
  1. 然而,她的一生和她开始女子运动的转折点要从她接受温布尔登网球锦标赛一度的冠军波比·里格斯(BobbyRiggs)的挑战之后算起。

    However , the turning point in her life and women 's sports was when she accepted a challenge to play against one-time Wimbledon champion Bobby Riggs .

  2. 温布尔登网球锦标赛也在6月开赛。

    June also sees the start of the Wimbledon tennis tournament .

  3. 温布尔登网球锦标赛一百周年。

    The hundredth anniversary of Tennis Championships at wimbledon .

  4. 温布尔登网球锦标赛再爆大冷门,卫冕冠军塞雷娜·威廉姆斯出局。

    And in another major upset at Wimbledon , defending champion Serena Williams is out .

  5. 一直到2010年,该公司还是温布尔登网球锦标赛的唯一的运动用品供应商。

    The company is also the exclusive outfitter of the Wimbledon tennis tournament , through 2010 .

  6. 虽然这让他看到了自己笨拙的一面,但是这一撞并没有伤到纳达尔。纳达尔曾两次获得温布尔登网球锦标赛冠军。

    The thud didn 't hurt the two-time Wimbledon champion though as he saw the side of his clumsiness .

  7. 在2012温布尔登网球锦标赛第三轮中夺得一席之地后,这位25岁的女运动员承认自己一拿起球拍就开始不断尖叫。

    After cementing a place in the third round of the tournament , the 25-year-old admitted that she had been screeching since the moment she first picked up a racquet .

  8. 这是他在2017年温布尔登网球锦标赛的第四轮比赛,在与卢森堡选手吉尔斯?穆勒交锋前,纳达尔像往常一样在球员通道里蹦跳着做准备活动。

    Ahead of his fourth-round encounter at Wimbledon against Luxembourg 's Gilles Muller , Nadal began his pre-match ritual in the tunnel of jumping up and down in a corridor .

  9. 1877年,在全英格兰槌球俱乐部的赞助下,英格兰在小城温布尔登举办了首届网球锦标赛。

    The first tennis championship in England took place in1877 sponsored by the All England Croquet Club at a little place called Wimbledon .