deposit ( LP MOCVD ) with self designed reactor using static boundary layer theory .

  7. 根据浓度边界层理论,用理论耗酸速度公式,分别对两批试验的耗酸速度进行拟合,得到反映腐蚀速率的两个重要相似尺度参数(a,b)。

    Based on the concentration boundary layer theory , the acid consumption rates of two batches of tests were fitted by using the theoretical acid consumption rate formula , and two important similar scale parameters ( a , b ), which reflected the corrosion rate , were obtained .

  8. 本文基于边界层理论,在估算声学多普勒流速仪(AcousticDopplerCurrentProfiler,简称ADCP)水表和底部的观测盲区流速作了初步探索。

    Based upon the boundary layer theory the method for determining the current velocity in the blank layer of ADCP ( Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ) is proposed .

  9. 以边界层理论为基础,考虑完整的边界条件,采用Collocation方法,推导出了以液膜厚度表示的沿倾斜壁面下降的、处于蒸发、等温和冷凝状态下普遍适用的二维表面波扰动时域演化方程。

    The temporal evolution formulation of the two-dimensional waves on the evaporating or isothermal or condensing liquid films draining down an inclined wall is established for the film thickness with the collocation method based on the boundary layer theory and complete boundary conditions .

  10. L-1时的泥水混合液近似于牛顿流体,进而利用牛顿流体力学中边界层理论计算预涂动态膜(PDM)厚度等于平板膜表面层流边界层厚度时的稳定曝气量。

    Furthermore , when the laminar flow boundary layer thickness on the surface of flat membrane came up to the thickness of precoated dynamic membrane ( PDM ), the steady aeration intensity was calculated by using the boundary layer theory in the Newtonian hydrodynamics .

  11. 以边界层理论为基础,基于完整的边界条件,建立了切应力作用下沿倾斜壁面下降的液膜表面波的边界层模型,推导了边界层模型的Orr-Sommerfeld方程。

    The Orr-Sommerfeld equation is established to describe the flow stability of surface waves on the liquid films under shear stress based on boundary layer theory and complete boundary conditions .

  12. 以不稳定理论为基础得到了K-H波长和水煤浆射流核心长度的表达式,以边界层理论为依据得到振荡频率表达式。

    Correlations for K-H instability wavelength and jet core length of coal-water slurry ( CWS ) were obtained based on instability theory , and oscillating frequency was obtained on the basis of boundary-layer theory .

  13. 用Spalding统一边界层理论作粘性计算,以及用Lighthill的当量源方法考虑粘性/势流的耦合效应。

    The viscous flow problem is calculated by modified Spalding 's unified boundary layer theory . The viscous / inviscid interaction is considered by using Lighthill 's equivalent source method .

  14. 以MB-II型推移质采样器为例,应用边界层理论,通过计算天然状态及模型率定时采样器出口断面处由边界层引起的相对面积损失,阐明模型试验测得的水力效率较原型偏小的原因。

    Taking bedload sampler MB-II as an example , applying boundary layer theory to calculate the comparative area loss caused by boundary layer in field and in model , it is clarified that the hydraulic efficiency measured in scaled model test is less than that in field .

  15. 含圆孔层合板层间应力分析的边界层理论

    A boundary layer theory for composite laminate with a circular hole

  16. 一种新型有压力梯度的平面层流边界层理论&机械能耗损积分法

    A New Theory of Laminal Plane Boundary Layer with Pressure Gradient

  17. 边界层理论在明渠测流中的应用

    Application of the Boundary Layer Theory to the Measurement of Open Channel

  18. 船体三维厚边界层理论计算

    Calculation of thick three dimensional boundary layer on ship hulls

  19. 边界层理论在管内强化传热上应用

    The Application of Boundary Layer to Constrained Heat Transfer in the Pipe

  20. 这种双重作用可用边界层理论来解释。

    It can be explained using the boundary layer theory .

  21. 多孔介质溶质运移边界层理论初探

    A preliminary study of boundary-layer theory of solute transi-ort in porous materials

  22. 源于流体边界层理论的一类奇异非线性边值问题

    Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problem Arising in Boundary Layer Theory of Fluids

  23. 土壤溶质运移边界层理论的研究

    Study on Boundary-layer Theory of Solute Transport in Soil

  24. 边界层理论在宽顶堰流水力计算中的应用

    Application of the Boundary Layer Theory to the Hydraulic Computation of Broad-crested Weir

  25. 圆柱薄壳在外压作用下屈曲的边界层理论

    A Boundary Layer Theory for the Buckling of Thin Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure

  26. 基于边界层理论旋风分离器分离效率的改进模型

    An Extended Model for Determining the Separation Efficiency of a Cyclone With Boundary Layer Theory

  27. 基于层流边界层理论的单组分液体蒸发速率的预测

    Prediction of evaporation rate of mono-component liquid based on boundary layer theory of laminar flow

  28. 收缩管道装置层流热边界层理论及应用研究

    The Theory and Application Study on Temperature Boundary Layer in Laminar Flow of Contracted Pipeline Fitting

  29. 因此,该模型符合边界层理论,满足边界层不分离条件。

    So this model accord with boundary layer theory , meet no boundery layer separate terms .

  30. 边界层理论在推移质采样器率定比尺效应研究中的应用

    Application of Boundary Layer Theory in Study on Rating Scale Effect of A Bedload Sampler Calibration