
shè huì jiē cénɡ
  • social class
  1. 旧的价值观念正植根于新的社会阶层。

    Old values are being grafted onto a new social class .

  2. 市场研究人员常常按年龄和社会阶层划分人口。

    Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class .

  3. 客人们来自各个社会阶层。

    The guests came from all social backgrounds

  4. 前往海湾的工人来自巴基斯坦最贫穷的社会阶层。

    Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society .

  5. 电视改变了重大体育赛事观众的规模和其社会阶层构成结构。

    Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions

  6. 这是一个影响到一切社会阶层的问题。

    This is a problem that cuts across all strata of society .

  7. 他们多被归类为出生低下、平凡无奇,且被轻视的社会阶层。而那些自认为是现代社会贵族的人经常会鄙视或嘲笑他们。

    They were often defined as members of a low-born , despised social class and a commoner , while many people who consider themselves modern-day patricians often look down and mock them .

  8. 作为一个主要由外来移民所组成的社会阶层,外邦人(Metics)是解读雅典城邦社会形态的重要载体。

    As an estate that is mainly composed of foreign immigrants , metics is the important carrier to unscramble the Athenian polis .

  9. 合理的社会阶层结构是构建和谐社会的基础

    Reasonable social class structure is the basis for building harmonious society

  10. 近年来关于中国社会阶层问题研究的综述

    A Summary of the Chinese Social Strata Studies in Recent Years

  11. 对当前农村社会阶层分化的探析

    Analysis about the Division of the Social Stratum of Current Village

  12. 我国现阶段社会阶层分化与教育机会均等

    Social Strata Polarization and Equal Opportunity of Education in Present China

  13. 新时期我国社会阶层分化的特点

    The characteristics of China 's social strata in a new period

  14. 中国社会阶层结构变迁的展望和导向

    Prospect and Direction : Changes in China 's Social Stratum Structure

  15. 第六章是城市人口和社会阶层的变化。

    Chapter VI : The Change of City Population and Social Strata .

  16. 他们鼓励工人、消费者和其他社会阶层合成一体。

    They encouraged workers , consumers and other sections to group together .

  17. 来自各个社会阶层和所有政党的新拥护者。

    Recruits from all social grades and every political party .

  18. 当前中国社会阶层关系变迁中的非均衡问题

    Problems of the Non-Equilibrium between the Current Chinese Social Strata in Change

  19. 绅士在古代中国主要是指一种社会阶层。

    Gentleman refers to a social class in ancient China .

  20. 论吸收新的社会阶层先进分子入党问题

    On admitting the advanced elements of new social strata into the Party

  21. 社会阶层和社会阶级的内涵诠释与界分

    Annotation and Distinction on the Meaning of Social Stratum and Social Class

  22. 社会阶层与教育获得之间存在着密切的联系。

    There exists a close relation between social stratum and educational obtainment .

  23. 试论新的社会阶层中的团组织建设

    On the building of League organizations in new social strata

  24. 教育与社会阶层结构是一种非线性的互动关系。

    It is a non-linear interaction between education and social stratum structure .

  25. 论中国新兴社会阶层的政治地位

    On the Political Status of New - Rising Social Stratum in China

  26. 新社会阶层在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用

    The Effect of the New Social Class on Building Socialist Harmonious Society

  27. 改革开放以来,中国出现了新的社会阶层。

    The new social strata have emerged in china since Reform and Opening .

  28. 今天,手机的应用已经普及到各个社会阶层了。

    The use of mobile phones prevails across all levels of society today .

  29. 我国不同社会阶层人口体育现状的调查与研究(之二)

    Investigation and study of present situation of sport about different social strata (ⅱ)

  30. 当代中国社会阶层的分化及其应对措施

    Division and Countermeasures of Social Stratum in Contemporary China