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  • Australia Open Tennis Championships
  1. 澳大利亚网球公开赛

    Australia Open Tennis Championships

  2. 我说的当然是澳大利亚网球公开赛(AustralianOpen),它是四大满贯赛事的第一站。

    I am speaking , of course , of the Australian Open , the tennis tournament that kicks off the Grand Slam quartet .

  3. 在每年1月的澳大利亚网球公开赛、每年三月的F1澳大利亚站以及每年11月的墨尔本杯赛马节期间,墨尔本同样会增加有轨电车的数量,满足体育爱好者往返于各大体育馆的需求。有轨电车系统运行良好。

    During events such as the Australian Tennis Open in January , the Australian Formula One race in March and the Melbourne Cup in November , extra trams will also be running in order to move the large numbers of people to and from the venues .

  4. 她在澳大利亚网球公开赛第四轮出局。

    She has been ousted in the fourth round of Australia Open .

  5. 她在澳大利亚网球公开赛中打进决赛,但未能获胜。

    She reached the final of the Australian Open but fell short of winning .

  6. 澳大利亚网球公开赛男单卫冕冠军在决赛中成功卫冕。

    The defending champ of the Australian Open men 's tennis final has kept his title .

  7. 今年一月,李娜获得她的第二个大满贯&澳大利亚网球公开赛冠军。

    She went on to claim another Grand Slam title at the Australian Open this past January .

  8. 对2006年澳大利亚网球公开赛女单选手技战术指标的统计分析

    Analysis on the Technique and Tactics of Chinese and Foreign Woman Single Tennis Players in Australia Open 2006

  9. 小威于怀孕约两个月的时候在澳大利亚网球公开赛上斩获了她第23个大满贯单打冠军的头衔。

    Williams was about two months pregnant when she captured her 23rd Grand Slam singles title at the Australian Open .

  10. 澳大利亚网球公开赛变成了一场生存竞争,德约科维奇是两天里第四位中途退赛的选手。

    The Australian Open has turned into a struggle for survival : Djokovic was the fourth player to quit in mid-match in two days .

  11. 国际网球名人堂在近日的澳大利亚网球公开赛上公布了2019年的入选名单,李娜、玛丽·皮尔斯以及卡费尔尼科夫成功入选。

    She was joined by Mary Pierce and Yevgeny Kafelnikov for the hall 's Class of 2019 , which was announced at the Australian Open .

  12. 莎拉波娃在一月份的澳大利亚网球公开赛的药物检查中美度铵显示阳性,这是2016年才划入禁用行列中的一种药。

    Sharapova tested positive for meldonium during January 's Australian Open , a medication added to the list of banned substances at the start of 2016 .

  13. 安迪在美国和西班牙的纳达尔罗迪克追逐筹款展览期间,海地命中“在墨尔本的澳大利亚网球公开赛之前,”一个任性的球。

    Andy Roddick of the U.S.and Spain 's Rafael Nadal chase a wayward ball during the fundraising exhibition " Hit for Haiti " ahead of the Australian Open in Melbourne .

  14. 运用录像分析法,摄录2006年澳大利亚网球公开赛决赛的全过程,在慢放状态下逐局、逐分、逐板地观看、记录,对郑洁/晏紫技战术进行分析。

    Adopting video analysis , a study was made as to the finals at the Australia Open in 2006.Each round , each score and each hit was observed by video slow play .

  15. 好好利用这个城市高效的公共交通系统,你可以把购物安排在普拉兰的雅皮街,一月份可以去现场看澳大利亚网球公开赛。

    Take advantage of the city 's efficient public transport system . Get your shopping fix at Chapel Street in Prahran . In January watch the tennis live at the Australian Open .

  16. 她在2011年赢得法国网球公开赛冠军,又于今年举起了澳大利亚网球公开赛的奖杯。尽管姗姗来迟,她出成绩的时机却是刚刚好,并且让她收入颇丰。

    Though she saved the best for late , winning the French Open in 2011 and the Australian Open this year , her timing was still impeccable , and she became a rich woman because of it .

  17. 德约科维奇在墨尔本的一个新闻发布会上表示,他对2007年的那件事“感到很不爽”。当时,德约科维奇还不到20岁。澳大利亚网球公开赛于周一在墨尔本开战。

    Speaking at a press conference in Melbourne , where the Australian Open began on Monday , Mr Djokovic said he " felt terrible " about the incident in 2007 , when he was still a teenager .

  18. 虽然我国女双选手郑洁和晏紫在四大满贯赛事之一的澳大利亚2006网球公开赛荣获冠军,以及2005年中国网球在WTA系列赛和大满贯赛事上实现了四个历史性的突破。

    China double players ZHENG Jie and YAN Zi won the champion in the 2006 Australia open ( one of the four gland slam tennis competitions ) and China tennis realized the historical breakthrough in 2005 WTA series of matches and gland slam competitions .

  19. 澳大利亚的网球公开赛上出现了令人惊叹的结果。

    Well , some history has been made in the semi-final at the Australian Open .

  20. 在澳大利亚,中国顶尖网球选手李娜的目的十分明确:除了要卫冕她在悉尼国际网球赛上的冠军头衔,她还要争取亮相澳大利亚网球公开赛总决赛。

    In Australia to defend her Sydney International title and a finals appearance at the Australian Open , China 's top tennis player Li Na has a sense of purpose .