
  • 网络human capital;Manpower cost;Human Resource Cost;HR cost;labor cost
  1. 去年12月,SAP宣布,将以34亿美元的价格收购人力成本管理软件公司SuccessFactors。

    Last December , SAP announced it would spend $ 3.4 billion on the human capital management software company successfactors .

  2. 人力成本投资;博弈;期权。

    Human capital investment ; Game theory ; Option .

  3. 第二部分:中国低廉的人力成本成就iPad

    Part 2 : in China , human costs are built into an iPad

  4. OLAP在人力成本核算系统中的多维数据分析研究

    Research on OLAP in human resource cost analyzing system

  5. 将本系统实际部署运行,经过实际验证,有效的降低了Android软件测试周期和人力成本,方案达到了预期指标。

    This system has been deployed and running in the actual projects . By validating the results , the project has achieved the targets and has effectively reduced the Android software testing cycles and labor costs .

  6. 制造每辆火车需要耗费Giapetto的可变人力成本和间接成本一共10美元。

    Each train built increases Giapetto 's variable labor and overhead costs by $ 10 .

  7. 新的NGN网络提高了维护效率,节约了大量的人力成本和运行成本,减少了网络管理难度,为内蒙古联通本地网的持续发展奠定了基础。

    The new NGN network is efficient . A lot of human resource and operating cost is saved . Network administration difficulties are reduced . The design makes a base for the continuous development for the Inner Mongolia local network .

  8. 对许多高科技企业和跨国公司来说,BPO不仅可以节省人力成本、宝贵的管理时间和资源,提高运营效率,并能使其更专注于核心业务,从而增强核心竞争力。

    To many high-tech enterprises and transnational corporations , BPO could not only save human cost ? managerial time and resource ? improve operating efficiency , but also make you concentrate on your core business , and then strengthen core competitiveness .

  9. 随着EICC的推广和深入人心,企业应该也只能从提高生产效率着手,通过确保工人进入生产线的每一秒时间都在产生相应的效益,来使得人力成本得到最大化的应用。

    With the popularization of EICC , the company should and could only achieve the maximum utility of the labor cost by improving the production efficiency , making sure the corresponding benefits has been produced the moment employees begin to work .

  10. 医疗服务人力成本与劳务价格研究

    Research on human cost of health - care and service price

  11. 此外,人力成本和合规成本也构成了一项挑战。

    Moreover , staff and compliance costs are a challenge .

  12. 而该体制的人力成本也正引起更密切的关注。

    The human costs of the system are also drawing closer attention .

  13. 方便的远程维护功能,降低人力成本。

    Its convenient long-distance maintenance function reduces manpower cost .

  14. 层级全责护理排班方式对护理人力成本的影响

    The influence of the full responsibility gradation nursing system to nursing human cost

  15. 剩下的3美元是材料和人力成本。

    The remaining $ 3 should cover the cost of materials and labour .

  16. 成本控制以讨论流程成本预算和人力成本预算为主。

    Cost control starts from process cost budget and human resource cost budget .

  17. 我国高校人力成本管理的理论方法研究

    A Research into Cost Management of Human Resources in China 's Higher Education

  18. 这对提高信息化程度,降低人力成本有着重要的意义。

    This increased level of information , reduce labor costs have an important significance .

  19. 医院管理者应加强护理人力成本的控制。

    As a hospital administrator , one should try to control the nursing cost .

  20. 采用我们的机器,可大大提高了生产效率,节约人力成本。

    Use our machines , can greatly improve production efficiency , saving labor costs .

  21. 在中国,某些技能的人力成本非常高。

    For some skills China is very expensive .

  22. 操作稳定,保养简单,可大幅降低停机保养的时间及维护的人力成本。

    Stable operation and easy maintenance will save manpower and time for routine maintenance .

  23. 长远来看,它节省了人力成本,提高了工作效率,具有较高的实用价值。

    It saves the manpower cost and improve work efficiency in the long run .

  24. 成本核算中人力成本的研究探讨

    Discussion on manpower cost in cost accounting

  25. 试论卫生人力成本的控制与优化

    Control and Optimization of Health Manpower Cost

  26. 医院后勤服务的人力成本大幅下降,而服务质量明显提高;

    At the same time , cost of human resource decreases and quality improves better .

  27. 联想表示,裁员将为公司每年节省人力成本2.5亿美元。

    Lenovo said the cuts would save the company $ 250m a year in labour costs .

  28. 高盛和摩根士丹利已承诺分别削减10亿美元非人力成本。

    Goldman and Morgan Stanley have already pledged to trim $ 1bn each in non-labour costs .

  29. 农村基本护理服务项目人力成本测算及补偿方法研究

    The Study of Manpower Cost Measurement and Compensation Methods of Essential Nursing Service Items in Rural Areas

  30. 鼓励研发资金与人力成本向弱势行业、地区倾斜,平衡区域研发结构平衡。

    Encourage R & D funding and manpower to vulnerable industries and regions , balancing their development .