
wēn róu
  • gentle;meek;pleasingly affectionate;gentle and soft;tenderness;delicacy
温柔 [wēn róu]
  • [gentle and soft] 温顺体贴

  • 性情温柔

温柔[wēn róu]
  1. 这些诗显示出她温柔的一面。

    These poems reveal her gentle side .

  2. 待她温柔些!

    Be gentle with her !

  3. 她向他投以极温柔的一笑。

    She gave him her sweetest smile .

  4. 他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。

    He is a lovely boy , very gentle and caring .

  5. 她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。

    She sighed , then continued in a soft , calm voice

  6. 她最温柔的爱抚会让他已然紧绷的身体变得扭曲。

    The gentlest of her caresses would contort his already tense body

  7. 他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。

    His voice was deep but gentle , almost sensuous .

  8. 那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。

    The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife .

  9. 他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。

    He was a very gentle boy at heart .

  10. 他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。

    He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness

  11. 他突然涌起一股对她的温柔怜悯之情。

    He felt a sudden tender pity for her

  12. 她的声音很温柔,充满了怜爱。

    Her voice was tender , full of pity

  13. 她恳求地看了他一眼,温柔的眼神足以融化坚冰。

    She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice .

  14. 她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。

    Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart .

  15. 她那双温柔的棕色眼睛紧盯着凯利。

    Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly

  16. 这些女孩子娇美温柔。

    The girls were dainty and feminine .

  17. 她注视着他,脸上带着温柔而满足的微笑。

    She was gazing at him with a soft , contented smile on her face .

  18. 她是一个非常温柔的女人,你现在肯定知道了。

    She 's a very sweet woman , as you no doubt know by now .

  19. 他生性温柔亲切。

    He was by nature affectionate .

  20. 她温柔地责备他:“你要多休息,少说话。”

    She admonished him gently , ' You should rest , not talk so much . '

  21. “没关系,宝贝儿。”他说道,然后温柔地吻了她一下。

    ' Not to worry , Baby , ' he said , and kissed her tenderly .

  22. 他低声温柔地说他们必须找一个地方谈谈,然后把她带出了花园。

    Murmuring softly that they must go somewhere to talk , he led her from the garden .

  23. 他看上去善良温柔。

    He looked angelic .

  24. 招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。

    Our host was arrogant and offensive . How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling .

  25. 他是个非常温柔体贴的人。

    He 's a very gentle , caring man .

  26. 我的秘书总是那么温柔和善。

    My secretary is always so meek and mild .

  27. 他用双手温柔地抚摸着她的身体。

    His hands gently caressed her body .

  28. 爱会使所有铁石般的心变温柔。

    Love makes all hard hearts gentle .

  29. 她吊着他--有时温柔地,有时手法就不那么巧妙。

    She played him -- sometimes delicately , sometimes with a less felicitous touch .

  30. 她温柔地搂住儿子。

    She embraced her son tenderly .