
hù bǔ zuò yònɡ
  • Complementary effect;complementary action;complementary system;supplementary action
  1. CI-7则由1对显性基因和1对隐性基因的互补作用控制。

    The resistance of CI-7 was controlled by complementary action of one dominant gene and one recessive gene .

  2. 其互补作用可提高肝脏占位的诊断率。

    The complementary action by the combined application of B Mede Ultrasonography and MRI can improve the diagnosis rate of space occupying sign in liver .

  3. 结论:CTA和US作为快速的无创伤的检测血管形态的技术,在诊断颅外颈动脉狭窄方面具有互补作用。

    Conclusions CTA and US are complementing in diagnosing the extracranial carotid stenosis .

  4. 结论:脊柱外伤性骨折影像诊断应注重常规X线平片和CT扫描检查的互补作用。

    Conclusion : The routine radiography and CT scan are complementary in the diagnosis of spinal traumatic fracture .

  5. 由于琼脂用量和培养基的pH值在改善培养基凝固效果方面起到互补作用。

    Because of complementary roles of agar medium dosage and the pH value in the effect of medium solidification .

  6. 结论:CT和纤维支气管镜联合检查在胸片正常咯血患者的诊断中有互补作用,两者综合考虑能明确提高诊断率。

    Conclusion : The combined CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopy can exert a complement action in the diagnosis of hemoptic patients with normal chest roentgenograms ; the synthetic results improve prominently the diagnostic rate .

  7. 土壤P与叶片P含量呈负相关,表明在生产中应讲究P肥施用效果。由此也可见土壤分析与叶片分析在营养诊断中的互补作用。

    Leaves N and soil N were positive correlation , Leaves P and soil P were negative correlation , so should scientific rational fertilize P. The result showed the soil and leaf analysis mutual effect in nutrition diagnosis .

  8. AIDP患者F波异常发生率明显高于MCV异常发生率,F波与MCV同时检测在吉兰巴雷综合征诊断中有着重要的互补作用。

    In AIDP , the occurrence rate of abnormal F waves might be much helpful for each other in diagnosing GBS .

  9. 提出了一种求解解答主部x0的图介方法,可直接得出磁链幅值及相位随电源电压值的变化曲线,能显示出电路的全局性状可与数值计算方法起互补作用。

    A new diagrammatic method for determining the main oscillation x0 is recommended , which gives directly the curves of the amplitude and phase of flux verses source voltage , demonstrating the global behavior of the circuit .

  10. 于是将空时编码技术和OFDM结合可以起到很好地互补作用。另外,在实际的无线移动通信系统中,多径衰落和各种干扰等问题是同时存在的。

    It is a good way to combine STC with OFDM to solve this problem . Otherwise , various interference and multi-path fading exist in practical wireless communication systems at the same time .

  11. 结论:US、MS-CTA等非侵入性检查可较好地用于颈动脉狭窄的筛查,并在诊断颈动脉粥样硬化性病变方面具有互补作用。

    Conclusion : MS-CTA and US were significantly correlated in diagnosing carotid artery atherosclerosis , and complementing each other in screening for carotid atherosclerotic disease .

  12. 结论:脊柱爆裂型骨折影像学诊断应重视X线和CT扫描的互补作用,X线片是首选,发现异常,常规采用CT扫描,判断脊柱骨折的稳定性及并发症,以利于临床及时正确治疗。

    Conclusion : The X-ray and CT scanning have complementing effect for diagnosis of vertebral burst fracture . X-ray is the first choice . CT scan is necessary in evaluation of the stability and complications and is useful for correct management in time .

  13. 因为GEM模型能够更好的体现外部市场客户的需求,更加看重政府的作用,考虑到各个因素之间的互补作用,同时是一种偏向定量的方法。

    Because , the GEM model can reflect the external market better , pay more attention on the customer needs and the role of government , and take into account the complementary roles of the various factors .

  14. 结论双探头符合线路18F-FDG与血清肿瘤标志物结合在肺癌术后早期复发的监测上有互补作用。

    Conclusion The combination of ~ 18 F-FDG dual-head tomography with coincidence and serum tumor marker may be helpful in the detection of early recurrence of postoperative lung cancer .

  15. 研究试验应用作物模型与QTL定位的互补作用,对作物发育模型的生理参数作QTL定位分析,使作物发育的预测直接建立在单个遗传基因QTL的基础之上。

    This study uses the complementary role of crop modeling and QTL mapping to analyze the physiological parameters in a crop phenology model in order to make the prediction of the development duration built directly on the identified QTL .

  16. 结论无创性影像检查(CDFI、MRA)在诊断颈动脉狭窄及闭塞方面具有互补作用,应该配合应用,可作为普查和筛选的手段。

    Conclusion Noninvasive images ( CDFI , MRA ) have mutual effect . CDFI and MRA cooperative use is necessary . CDFI and MRA may be the methods of general investigation and case selection in diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis .

  17. 本文分析了参数互补作用对参数拟合结果的影响,在Chevron加氢裂化反应动力学模型基础上,提出了四参数模型,并讨论了参数的数值范围。

    In this paper , the mutual parameters ' effect on the result of regression is analyzed . By studying on Chevron 's hydrocracking kinetic model , a four-parameter model is presented , and the range of parameters is also analyzed .

  18. 在遗传分类上3088s为温光弱感型光敏核不育系,光温互补作用较强,因而具有稳定的不育期和稳定的可育期。

    Based on genetic classification , 3088S belongs to a photoperiod sensitive genie sterile line of temperature and photoperiod weakly sensitive type . As the light-temperature complementation in it is strong , both its sterile stage and fertile stage are stable .

  19. 同样,好的促销活动对品牌起到互补作用。

    Likewise , good sales promotion activities are complementary to branding .

  20. 长的或连续的光照性化反应受抑制,而光强度和光周期对性化反应是互补作用。

    Light intensity and photo-period play apparently complementary roles in sexual reaction .

  21. 尿沉渣微卫星分析与传统尿细胞学有一定互补作用。

    Microsatellite analysis and urine cytology could be complementary to each other .

  22. 艺术体操和健美操的同异及教学中的互补作用

    Similarities and Differences between Rhythmic and Aerobics and their Complementation in Teaching

  23. 本文利用这种互补作用提出了两种子波变换域多通道阈值降噪方法。

    This paper proposes two multi_channel image denoising methods in wavelet transform field .

  24. 凡是没有互补作用的,就说明它们属于同一基因。

    The absence of complementation suggests that they are in the same gene .

  25. 每一类机制均涉及直接作用、互补作用和调节作用。

    Each mechanism involves direct effects , complementary effects , and moderating effects .

  26. 遗传算法和复合形法的优势和缺陷起到互补作用。

    The combination of Genetic Algorithms and compound form method leads to complementarities .

  27. 柱孢鱼腥藻的铁蛋白与棕色固氮菌的钼铁蛋白的交叉互补作用

    Cross-reactivity of Fe-protein of Anabaena cylindrica and Mo Fe-protein of Azotobacter vineland ⅱ

  28. 多种食物间氨基酸互补作用的数学计算

    Mathematical calculation of amino acid complementation within various foods

  29. 发挥经济上的互补作用促进两岸经济共同发展

    On Economic Exchanges and Cooperation to Promote Common Development of Both Sides of Taiwan Strait

  30. 他说:“公平性对于追求长期繁荣具有互补作用”。

    " Equity is complementary to the pursuit of long term prosperity ," he says .