
  1. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  2. Internet的Web服务器已在当今的互联网技术中得到了最广泛的应用。

    The web-server of the Internet has been widely used in the current Internet technology .

  3. 随着互联网技术的发展,出现了网络电视(TVoverInternetProtocol)。

    With the development of Internet technology , IPTV ( TV over Internet Protocol ) appears .

  4. 当前,随着互联网技术的迅速发展,Web应用程序已经覆盖各行各业。

    At present , with the rapid development of Internet technology , Web application has covered every walk of life .

  5. 现代GIS技术是通信技术、传统GIS和互联网技术,紧密结合的结果。

    Modern GIS technology is the result of close combination of traditional GIS , communication and computer network .

  6. 在互联网技术快速发展和移动通信技术不断更新换代的今天,Web服务己经发展到了移动领域。

    The rapid development of Internet technology and mobile communication technology constantly upgrading today , Web services have been developed to the mobile area .

  7. P2P网络和SIP协议都是目前互联网技术的研究热点。

    P2P network and SIP protocol both are the current Internet technology research focus .

  8. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)平台以软件应用租赁服务为核心,充分利用互联网技术,实现资源的共享以及管理的集中,能有效降低信息化成本。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is centered on application service of software for the purpose of sharing resources and lowering social costs .

  9. 近年来,随着互联网技术与网络应用程序的迅速发展,基于Web服务的分布式计算模式正在成为技术发展的新趋势。

    In recent years , as the rapid development of Internet technology and Web applications , distributed computing model based on Web services is becoming the new trend of technological development .

  10. 随着遥感技术和互联网技术的快速发展,地理信息系统(GIS)数据的获取和更新速度越来越快,如何将这些数据快速的在互联网上发布以便实现地理信息资源的共享是目前的热门话题。

    With the development of remote sensing technics and internet technics , the resolution and the update speed of GIS image data improve more and more greatly .

  11. 在此基础上提出,Web服务这一新的互联网技术具有良好的可封装性、松散耦合性、跨平台性和发现机制,适合用来进行企业信息系统的动态集成。

    On the basis of this , the author believes that web services , a new Internet technology , can be used to deal with the dynamic integration because of its high performances .

  12. 随着互联网技术的发展,软件及服务(SoftwareasaService,SaaS)作为一种新兴的软件应用模式,已成为现代软件科技发展的最新趋势。

    With the development of Internet technology , SaaS ( Software as a service ), has become the latest trend of modern software technology as a new Software application mode .

  13. 移动计算正变得越来越广泛,为Internet设备提供QoS保障和移动支持已成为新一代互联网技术的研究热点。

    Providing QoS guarantees and mobility support for Internet devices have become hot research points in the Next Generation Internet technologies , since mobile computing is getting more widespread .

  14. 互联网技术和移动通信技术的迅猛发展和相互逐步融合,已使IP协议将成为统一的网络平台成为业界的共识。

    The rapid development and the gradual integration of Internet technology and mobile communication technology has made it a consensus that IP protocol will become the uniform network platform .

  15. IPTV是互联网技术与电视技术结合的产物,它将两者的优势集于一身。

    IPTV is the product of the internet technology and television technology and it combines the advantages of the both .

  16. Web应用系统发布在Internet/Intranet环境中,虽然互联网技术已经使网络传输速度提高了不少,但用户对系统的响应速度还是提出了更高的要求。

    A Web application system will be published on Internet / Intranet , and Internet technology has improved the network speed , but users still show a higher demand on the response speed of a Web application system .

  17. 随着无线互联网技术的发展,WAP应用逐渐在手机用户中得到推广和认可。

    With the development of wireless Internet technology , WAP application gradually in the mobile phone user obtains the promotion and recognition .

  18. 随着以流媒体应用服务为主动力之一的互联网技术和宽带业务的快速发展,在IP网络上传输丰富多彩的影视节目成为可能。

    Along with the multimedia streaming service as one of an impulsive force , Internet technology and broadband services has developed rapidly , to transmit a variety of audio and video in the IP network become possible .

  19. 随着互联网技术的革新与发展,加之3G网的推出,新型新兴的互联网增值业务成为电信运营商新的收入增长点和必争之地。

    With the Internet technology innovation and development , coupled with the launch of 3G networks , the new emerging Internet value-added services have been carriers new revenue growth and contested .

  20. 这是由于随着飞速发展的Internet和通信技术,银行纷纷开展了基于互联网技术的银行服务与产品创新,数据大集中是对这些新的要求的有利支持。

    It is because that with the development of the Internet and communication technology , the bank develops banking serving and operation innovation , which are based on the Internet technology , and centralizing the data is favorableness support to the new requirement .

  21. 互联网技术的迅速发展,使Web已经成为世界范围内信息共享和信息传播的最主要渠道之一,其网上的文本数量也成指数级增长。

    Technical and quick development of Internet , make Web have already become information inside the scope of world 's share and one of the most outlets of the information dissemination , its text on the net originally the quantity also becomes the index number class growth .

  22. 自从1998年WAP论坛推出WAP1.0以来,无线互联网技术得到了进一步的应用和发展。

    The wireless-internet technology has been more popular and developed since WAP1.0 was published in1998 by WAP Forum .

  23. 随着互联网技术和应用的飞速发展,对等(Peer-to-Peer,简写P2P)网络在数据共享、流媒体等应用领域展现出了极大的优势,具有广阔的应用前景。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology and applications , P2P ( Peer-to-Peer ) network has shown great advantages in data sharing , streaming media and other application fields , and has broad application prospect .

  24. 采用图像处理的方法对鱼病进行自动诊断和早期预报,采用移动GPRS无线通讯技术和互联网技术进行远程数据采集和监控。

    Image processing is introduced to automatically diagnose and predict the illness of fish . Remote sampling and control of data are realized by mobile general packet radio service ( GPRS ) telecommunication technology and Internet technology .

  25. GML的起步虽然很晚,但它的发展势头很快,随着互联网技术的不断发展及网络GIS的广泛应用,GML格式的空间数据大量涌现,其管理也就成了当务之急。

    With the continuous development of Internet technology and the wide range of applications networks GIS , a large number of spatial data about GML format has came forth , and its management has became imperative .

  26. 它是利用互联网技术来扩展和完善地理信息系统的一项新技术,其核心是在地理信息系统中嵌入HTTP和TCP/IP标准的引用体系,实现互联网下的空间信息管理等地理信息系统功能。

    It is a new technology using internet to extend and improve geographical information system and the key point is to use HTTP and TCP / IP in geographical information system to make sure the space information management on the internet .

  27. 互联网技术以及多媒体技术的迅速发展,使得网络教育(E-learning)正逐渐成为重要的研究和应用领域,网络教育(E-learning)已经成为改革传统教育模式的强大动力和有效手段。

    With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technology , E-Learning is becoming an important area for research and application . E-learning has already become strong motive force and efficient method of reforming the traditional educational pattern .

  28. 公共管理理念的发展与变化,以及现代计算机技术和互联网技术的不断发展,尤其是3G移动技术的应用,为创新纳税服务方式提供了良好的环境和技术支持。

    Development of the concept of Public Management and change , and modern computer technology and Internet technology continues to evolve , and applications of 3G mobile technology , provides a good environment and technical support for Innovative way of tax service .

  29. 智能手机与3G技术的结合实现了对图像、音乐、视频流等多媒体技术支持和随地上网、电子商务、电子邮件等互联网技术,极大的丰富了人们的生活。

    Intelligent mobile phone combining with 3G technology realizes the support of images , music , video and other multimedia technical , and internet technology such as getting online everywhere , electronic commerce , sending and receiving e-mail , bringing people great convenience .

  30. 随着芯片技术、互联网技术、视频技术等的飞速发展,IT世界的计算能力、传输能力都大大提高,随之而来的是数据的极大丰富,以前难以想象的海量存储甚至可以移植到桌面的PC中。

    With the rapid development of IC technology , internet technology and video technology , computing and transmit capability of IT system has been enhanced greatly . As the same time , Data volumes also become very large . Unpredictable huge storage even can been realized in desktop system .