
  • 网络Australian History;History of Australia
  1. 最近的森林火灾季节是澳大利亚历史上最严重的火灾季之一。

    The recent bushfire season was one of the worst in Australian history .

  2. 1950年的今天,托马斯·布莱梅爵士成为澳大利亚历史上仅有的一位元帅。

    1950-Sir Thomas Blamey becomes the only Field Marshal in Australian history .

  3. 黄金的发现是澳大利亚历史上的里程碑。

    The discovery of gold was a landmark in australia 's history .

  4. 这是澳大利亚历史上单笔额度最高的飞机订单。

    in the biggest single aircraft order in Australian history .

  5. 当局称这是澳大利亚历史上损失最大的灾难之一。

    Authorities calling this one of the most costly disasters in Australia 's history .

  6. 这是我们州和澳大利亚历史上所遭受的最严重的自然灾害。

    It 's the largest natural disaster in our state 's history and Australia 's history .

  7. 马克莱伦是澳大利亚历史最古老、最知名的地区之一。

    The McLaren Vale wine region is one of Australia 's oldest and best known wine districts .

  8. 帕特里克·怀特是澳大利亚历史上最杰出、最负盛名的作家之&。

    Patrick White is generally regarded as one of the most outstanding and prestigious writers in Australian history .

  9. 在经历澳大利亚历史上最严重的林火之后的快速全面的研究和应对。

    The most devastating bushfire in Australia 's history was followed by a fast and comprehensive research response .

  10. 所谓白澳政策是澳大利亚历史上一项著名的关于限制移民的政策。

    " White Australian Policy " is a significant policy in Australian history , which is about the restriction of immigrants .

  11. 悉尼是澳大利亚历史最悠久的城市,该国的经济引擎,也是澳大利亚所有方面的“首都”,只是没有冠以首都之名。

    Sydney is australia 's oldest city , the economic powerhouse of the nation and the country 's capital in everything but name .

  12. 在澳大利亚历史上,陆克文成为首个尚未完成任期就被自己政党抛弃的工党总理。

    Mr Rudd will be the first Labor prime minister to be dumped by his party before he could complete a term in office .

  13. 澳大利亚历史上最大的火灾发生在1983年,造成维多利亚和澳大利亚南部75人死亡,3000多处房屋倒闭。

    Australia 's deadliest fires were in 1983 , when blazes killed 75 people and destroyed more than 3000 homes in Victoria and South Australia .

  14. “或许是这种主题在澳大利亚历史和文化机制中很少见的原因,在澳大利亚还没有一件像这样的真正的收藏”。

    " Partly because of the invisibility of the subject in Australian history and cultural institutions there isn 't really a collection as such in Australia ," he said .

  15. 本文首先回顾了世界羊毛业市场从伦敦迁移到澳大利亚的历史及原因,然后描述了世界羊毛业市场现状,接着对澳洲羊毛业做了SWOT分析。

    This thesis reviewed the relocation of the international wool market from London to Australia , and then described the world market actuality , followed by SWOT analysis for Australian wool industry .

  16. 在澳大利亚,历史不仅收存于博物馆内,也存在于日常的生活中。

    In Australia , history is not only stored in museums , but also a presence in daily life .

  17. 澳大利亚是历史上较早在个别区域范围内通过了安乐死立法的国家之一。

    Australia is the history of the earlier in the individual regions within the scope of the legislation of euthanasia among the countries .

  18. 因为澳大利亚在历史上第一次遭受到外部入侵的威胁,澳洲大陆本土也遭到轰炸,澳大利亚不得不从传统的澳英联盟关系转向澳美联盟。

    A rift in their relation is directly caused by the outbreak of the Pacific War , for in its history Australia is threatened for the first time with a foreign invasion and its mainland is bombed .

  19. 本文主要探究第二次世界大战后,十英镑英国移民移居澳大利亚这一历史事件。

    This paper focuses on the historic event of " Ten Pound " British immigrants moved to Australia after World War ⅱ .

  20. 澳大利亚华人社会的历史变迁(1848-1947)

    The Historical Vicissitudes of Australian Chinese Community ( 1848-1947 );

  21. 第一部分:澳大利亚离婚制度的历史沿革。

    The first part : History of Australian Divorce System .

  22. 澳大利亚白澳政策的历史演变

    A historical change of the white policy in Australia

  23. 澳大利亚仅有200年历史,水土流失的发生和发展时间不算很长。

    Australia has a200-years-long history , the period of soil loss is not longer .

  24. 这在现代繁荣的澳大利亚是一个历史性的成就。

    This is an historic achievement for modern Australia in a time of prosperity .

  25. 第二次世界大战后至60年代中期是澳大利亚移民的重要历史时期。

    After the Second World War to the mid-60s was an important Australian historical immigration period .

  26. 这一部分首先就造就澳大利亚民族性的历史因素进行了研究。

    This part deals with the historical factors which account for the fostering of Australian identity .

  27. 结合澳大利亚文学传统和历史史实对小说进行文本分析,这篇论文揭示了达克在其中的双重身份:一方面她在对殖民话语的解构中表现出来的是一个后殖民作家的身份;

    In this thesis , by comparison with the Australian literary tradition and historical records , the textual analysis reveals that Dark is a post-colonial writer in her subversion of the colonial discourse and a colonial writer in her justification of British settlement in Australia .

  28. 澳大利亚英语词汇中折射出的澳大利亚历史

    Australian History as Reflected in Australian Vocabulary

  29. 历史上的今天-墨尔本最高温度记录2009年的今天,澳大利亚墨尔本最高温度记录,引发澳大利亚历史上最严重的森林火灾。

    Melbourne records highest-ever temperature 2009-Melbourne , Australia records highest-ever temperature , sparking the deadliest brushfires in Australian history .

  30. 本文主要论述澳大利亚英语词汇的特点及其所折射出来的澳大利亚历史。

    This paper mainly discusses the above characteristics of Australian English vocabulary and the Australian history as reflected in it .