
rén kǒu jīnɡ jì xué
  • population economics
  1. 有线电视普及的人口经济学探析

    Exploratory on Popularizing Cable Television with Population Economics

  2. 第一节介绍魁奈的前人:重商主义者的人口经济学思想。

    Section I introduces the predecessor of Quesnay : the population economics thought of the mercantilists .

  3. 对老年期价值变化的人口经济学研究

    A Demo-Economical Study on Changes of Economic Values of the Elderly

  4. 大学生就业问题的人口经济学分析

    An Analysis of Economics of Population : the Employment of College Students

  5. 人口经济学是从古典经济学派的人口经济理论发展而来的。

    Economics of population is form classical economic school 's theory of population and economy .

  6. 家庭因素对出生性别比失衡的影响&微观人口经济学视角的分析

    Family Factors Influencing on the Unbalance of Sex Ratio at Birth : Analyses Based on Microeconomic Demography

  7. 透视民工荒&当前我国农村劳动力转移态势的人口经济学分析

    See Through the Scarcity of Migrant Workers-Analysis of Transference Situation of Chinese Rural Labor According to Population Economics

  8. 采用人口经济学的一些指标,对北京市流动人口的特点进行分析。

    Uses some targets of population economics , the chapter analyzed the characteristic of the floating population in Beijing .

  9. 清代边疆开发不平衡性:一个从人口经济学角度的考察

    The Uneven Development of Border Areas in the Qing Dynasty : An Perspective from the Angle of Economic Demography

  10. 其次,通过对人口经济学、人口地理学、人口社会学的相关学科理论的阐述,为本文的研究提供理论支撑。

    Secondly , by the theory of Population economics , the geography , population sociology , we definite the theory basis .

  11. 制约女性人才发展的人口经济学因素主要是女性人口整体文化素质、教育收益、城市化水平、就业水平等几个方面。

    The demographic factors restricting the development of women talents are their literacy quality , educational gains , urbanization development and employment rate .

  12. 对微观人口经济学在生育行为中的运用,本文指出了其理论边界。

    For the application of micro-economics of population in the matter of birth , this paper has pointed out its theoretical boundary . 3 .

  13. 运用社会生态学、经济伦理学和人口经济学等跨学科研究方法,揭示了人口环境系统的特征、动因及其容量。

    With the application of social ecology , economic ethics , demographical economics , this paper shows the characteristics , dynamics and capacity of the system involving population and environment .

  14. 所采用的指标变量主要包括健康状况及健康相关危险因素、社会人口经济学特征、医疗服务利用及疾病经济负担等。

    The indexes involve physical condition , health related factor , social demography economic characteristics , medical service utilization and disease economic burden . Different index variables are analyzed with different statistical analysis methods .

  15. 指出生育现实中存在的哑铃现象,本质上虽然符合微观人口经济学的相关原理,但是却证明了收入水平和人口出生率之间并非完全的反比关系。

    This paper points out that although the " dumbbell phenomenon " existing in the reality of birth is in conformity with the related principles of micro-economics of population , it proves that the income level is incompletely inversely proportional to the birth rate .

  16. 政府限制人口支出经济学

    Economics of government payments to limit population

  17. 调查内容包括人口社会经济学特征、成年人饮食行为评价量表、食物频率调查表。

    The characteristics of social economy , adult eating behavior evaluation questionnaire , Short Food Frequency Questionnaire were surveyed .

  18. 人口社会经济学变量对农村居民的健康知识水平、获取意愿和行为水平有显著性影响。

    Socio-economic factors had statistically significant influence on the level of health knowledge , willingness of learning and behavioral risk factors of rural chronic patients .

  19. 人口质量的经济学特征与中国人力资本积累研究

    The Economic Characteristics of Population Quality and The Accumulation of Human Capital in China

  20. 中国人口转变的经济学分析

    Analysis of the Change of Chinese Population Economically

  21. 并基于此提出人口资源环境经济学的主要规律&广义物质资料再生产规律以及环境也是生产力、竞争力的观点,提出三个生产部类的价值补偿和实物补偿原理。

    Based on it , this chapter advances material compensation and value compensation in three productive departs .

  22. 因为它在生物资源的开发与管理,人口预测,经济学等领域具有重要指导作用而被广泛研究。

    It is widely applied in exploiture and administration of biology resource , population forecast , economics and so on .

  23. 流动人口信用缺失的经济学探析

    Economic Analysis of the Deficiency of the Credit of Floating Population

  24. 人口增长;贫困经济学与人口可持续发展

    Population development ; Poverty economy and sustainable population growth

  25. 第一章介绍马克思相对过剩人口理论和西方经济学流派中主要的失业理论并运用马克思主义批判武器进行简要的分析述评;

    In the first chapter I introduced west theory about unemployment and made a brief comment with Marxism weapon ;

  26. 试论教育投资能力与适度人口规模&一个人口质量经济学的视角

    The Relationship Between Education Investment Capacity and Proper Population Scale & a visual angle of population quality economics

  27. 介绍了人口社会学中的人口迁移理论和经济学中的社会成本理论的基本内容,以及它们在本文的运用。

    Introduce the basic content and application of Geographic migration theory in Demography and Social cost theory in Economics .

  28. 人口与经济问题是人类社会长期关注的问题之一,也是人口经济学最重要的研究内容。

    The problem of population and economy is one of the long term problems noticed by human society and is the most important research contents of population economics .

  29. 人口迁移流动是人口学的重要组成部分,区域内外的人口流动是人口学与经济学交叉结合的人口经济学的主要研究对象。

    The Population Migration and Float is an important component of demography , and Population Float in domestic area is also a main part studies in Population Economics .

  30. 人口问题一直是中西方关注的焦点和热点问题,从宏观角度对人口影响因素或从微观人口经济学角度对家庭生育决策的研究,为解决人口问题提供了众多视角。

    Population problem is always the worldwide focus and the hot issue in both China and the western countries . The research on determinants to population problem from macroscopical perspective and the research on family determination on child-bearing from microscopical have provided multiple visual angles for us .