
  • 网络sewing equipment;sew machine
  1. 公司拥有先进的电脑缝纫设备,精良的设备加上精湛的技术确保优良的品质。

    The company has advanced computer sewing equipment , sophisticated equipment coupled with superb technology to ensure good quality .

  2. 为服装工业提供新型缝纫设备的德国PFAFF公司

    PFAFF Offers New Sewing Machinery to the Garment Industry

  3. 产品生态链思维原则在缝纫设备研究开发中的应用

    Application of Creative Principle of Ecological Chains in Designing Sewing Machine

  4. 缝纫设备输送动力装置的分析

    Analysis on Power Delivery Units of Sewing Machine

  5. 最后,通过总结本课题的不足之处,对平针缝纫设备、非织造布复合材料、缝纫复合材料全方面的力学性能测试等方面提出了展望。

    At last , considering the deficiencies of this research , we came up with some prospects about the equipment for plain stitching , the non-woven fabric composites and a number of data from various properties of stitched composites .

  6. 按照生产过程质量控制理论要求及生产实践,服装生产过程质量控制环节主要有以下几个方面:服装生产原辅材料的质量控制;裁剪、缝纫设备的质量控制;

    According to the quality control theory demand of production process and the production practice , the links of quality control in garment production process mainly includes the following aspects : the material quality control , the quality control of cutting and sewing equipments ;

  7. 供应商应配备所有生产套装所需专业缝纫和熨烫设备。

    The supplier should have all professional stitching and pressing equipment to make dressed suits .

  8. 本公司拥有先进的缝纫与整烫设备以及完整、科学的质量管理体系。

    The company has advanced sewing and ironing equipment and the complete and scientific quality management system .

  9. 随着服装产业的迅猛发展,国内企业对各类工业缝纫机的需求也不断扩大,伴随着世界科技水平的不断提高,缝纫业对自动化设备升级发展的需求也迫在眉睫。

    With the rapid development of fashion industry , the need of all kinds of industrial sewingmachine is expands unceasingly . With the improvement of science and technology in theworld , the need of upgrade of sewing industry automation equipment is imminent .