
jiě ɡòu zhǔ yì
  • deconstructionism
  1. 德里达是以解构主义而著称于世的。

    Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism .

  2. 德里达解构主义的要害在于“符号差异的无穷运动”。

    The backbone of Derridas deconstructionism lies in " infinite movement of differences between signs " .

  3. 根据Knapp和Michaels的观点,那并不是说,在解构主义思维中,作品没有意义,总的来说是一个非常非常不同立场。

    That 's not at all the same thing as to say , according to the claim of Knapp and Michaels , that in deconstructive thinking texts have no meaning-a very , very different proposition altogether .

  4. 结构主义和解构主义符号哲学导向下的地图视觉艺术

    Map Visual Art Oriented by Structuralism and Deconstruction of Symbol Philosophy

  5. 运用解构主义观点批评本土文学;

    Viewpoint Point of view criticize the Chinese literature by Deconstruction ;

  6. 理论上说,解构主义肯定了译者的创造性和主体性。

    Theoretically speaking , deconstruction confirms translators ' creativity and subjectivity .

  7. 解构主义翻译学在中国

    A Review of the Development of Deconstruction Translation Theory in China

  8. 这些都与解构主义思想非常地一致。

    All these are quite in agreement with the deconstruction ideas .

  9. 解构主义颠覆的是西方的形而上学的传统。

    The aim of deconstruction is the tradition of western metaphysics .

  10. 翻译研究的文化转向:解构主义的推进

    A Cultural Turn in Translation Studies : Contributions Made by Deconstruction

  11. 雅克·德里达是西方哲学、美学和诗学从结构主义向解构主义转型的关键人物。

    Jacques Derrida was a crucial person from Structuralism to Deconstruction .

  12. 析解构主义建筑艺术

    Analyse and solve and construct building art of the doctrine

  13. 接下来论及解构主义的隐喻研究。

    Section Two discusses the metaphor study by the school of deconstruction .

  14. 谈希利斯·米勒的解构主义小说理论

    A Study on Hillis Miller 's Deconstruction Theory of Fiction

  15. 哈迪德的设计理念反应了建筑学中的解构主义理念。

    Hadid is considered the high priest of deconstructive architecture .

  16. 误读这一术语首先出现于西方解构主义思潮。

    The term presents in the western thoughts of deconstruction at first .

  17. 浅谈后现代设计中的解构主义

    A Brief Talk about Deconstruction in Post Modern Design

  18. 异化&解构主义翻译理论研究

    Foreignization & A Research of Deconstruction in Translation Studies

  19. 重建服饰话语&解构主义之于当代中国服饰文化的意义

    Reconstruct the apparel discourse & The meaning of deconstruction to china apparel culture

  20. 当代景观建筑设计思潮之解构主义

    On Deconstructivism in nowadays design trend of landscape architecture

  21. 思辨解构主义对当代产品设计的意义

    On the Significance of Deconstruction in Contemporary Product Design

  22. 保罗·德·曼的误读理论或修辞学版本的解构主义

    Paul de Man 's Theory of Reading and Rhetoric

  23. 解构主义不是说文本没有意义。

    Deconstruction doesn 't say texts have no meaning .

  24. 第四,否定文本结构中心和终极意义的解构主义的文本观。

    The fourth theory is Post-structuralism which negates that the text has ultimate meanings .

  25. 实际上,从结构主义范式到解构主义范式,正是从一个极端走向另一个极端。

    In fact , the Structural Paradigm and Deconstruction Paradigm respectively stand for extremeness .

  26. 浅析比较法研究中的东方主义视角马克思主义法学与解构主义法学之比较

    On Orientalism in Comparative Jurisprudence A Comparative Study of Marxism Jurisprudence and Deconstruction Jurisprudence

  27. 多元化程序机制的解构主义论证

    Argumentation on the Deconstruction of Disparate Proceeding Mechanism

  28. 解构主义建筑语言的哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration on the Language of Deconstruction Architecture

  29. 解构主义的兴盛,与结构主义的衰落有着直接的关系。

    The ups of constructivism has a direct connection with the downs of structuralism .

  30. 并从解构主义的角度出发,从能指和所指分离入手,解构了上帝在语言上的存在,分析了上帝存在命题的多角度走向。

    By separating signified and signifier , it analyses the existence of God in language .