
jǐn suō yín ɡēn
  • tighten money
  1. 一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。

    Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation

  2. 紧缩银根被认为是对付通货膨胀的特别有力的工具。

    Tight money is considered a particularly powerful tool for fighting inflation .

  3. 他关于紧缩银根降低成本的建议引起了人们的关注。

    His advice about tight cash management and cost reduction has been noted .

  4. 上周财政部宣布要紧缩银根,于是股票大跌。

    Stocks took a big drop last week when the Treasury Department announced it was trghtening credit controls .

  5. 同时一方面商业银行紧缩银根,对中小制造企业减少资金的支持。

    At the same time tightening the one hand , commercial banks , small and medium manufacturing companies to reduce financial support .

  6. 这些下跌的商品价格正在对里根的紧缩银根、减少税收和增加国防开支等一系列经济政策作出反应。

    Falling commodity prices are responding to Reagan 's economic policy of tight money supply , tax cuts and increased defence spending .

  7. 紧缩银根迫使英镑对美元的比率接近1:2.05,创26年来的新高(见图表)。

    The lure of tighter money pushed sterling up to around $ 2.05 this week , a new26-year high ( see chart ) .

  8. 管理者还采取其他措施紧缩银根,控制固定资产投资,以期防止过度支出。

    Regulators have also tightened bank credit by other means and imposed curbs on real estate investment in an effort to rein in excessive spending .

  9. 然而,本周在那里召开的峰会的议程却包括紧缩银根。20国集团领导人将在那里讨论笼罩在世界经济上空的乌云。

    This week it 's austerity on the agenda , as G20 leaders gather here to discuss the dark shadows hanging over the world economy .

  10. 他们必须紧缩银根,但上调政策利率又可能吸引资金从现金依然泛滥的富国流入,进一步加剧通胀压力。

    They have to tighten policy , but raising policy interest rates risks attracting capital flows from still cash-flooded rich countries , creating yet more inflationary pressure .

  11. 例如,进一步紧缩银根提高了利率成本,弱化了公众公司的资产负债表,因而可能提高股票本身的风险性。

    For example , tighter monetary policy may raise the riskiness of shares themselves by raising and weakening the balance sheets of publicly owned firms ( Bernanke and Gertler , 1995 ) .

  12. 2007年金融危机以来,各行各业或多或少受到了冲击,最近一时期,让人们似乎觉得有了复苏迹象,但又遇到了通货膨胀,各个商业银行紧缩银根。

    Since the 2007 financial crisis , every walk of life has been influenced more or less . Recently , it seems there are signs of recovery , but meeting with inflation , all commercial banks begin to squeeze money .

  13. 从2003年开始,在房地产业是否过热、房地产业是否出现泡沫的质疑声中,人民银行要求严格规范房地产贷款,不仅是对房地产开发贷款,而且对个人住房贷款都开始紧缩银根。

    From 2003 , with the oppugning of " Real Estate industry is overgrown ", Central Bank restrict the credit to Real Estate Industry , not only to the development enterprise of Real Estate , but also to personal consumer of this Industry .

  14. 银根紧缩、银根放松与放而不松&大萧条前后中美货币政策效果比较研究

    Tight Monetary Policy , Expansionary Policy and Invalidity & Comparative Study of Efficiency of Monetary Policy between U.S.A.and China around the Great Depression